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Sect Leader Nie HuaiSang.

He bows and joins me as he turns to watch the setting sun painting the sky with varied hues of pink. It creates a contrast against the snow covered mountains. The rays reflect against the surface appearing it to gleam in the otherwise pleasent weather.

"Care to listen to a story, Hanguang-Jun?" He smiles and not waiting for an answer, he continues "there was this young boy for whom his brother meant the world. The brother was strict but the young boy knew it was for his own benefit. As they grew, their world was small but they were contended. The brother became busy with his Sect duties and one day brought home a friend. The brother asked the young boy to befriend his friend and the young boy was happy that maybe finally he could play" he pauses to catch the lone snowflake gently in his palm "but he never realised that he would be more lonely than ever. The man he befriended never had time for him. His brother never had time for him too and during the course of their life, he even had two sworn brothers. The young boy was truly lonely. He purposely made mistakes or acted feeble so atleast under the guise of anger, his brother would pay attention to him" he blows the lone snowflake "best moments of his life. Then came a day when he saw everything. His innocence shattered. His brother was killed. He witnessed it. He knew he had to seek retribution" finally he turns to look at me "years of planning got him the justice he sought. Hanguang-Jun, I am not here to justify my act nor am I here to give you any explanation. I know you don't need one nor do I need to give one."

"Then why?" I enquire.

"Hanguang-Jun, do you remember that night Jin Guang Yao said something 'No one is born bad, they're made bad'?" He sighs "those words constantly remind me that I am not bad, Hanguang-Jun. I was never bad. You don't need to know the details of..." He pauses and shakes his head "just know that the doors of Nie Sect is always open".

He looks around and sighs "I wish I was that naive 15 year old boy who came to Gusu under the pretext of studying and made some amazing friends. Did you know Wei Wuxian was my first friend that I ever made? Hanguang-Jun, back then I even considered you as my friend, even Yunmeng Sect Leader Jiang Cheng. How gullible we were or atleast I was. Never realised life would take such drastic turn of events. My brother who promised to protect me, gave up his life doing that and I..." he shakes his head "I couldn't pick up the saber and declare a war. I just had to sit back and carefully concoct a plan that had to work".

"Mo Xuan Yu, did you know him?" I enquire and he looks at me. I could see he was trying to contemplate the answer and finally he acquiesces.

"Yes I knew him. Mo Xuan Yu was a kind soul that you would rarely come across in a lifetime. Nothing affected him. You could probably tell him he's worthless and still he'd smile and take it as a compliment and lead his life to the fullest".

If what you say is true, why did he sacrifice his own life?

"I met Mo Xuan Yu a couple of times in Koi Tower when I used to accompany brother. He became my friend and I took him under my wings. He was always so curious, he used to share with me every single details. We did have a very healthy relationship. But after what happened to my brother, I started becoming very distant with everyone around. Maybe I shouldn't have. I could have protected him. One such time there was a banquet and I couldn't avoid that so when I was in Koi Tower and went around for a stroll, I saw" he eyes locks with mine "I witnessed Jin Guang Yao's victim was Mo Xuan Yu. You don't need to know the details but know this, the life in Mo Xuan Yu's eyes diminished. He was no longer the lovely soul I knew him to be. Soon he was thrown out and he went back to his village".

Lan Zhan's Untamed (Lan Zhan x Wei Wuxian)Where stories live. Discover now