Mark and Ethan Attempt an Escape Room

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Kyle- When you get inside know that there is no way to help for additional clues, stuff like that. If your life is in danger, oh well, we're not going to help you out with that, alright? It doesn't mean that you won't receive help  at all it just means that you're not in control.

Mark- No, we're ok!

Ethan- If we die, we die!


Kyle- you may encounter a live performance out of this room, if you do just know that they're human, just like you and me.

Mark- Like a concert?

Kyle- No! nonononono like an actor; like a Daniel Day-Lewis type

Ethan- Is it Daniel Day-Lewis?

Mark- Is it  Daniel Day-Lewis?

Kyle- It is not  Daniel Day-Lewis.

Ethan- I think it might be Daniel Day-Lewis.


Kyle- Also you may come across a vial of, uh, liquid, just don't pour it out.

Ethan- Pee?

Mark- Pee? Blood? Semen?!


Edward I (assume)-  Hello again, my delectable little darlings-

Mark- Again?


Mark- I'm just gonna start shoving it in holes.  (;3)


Ethan- Can you do anything with the things that you have to that thing?


Ethan- What if we're dumb?

Mark- Well that was a fact already proven.


Mark- It's a to-do list: buy Bourbon, get milk, fix electrical panel under the house, kill that damn squeaking rat hiding in the- we got to kill it!


Mark- I'm too big to fit in that hole! (;3)

Ethan- I don't wanna!

Mark- I'm too thicc!


Mark- You ever hear that story of a guy who got stuck in a cave?

Ethan- I fucking hate you.


Amy- Shove him in there.

Ethan- Mark, no! Nononononononononono! Please do not do that, I'm- This is my safe word- Safe word!


Ethan- *raises pinkie finger* Give me a pinkie promise, pinkie promise your not a bad guy?


Ethan- The beeping, does that pertain to your life?

Mark- Is that a bomb?

Quinn- No, that's my heart.

Mark- no that's a- that's a machine.

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