Ethan- I want you to name a number.
Mark- 2010, right round the corner.
Mark- You know what makes me mad?
Ethan- What?
Mark/Ethan- The slow decline of America's small business/People not fulfilling their dreams?
Mark- oh, yeah, that too.
Mark- Jeff bezos, this is for you!
(That capless pig)
Ethan whisper voice- OASIS! OASIS!
Mark- Long dick states
Mark- Ok, so, what was the technique?
Ethan- I don't know...
Ethan- Go Mark Go! Go Mark Go!
Memento Mori~
Unus Annus quotes
Humorquotes from Unus Annus Might be some quotes from the camera crew (e.g. Amy and Evan) some quotes may not be suitable for kids due to some of the videos. I do not work or associate with Unus Annus, I only write down quotes. Momento Mori.