Ethan Gives Mark a Viking Funeral

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Ethan- How tall are you?

Mark- Eh, maybe 7'3".

Ethan- 7'4".

Mark- 7'3"- Ah, sorry, 7'1" with shoes off.


Mark- that's not gonna be very comfortable...

Ethan- Well, your going to be dead, so does it matter?


Ethan- you're an engineer right?

Mark- yeah.

Ethan- right?

Mark- yeah.

Ethan- right?

Mark- yeah. Wait, no sorry, the answer is no.


Mark- I don't want to be a burden to anyone when I die, which is why I wanna be burned, so I'm not a burnden! 

Ethan- *Just gives a face of pure disappointment at Mark*




Mark- we have a big one here~

Ethan- Alright.

Mark- This is really big!~

Ethan- wait a second.

Mark- dude, it's so big!~

Ethan- Yeah, hold on.

Mark- This one's big!~

Ethan- Yeah, ok, hold on a second.

Mark- Dude, it's huge!~


Mark- You know, if I had to go out, I would not mind going out with a brand deal from Nerdy Nummies. Nerdy Nummies! I don't know what their slogan is!


context- Ethan stabbed at his face through a box with scissors

Mark- Ahh! I'm alive!

Ethan- Barely!


Mark- My death is gonna have so many sponsors!


Ethan- Do you wanna change your clothes? (;3)

Mark- Why?

Ethan- Well, because we have to put you out in a river.

Mark- Well, I mean, It's gonna float.

Ethan- Are we sure?

Mark- Cheah!


Context- Mark is about to fall down the stairs in his "Coffin/boat"

Mark- I'm almost in!

Ethan- You ready?

Mark- I'm ready!

Ethan- Are you ready?

Mark- I'm ready!

Ethan- Are you sure?

Mark- Yeah, yeah.

Ethan- Are you sure?

Mark- Yeah, I'm fine.

Ethan- *Let's him go* Oh my god, are you ok? Oh my god, that picked up speed so fast!

Amy- You look like the wicked witch of the west.

Ethan- *Continues laughing*

Mark- I seem to be stuck.

Ethan- *Laughs heavily*

Mark- I think you have to take my feet and pull the box down so we're flat first.

Amy's edit- *Incoherent directions (Mark)*

Ethan- That was so fast! *Laughs*

Mark- Just pull, it's ok!

Ethan- I just can't stop laughing!


Mark- Help me, I'm really wedged in Nerdy Nummies 


Ethan- Mark was a humble- mm, humble? I don't think we'd call him humble. Mark- he was a man! A strong man; strong willed and strong bodied. But he lacked an intelligence he made up for it with his charm, him smile and his ok pen-is. Few have experienced what Mark truly- who he was. He was a man who did things, and he did them until he wasn't doing them anymore. He was a great friend, he was kind, he was kind of attractive, he- kind of attractive. In some circles he'd be attractive. alright; with that-

Mark- That was awful!

Ethan-  -I'm going to-

Mark- I don't think you made a complete sentence the entire time.


Ethan- The annus to my unus.


Summery- In this Video, Mark is given the traditional Viking funeral he wated to prepare him for him last memory, for his funeral.



A Viking Funeral is when you send your dearly departed down a river on a boat and then light that boat on fire with a flaming arrow. Probably not historically accurate but neither is our reacreation.

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Edited by Amy ►

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Do not archive or re-upload anything. This is our last wish. Our parting gift. Stay true to the purpose of our final year or we shall lay down wrath upon those that attempt to escape the end. 

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Unus Annus.

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