Preserving Ourselves In Wax

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Seán- I think Ethan know when the camera's are on and then he's like *Irish noises*


Ethan- Listen it's not about me right now, it's about us *Pats Mark's back* huh? *Pats Seán's back* us *almost pat's Mark's back* fuck, I'm just proving my-


Seán- How? 

Mark- Wax!

Ethan- That's what it is...

Mark- And that's the answer.


Mark- Why was it on a harder blow?

Ethan- *giggles* harder blow.


context- Seán asked what we were all thinking, if they were going to move in a house and get married after unus annus was over.

Ethan- We talked about that!

Mark- No, you talked about that.

Ethan- I talked about it!


Ethan- Fair is fair! Why am I asking? 


Mark- Wax flammable! Good thing we didn't use fire!


Mark- It's warm!

Ethan- Er... It's hot wax-


Mark- What's up there chuckles?

Ethan- *giggles* the goop is funny to me.

Mark- He's in his own little world.


Seán- I don't know if that's a good idea or a GREAT idea!


Ethan- Ok, you are going to PAINT it on me, you are not going to POUR it on me.

Mark- Why would I pour it on you?

Ethan- Because I don't trust you.

Mark- *funny hand gestures* are you Insane?!


Seán- oh, now we're going to a get a peanut allergy...


Ethan- I feel insecure about my body!


Seán- You'll be like a snake!

Mark- You'll be like a crab, or a lobster!

Ethan- Or a snake.

Mark- Or a lobster. (Bit jealous are we Mark XD)

Seán- I just said that word...


Seán- You look like someone just spat in your face.


Seán- This is gonna be so nice, my pores are gonna open!


Mark- *mumbles*

Seán- What?

Mark- *mumbles*

Seán- Speak up, Wax man.

Mark- *Aggressive mumbling*


Ethan- Don't be dumb-

Seán- *Mumble whispers* Like we were...



Improving our minds, bodies and souls is our #1 priority, so to preserve our temples of flesh even more, we dipped them in wax.


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Edited by Diceroll ►

This channel, along with every video that has or will ever be uploaded on this channel, will be deleted after our year has ended. This is inevitable. Inescapable. Irreversible. 

Do not archive or re-upload anything. This is our last wish. Our parting gift. Stay true to the purpose of our final year or we shall lay down wrath upon those that attempt to escape the end. 

Memento Mori. 

Unus Annus.

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