Help Us Break a YouTube World Record

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Ethan- Mark and I have been doing YouTube for quite a while.

Mark- Yeah, yeah.

Ethan- I think I'd say we're both pretty experienced in the, the art of the tube.

(Each others tubes, your own or just tubes in general?)


Mark- WIX? Wait, WIX is a site building websites... that should sponsor us!


Mark- Put like a chain over it, and a lock and say 'unlockable DLC please pay $100k


Mark- Do you remember when you became an overnight sensation?


(I apologize for the huge ass paragraph)

Mark- Standing on top of a hill on top of my decapitated enemies; their blood running down my face; my sword still warm with the, the heat of their insides. Guts strewn about my body; hanging off me like a perverted ornament. Me screaming at the top of my lungs to a sky with red clouds. Lightning strikes me from behind illuminating my mad face; my eyes, crazed as they are, pupils dilated to the maximum. Still, fresh blood pouring down my chin; the hearts of my enimies in my hand, still beating as I watch it slowly thump, thump, thump, and then stillness and only my heart remains beating. That's what success means.

Ethan- hm, uh, I just want .h dad to say that he's finally proud of me.


Ethan- I love Jolly Ranchers c:


Ethan- Alright guys, lemme show you what it's like to be a YouTuber. "TITLE PENDING-- MARK PLEASE DON'T RELEASE THIS VIDEO WITHOUT A TITLE"


Mark- Are we good YouTubers?

Ethan- No.

Mark- ok, we've got our answer, there you have it everybody!


Ethan- The first comment on my channel when I started re-uploading was "kill yourself"


*Spamming channels*

Ethan- I did it for a bit; it didn't work at all.

Mark- yeah, you did it on my channel didn't you? I remember.

Ethan- Yeah, You banned me from your channel.


Ethan- Purple...

Mark- You're not gonna get any in the first batch, you gotta...-

Ethan- Purple...

Mark- Purple.

Ethan- Purple...

Mark- That's not advice...

Ethan- Purple.



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Memento Mori.

Unus Annus.

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