Ethan- You've never been more frustrating than today.
(Oh how the turn tables)
Mark- So a time box.
Ethan- Time box. Time bomb c:
Mark- Pretty much anything we got in any video Amy has provided to us.
Amy- When are you opening these?
Mark- Uh, the day after, uh, the channel dies.
(No clickbaity titles here Bois)
Mark- Yeah, we're burying them.
Ethan- Where?
Mark- In the dirt...
Mark- I need you to repeat what I just said.
Ethan- uh, when the 5 minutes is to get the stuff for the time capsule and then we do the making when we get back c:
Ethan- This is a bag of sex toys.
Ethan- Continue, continue, just... Let it go.
(Do you know Mark?)
Amy- Ethan, Ethan. Maybe they'll taste better after they've spent 6 months in the ground.
Mark- It's an onion holder so my onion stays in place *Onion falls*
Ethan- To Mark, thank you for being an inspiration to me, to Amy and so many others.
Momento Mori~
Unus Annus quotes
Humorquotes from Unus Annus Might be some quotes from the camera crew (e.g. Amy and Evan) some quotes may not be suitable for kids due to some of the videos. I do not work or associate with Unus Annus, I only write down quotes. Momento Mori.