Are We Already Dead?

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Mark- Death is funny!


Ethan- We've gone to the funniest website on the planet for the funniest articles about death.

Mark- This isn't !


Mark- He's got this, like, weird skull funnel.

Ethan- Mhm.

Mark- cup?

Ethan- Well, that was mum.

Mark- Still his.


Ethan- Have everyone form a line and sign their name on your brother's body.


Ethan- Ask your brother's lifeguard friend to come and try CPR 1 last time.


Mark- Or, did Vincent, Richie; Angelo, who taught you everything you knew about the sport and now they're gone... Jesus Christ, they're all gone...


Ethan- I've never been able to place my hand upon that supple ass of his.


Mark- How did you get into the room that you're in right now?: Through an already open door, through a door that you remember opening, through a door that you don't remember opening or have you always been in this room? (Nah, climbed in through the window, mate)


Mark- How long have you been wearing the clothes you have on right now? This is an unfair question; I feel like it's specifically targeted at me!



Mark and Ethan try to answer some of life's most perplexing questions. Are we already dead? How many ways have you padded out the running time of your brother's funeral?

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