We Got Pepper Sprayed

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Ethan- Luna's Training Security Academy. Is that right?

Luna-  close enough.

Mark- Security Training Academy.a

Ethan- Security- I'm so nervous! Luna's Training Security Academy.


Ethan- ok, first of all, just to pad more time out...


Mark- Ethan.

Ethan- Wut?

Mark- Just bear in mind, this cannot kill you.

Ethan- No, I'm not afraid of it k- that's not what I'm afraid of...


Kevin- Don't do this at home kidz!


Ethan- It would take so much money for me to do this again.

Amy- How much?

Ethan- So much fucking money!

(Very specific ;-;)


Mark- Oh, more please, Kevin!

Kevin- Please, more water Kevin!


Ethan- If you are in a situation where someone threatens you with Pepper spray, stop whatever you are doing!


Kevin- Luna's Training Security Academy.

Luna- You changed it...



WARNING: DO NOT TRY THIS! We were Pepper Sprayed by trained professionals in a controlled environment. This is not a joke. This is real and painful but was done to understand the severity.
SEND LOVE TO LUNA ➤ https://www.youtube.com/lunastraining.com/

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