Floating in a Real Sensory Deprivation Tank

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Ethan- We had 80 pounds (36.2873896 kg) of salt.

Mark- Yes.

Ethan- but here we are just float in Pasadena, California; these bad boys have 1500-?

Mark- 1500 pounds (680.388554 kg)

Ethan-  -of salt so we were just a little  shy.


Ethan- I'll go first-

Mark- ok.

Ethan-  -If you want me to go first~


*It goes dark*

Ethan- Night vison - ENGAGE


Mark- Does it make you more relaxed to know that a big, strong man is standing guard to make sure-

Ethan- Are you the strong man? 

Mark- Yes, well, I hope so, unless there's some other big, strong man.

Ethan- No, you're the only strong man. 


Mark- *Doing his Georgian chant thingy*

Ethan- I'm on my tummy! Just floating like I'm a turtle.


Mark- *Telling the story of Adam and Eve* There was someone like Adam but was different, Boobular. Someone that maybe Adam could finally feel whole with, wink. 


Mark- Did you listen to my story? 

Ethan- Yeah.

Mark- What did I say? 

Ethan- Adam and Eve, they bit into the apple and God said, "fucking bitch."


Ethan- don't rub your eye you idiot boy.


Ethan- *Puts the mic in his mouth* Who gives you the right?! 

               *takes it out* Get in the tub, bitch.


Mark- *Takes off his robe* 

Ethan- You are the light of the lord.


Mark- Oh my god, even when you're quiet you're mostly annoying.


(A/N): Not doing summaries unless I have no quotes for that video



We tried to make a sensory deprivation chamber and failed miserably. Now... we go to the real deal. With 1500lbs of salt and a whole bunch of water, you'll float to! 

Just Float ► https://www.justfloat.com/

ᴜɴᴜs ➣ https://www.youtube.com/crankgameplays

ᴀɴɴᴜs ➢ https://www.youtube.com/markiplier

ᴍᴇʀᴄʜ ➤ https://www.unusannus.com/

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Edited By ► https://www.youtube.com/user/LixianTV

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Unus Annus.

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