breakfast in bed

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title: say you won't let go - james arthur

elle's POV


i wake up and hear the kids laughing, along with billie's adorable giggle. i turn and see she's nowhere in sight. i get up and get dressed before walking out to the living room. "no! go back to bed" billie orders. i see billie and all the kids in aprons making pancakes on the counter. em is sitting on the counter with a play whisk in her hand and finn and gray are fighting over the play spatula. "what's going on?" i laugh with a smile. "we're making you breakfast" billie answers. "awe, that's so sweet" i smile and hug billie, kissing her cheek. "emory here is doing such a good job helping me whisk, isn't that right?" she smiles and boops em's nose. "yay!" em claps her hands. finn lets go of the toy spatula and gray falls to the ground due to the amount of power he was using to try to take it from finn. finn runs over to me and hugs my leg as gray lays on the floor, wondering what just happened. "you're alright, you're okay" i encourage him. we've learned that if we make a big fuss about the kids getting hurt, they'll cry. and if we say they're fine, they'll believe it. gray stands up and hits finn with the spatula, laughing afterword. "gray, no. apologize to finn." i order. gray places the spatula on the floor and hugs finn, making them both laugh and smile.

"alright em, i'm gonna teach you something cool. watch this" billie explains, getting some of the mix and pouring it into the pan. "now we wait" billie says, making em just furrow her eyebrows as to say that it wasn't that cool. after a few seconds billie picks up the pan and flicks it, making the pancake flip in the air. they all look over at billie and clap for her. "thank you, thank you" she smiles pridefully. "good job" i laugh. "i'm so talented" she says in her diva voice, sticking her tongue out (i'M a VeGaN) "so as i said, we're making you breakfast. go back to bed" billie shoes me, trying to push me out of the kitchen. "fine" i groan and walk back to our room. 

about half an hour later the door opens and finn smiles at me, running to the bed and climbing onto it. em, gray and billie follow him and billie places a tray on my lap. it has a pancake with whipped cream and syrup on it and a glass of orange juice. "you know it's all vegan so don't give me that look" she answers before i can ask. "thank you angel" i smile and bring her down for a kiss, resulting in all the kids saying ew. "thank you guys" i say and hug them all together. "do you guys wanna watch a show? you can bring your food in here if mama says it's okay" i suggest. "they already ate. i figured you'd ask if they wanted to watch a movie or something so i made small pancakes and they loved them. i actually have pictures of them eating them and smearing whipped cream on each other if you'd like to see" billie explains, taking her phone out. "obviously i'd love to see them" i agree. she sits down beside me and all the kids climb around her, finn laying on her stomach, gray laying between her legs and em laying between us. billie turns on a show for them called beat bugs, which is a show about bugs that sing the beatles songs, and starts showing me the pictures.

the best morning i've had in a while

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