fuck your mom

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title: kill me bitch - $NOT

billie's POV

i was doing my schoolwork and then i fell asleep. then i woke up and wrote this.


we finish getting everything ready and people start showing up. the kids will be here in like half an hour so we have some time to kill. finneas and claudia showed up first with their new baby. i shouldn't say new he's several months old. "hello little billie" i smile and pick him up from his carseat. "he's so adorable" i tell claudia. "a whole prince" she laughs. they named him william and they usually call him will because they don't want to mix him and i up. kinda like how we call baby finneas, finn, instead. 

i get a text from my mom saying that they will be here soon. we decided we didn't want to jump out and say surprise because grayson gets scared easily. so as we wait elle and i just go around talking to our guests.

the door opens and i watch em run to me and elle, hugging us both. "look em, it's all your friends" elle points out. "i don't think she noticed" i laugh, seeing her still holding onto elle and i. finn runs to finneas and hugs him while gray just stays by mom's side and looks around. once he sees one of his friends he walks over to her and hugs her. "happy birthday buddy" finneas smiles widely, holding my finn in his arms. 

i love the way they interact. 

finneas is the best uncle, not to mention the best dad as well. 

we are about an hour into the party and it's been going pretty good. we've been outside for most of it because that's where all the games and shit are. there's kids in the bouncy house so elle won't let me go in. she says i have to be an adult. 

fuck that.

i try to get up from the outside table but elle pulls me back down. "you're not getting in the bouncy house" she repeats, making the other parents laugh. "damn it." i whisper to myself and bow my head. "elle! millie! great to see you!" elle and i both give each other a look as to say, fuck that bitch, before we both stand up to greet her.

emily is the bitchiest mom i've ever met. we didn't even invite her. her kid is two years older than the triplets. the only reason we know her is because our kids go to daycare together but they aren't even friends. 

"go on caleb, go play" emily smiles and lets go of her kids hand. he immediately runs away as if he knows some shit's boutta go down. "it's actually billie, not millie" i correct her. "oh, sorry" she laughs. "how have you guys been?" she asks with a horribly fake smile. i look over to the other parents, seeing them start to leave the area and go check on their kids so they don't have to talk to emily. "we've been great. the kids are doing amazing, we just got them vaccinated and they took it like champs." i answer, knowing emily firmly believes in not vaccinating. i see her smile a little more, a flame arising in her eyes. "how's your relationship going by the way? are you two still "together"?" she asks, putting air quotes over the word together as if our relationship isn't real. "absolutely. we're almost four years going strong" elle smiles, holding my hand. "so who's the man in the relationship anyway?" obviously she asks the one question that makes both of our blood boil. 

"actually there is no man. that's kinda the point of a lesbian relationship. do you understand what a lesbian is? they don't like men in that way." i snap at her. "oh, i see. well obviously these kids need a father figure, a male presence of some sort. who is that?" she asks. "not that they need one, but billie's brother is amazing with our kids. he and his wife are their god parents and they just had a kid of their own" elle explains. "that's great. i'd love to meet them" she smiles, though it's purely fake. "i don't know where they ran off to. i think they're with their kid" i say, looking around though i know exactly where they are. i just don't want to put finneas and claudia through that. "that's alright. i just have one more question. aren't you worried the kids will take after you?" she asks, tilting her head a little. "what do you mean take after us?" i furrow my eyebrows, grimacing at her. "you know what i mean. aren't you afraid your boys might grow up to be in.... show business? and maybe your girl gets sleeve tattoos?" she asks

fuck this.

i jump at her but elle grabs me and pulls me away, flipping the mom off as she holds me back. "fucking bitch!" i scream. "i will be nothing but proud of those kids. whatever they do!" i shout as elle pulls me inside. "unlike you i'm actually a good mother!" i yell. "stay here baby. i'll be right back." elle orders and walks out. i hear elle lecturing emily, trying to keep her voice down and telling everyone that the party is over. 

once everyone leaves it's just my family, elle, the kids and i. "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. happy birthday dear emory, finn and grayson. happy birthday to you" we sing, dimming the lights as we light the candles to their cake. "blow the candles out and make a wish" elle smiles down at them. they do as told and we clap for them. elle cuts up the cake and hands some to everyone before getting her own piece and sitting down beside me. "that bouncy house do be lookin comfortable though" i whisper in elle's ear. "shut the fuck up" she rolls her eyes and focuses on eating her cake. "please?" i frown. "maybe when the kids are asleep. but i swear to god if i get one of those painful burns anywhere on my skin, i'm blaming you." she whispers. "hell yeah" i smirk and finally take a bite of the cake. 

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