Emily - Prologue

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It was the day of the new alpha's ascending, there was always a big ceremony held at the pack house when something like this happened. Not surprisingly, only a chosen few in the pack ever got to go to these events. Not that I was bothered, I liked being home, home was comfortable... Home didn't have prying eyes. Everyone in the pack knew that Alpha Choal wasn't someone you would want mess around with, it was hard to imagine this pack being lead by anyone else. So far, we had survived three pack wars and a blood moon under Alpha Choal. His wrath was second to none, but he was also incredibly fair. No one was given a punishment that they didn't already deserve.  The alpha's son however, Logan... was the guy they wanted to replace our 'just' alpha with. Logan wasn't anything like his father. Logan was cruel. He was very well known in the pack for getting what he wanted by using any means necessary.
There wasn't a chance in hell he would be fair like his father.

If Logan wanted it, Logan would eventually get it. How women found this attractive I will never know, yet year after year, heat season would arrive and he would have an endless line of women hoping to be picked by the alphas son. Most people would wonder if he was just insane, though no one ever dared to say it. Sure some of us had mates, but it was rare that everyone in the pack found them.

Every winter solstice, anyone who had turned eighteen that year would gather together in the forest behind the pack house. It was a well know tradition that if we all shifted together, when the moon was at the highest peak, we would find our mates there. The moon goddess had always granted us that night to find our mate, our soul companion. Some people in the pack had already turned eighteen, and could feel the pull, though no one could be sure it was a mate bond until that night. I had long hoped that my mate would be in another pack, that I would get to up and leave the midnight moon pack and never look back and I was hoping that it would happen before Logan was made alpha. Tonight was probably a sign that, that would never happen. Maybe I was never destined to find my mate?

I had turned eighteen around six months ago and here I was, no feelings of uncontrollable urge, no endless love for anyone. I was starting to wonder if it was just something the elders would tell us to make sure we stayed true during heat season. Here the heat was called the Yen, simply because every year everyone would be so overwhelmed with lust and hunger for mating that it would consume our every thought. When the Yen hits, it's like a slow pulse, it works it's way through your veins until all you can see is want and need. It comes and goes, but each time it more and more powerful, once you've fulfilled the sexual need, it gets easier to suppress. Most people decide who they will couple up with before to make it slightly easier, people that aren't already mated usually do whatever they want here.

For someone like me, someone unmated and without a chosen sexual partner... the Yen was dangerous. It was a free-for-all and in that moment, you don't know who you are or what you are doing, all you can see is pure desire to stop the heat spreading. So far, I had managed eighteen years without giving away my virginity.  Every year I would lock myself away in my room and wait for it to pass, if it got too bad I would tie myself to the bed. This year would be no different.

I flopped down onto my bed, sighing and taking in the morning sun beaming through my window. Another Yen, another mateless year and no more hope of it getting any better. I rolled over and checked the worn down ties attached to my headboard, these will have to do until I can go to the store for new ones. It's definitely too close to the heat season to be caught out, imagine if I was out innocently getting some more rope ties and the yen hit. I clutched my blankets thinking about the possibility...

Suddenly, there was a loud knocking in the door down stairs. "Mum! The door!" I yelled, hoping anyone would get it other than me. The only answer I was met with was silence. I looked down at myself, yep, still in my pyjamas.... great. "Oh poor defenceless Emily will just go and answer the door, I REALLY HOPE SOMEONE DOESN'T KIDNAP ME!" I shouted mockingly, walking towards the door. "And if they do I hope they take me far far away from here" I breathe out under my breath.

I reach the door and turned the handle, expecting to see a delivery guy or my mum after locking herself out again. What I didn't expect to see was my future alpha, stood in his sweat drenched t-shirt, clinging to his abs and chest, staring at me with a look of pure boredom and holding out a small envelope. My cheeks heated instantly as I scrambled to hide my pyjamas from his nonchalant stare. The more he stood there staring the more annoyed I got. "Can I help you? Are you lost?" I huffed out.

He looked slightly shocked at my less than welcome greeting, but quickly recovered, handing me the envelope before turning on his heel. I took note and closed the door swiftly. What the hell was the alpha's son doing at my door? I suddenly remembered the envelope in my hand, I turned it over a few time's to check who it was addressed to. No one? How strange... I ripped into the envelope and tore out the tiny card, it read:

Russel residence,

You are cordially invited to the dinner festivities to celebrate the new upcoming Alpha.

Logan James Fenton

It is a black tie event, please dress appropriately and please arrive fifteen minutes early to be seated before the event.

Alpha Choal.

What?! WHAT?! I didn't even have a dress and the dinner was supposed to be tonight! No, the Yen... the heat... it could happen at any time now. How was I supposed to survive a whole dinner so far from home? And with my parents! I left the invite on the table near the door and headed for the stairs, I needed a cool shower to calm down. What was I going to do?

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