Logan - Part Seven

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I could not get enough of her. I know I told myself that I wouldn't go after her but I was ready to admit that I'd lied. That scent. I couldn't just ignore it. I didn't even really hesitate at this point, I took off in her general direction. It didn't take long until I realized that she had headed straight home. Thank the goddess my father had made me deliver that invite. I was horny and I was frustrated. My wolf was pounding on the dirt track, maybe it was more him than me at the minute, but we both knew that I had to get in and see her. I watched her house from the trees, she wasn't outside, I was certain she'd already gone in, but her scent was everywhere. It was overwhelming to my senses.

Without thinking, I was already outside of her house. I quickly shifted back into human Logan and walked up to the door to knock. That's when I realized it... I had no fucking clothes on. I completely forgot that I'd ruined them when I shifted and stupid hormonal Logan had abandoned picking the scraps up. I didn't know who I blamed more, myself or my wolf. He whined deep inside, I could feel an argument brewing. I was so desperate for her, but what if her parents were home? Did I even care?

Yes. I thought after a while. I'm going to be the alpha, I can't exactly explain why I'm standing here totally bare in the middle of the night and asking to see their daughter. Alpha or not, her father would not be very happy with me. I quickly turned around and headed back to where I had left my scraps of clothes, like it or not, I couldn't explain coming back without my clothes to my parents either. At least the rips and tears hid whatever damage I had already done to them. I continued home, I wasn't complexly unsatisfied, but I could've been better. I could've made her feel better too.

"Logan Fenton!". My parents were waiting right inside the doorway when I got back. "Where the hell have you been?", my father continued, sounding upset with me, no change there then. "You straight up left us with Rae when this whole dinner was to get you two closer" he finished. I never asked for this. I have another she-wolf in mind, and her name is Emily, I thought to myself. "I wasn't feeling well and went out for a run" was what I actually replied with. I made my way to the stairs.

"You owe us all an apology for your behavior. As the future alpha you need to take responsibility." I could tell that he was fuming and I guess he did have every right to be, I just didn't want to be with Rae. "You can't just run off as you feel like it" he finished. I didn't even bother to reply, which I would probably regret tomorrow morning, but right now I only had one thing on my mind. Emily. I had to learn more about her and about who she was. I need to talk to her, preferably when she'd actually hear me out.

I got into bed but I could still hear my father arguing with my mother about Rae. If only they knew about Emily, I thought. I wondered how they'd take it. I wondered if I even knew what I was feeling myself. I was drawn to her so undeniably, there was no doubt about that. It's like she'd woken up parts of me I hadn't even realise I possessed. I drifted off happily enough, how could I not be. I was going to talk to her eventually, and she was going to listen. I was her alpha.

I woke up surprisingly early the following morning. The sun was still rising, and I had already come up with a plan. I knew exactly how to get over this problem, not that Emily was a problem... not right now anyway. The longer that I left it, the worse it would get, there was no mistaking that. I wasn't in the mood to go down to face my father's wrath, which I knew was inevitable at this point. Instead, I put some music on, turned up the volume to max and spent the rest of my morning on my phone. I'd probably get shit from him too for not 'doing my alpha duties' but at this point there was only one thing I could think about.

I'd searched all pack social media, she didn't exist. If I hadn't already known where she lived, I really would be contemplating if she was even real at this point. She definitely seemed too good to be true. Who doesn't have social media for stalking?! It was shortly after noon when I decided to put my plan in place. Luckily for me, my father was stuck in a job-related call by the looks of it, so I was able to sneak past him with ease. I threw on my white sneakers that matched well with the white shirt I had picked out this morning. Not that it mattered what I looked like, I told myself.

I could hear my father finishing up his call, so I didn't waste a second and threw myself out of the door. I knew that it was bound to rain any day now, we'd had quite a few sunny days and I knew it wasn't going to last. It never did in these parts. Packs further north got all of the heat, to my disappointment that rain day would be today. I wasn't planning on running due to my outfit being white and the rain being mostly dirty, but I didn't want to be soaked from being out either, especially wearing white. I told myself that the air would be enough, that if I just cleared my head it would all make sense. I was making my way towards the bakery now, the smell of the cinnamon buns made me itch for a sugar release.

My hair was a mess from the rain by now and my shirt was wet. Any chance at saving the way I looked was lost. I arrived and knocked, a cheery face opened the door and she did a double take. Im sure I looked dreadful, she was looking at my drenched outfit, I'm sure I was being judge the instant I decided to show up like this. The next words from my mouth came out without a second thought.

"Hello, Is Emily here?"

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