Dom - Dream Finder

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I caught his body as it plummeted towards the floor. "ELENA!" I shouted. "You could've warned the guy!" She shrugged, "he started asking questions you shouldn't be answering." I looked at her astounded, "You couldn't tell him to lay down so that he wouldn't injure himself on the way down?" My voice was raising higher, she was well aware of what the implications of the future alpha being hurt were. She was annoyed. Ever since I'd woken up from being with Emily she'd been annoyed. All she was talking to me about this morning, was the 'real reason' we were here. Apparently that didn't include chatting up the locals. "You needed him asleep so you could go in and do your job. Look he's asleep." She flapped her arms about, gesturing to his body.

I'd gone for my 5am run, happy to get any peace away from the witch, when I'd ran into Alpha Choal. He'd told me that he needed my help and now here I was, with an unconscious Logan at my feet. I get why she was angry, we'd been in a heated discussion about it in the kitchen before Logan had interrupted, she wanted to be near her coven. I have to admit, being out here wasn't exactly comfortable for me either. I'd checked in with Malik while I was running, he said the pack was fine and I believed him, something in this pack had felt off though. I was here to find out what that was. "Chop chop Alpha Dominick." Elena was rushing me to lay down. "You better not do anything to me while I'm out." I warned her. She crossed her arms and looked at me dead in the eyes, "I gave you whiskers once. Once Dom! Forget about it already." My wolf growled at her and I opened my mouth to let the sound out. She hadn't just been given a warning by me anymore. She froze up, muttered an apology and sat down next to me.

People thought I was bad, no one would dare to cross my wolf. "Thanks buddy" I muttered under my breath. "You ready alpha? You know the rules, when you're in, you have 15 minutes. Get what you need and get out or I'll pull you out." The thought of being slingshotted back to my sleeping body turned my stomach. I still wasn't over last time. "Yeah your grandmother gave me a hell of a ride back last time." She laughed, "yeah, Grammy can be a little forceful sometimes. Right, I'm putting you to sleep, don't be long." I started to count back from ten, like I had been taught all those years ago...











I was under.

The trip to the dream realm was a short one. I'd got so good at controlling my way through my mind over the years, that unlocking that door was increasingly easy. Usually, on an evening, I would already be dreaming when I entered the dream realm. This would mean that I would wake up in my 'dream room' the same way that Emily woke up in hers night after night. If I had to be put to sleep, I wasn't dreaming at all, my mind was blank, and that meant that I would have to find my way into the dream realm manually. Through the black fog of sleep my mind began to hum. I focused on the realm that I was trying to find, I imagined the luminous ball that would lead me to the door there. Then, in the corner of my vision, it was there, a tiny ball of orange light. I raced after it, it grew bigger and bigger the closer I got. 15 minutes... Elena said I had 15 minutes, I could do this.

As I neared the door I saw the same thing I always did, its rounded edges were lined with moss, its wood looked worn and uncared for. If I could feel sorry for an imaginary object, it would probably be this door, or the rope that Emily has broken, or the lion... I hadn't decided yet. I grabbed onto the handle and whispered "visa mig vägen" against the wood. I heard the latch lift, as the door unlocked. It creaked open, only allowing me a glimpse of the other side before it sucked me in. A cool breeze hit my face, my eyes started to adjust to the dark. I walked forwards. It was pitch black all around me, I could no longer smell anything, I could no longer taste anything. The air was thick, it felt like wading through water, until one by one, the stars in my view started to appear. I stopped somewhere near the middle and summoned the doors. I could feel my blood raising to my skin, my veins started to bulge out from the pressure. The years of witch's siphoning their powers into me, meant that my body could sustain this without backup, I wasn't stupid though, I always had a witch close by, just in case.

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