Emily - 02: Part Five

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We all piled into Elena's room, her shelves were lined with crystals and books of all varieties. "Damn it's like a weird ass cave in here" I told her, flinching away from the mini bird skeletons dotted around the room. Whitt laughed, "I guess with all the work I'm going to have to do, mine will look like this soon enough too" Elena gave her a blank stare. "Can we please just get on with this so we can actually all go back to our normal lives please?" Elena complained. As always. "Where do you want me?" I asked, Dom started to smile and I blushed furiously, knowing exactly what he was thinking. Elena looked between us, "weird. Just sit on the floor and I'll be able to work with it from there. Jessie can you place your hand on my wrist? You don't have to do anything, but it will help me siphon the magic to keep them safe."

Whitt rolled her eyes at hearing the name 'Jessie' being used, but did as she was told. "Are we all ready?" Dom asked, looking straight at me. I gulped "as I'll ever be." We sat down back to back, I clutched the list in my hands so tightly I was scared the ink would run because of the sweat. I felt Dom's soft hand caress the back of mine and I opened my palm instinctively, he placed his hand in mine, helping to keep the list safe. I focused on my breathing and shut my eyes, Whitt and Elena were counting down...











This was a strange sensation. I'd accessed the dream realm before from Whitt's room and stayed there, but somehow, this time, I'd ended up in my room. This was my old room. The room that burnt to dust in the house fire. Instead of being in the bed like I usually was, I was standing by my window. "I bet it's strange being back here isn't it?" Dom asked from behind me. Funnily enough, this time I didn't flinch, this time I didn't jump away. This time I stood straight, with my shoulder back and said "are you ready?" I turned to see him blinking in confusion, "what?" I asked him. A smile made its way onto his beautiful lips, "it's so nice to see you so confident and sure." I wanted to smile back, but I was all too aware of what our job was here, it was easy to get distracted when I was with Dom. "I've been through a lot, I'm just ready to get my parents back."

He nodded, his face a picture of pride and strength, "let's do this little varg." We were standing next to each other, Dom took me through the motions of how to create the portal again, I'd remembered most of it, especially the part about holding onto the mental rope tether... that's a part I would never forget again. Black swirling mist started to pour from the wall in front of me, I could see Dom doing the same in the corner of my eye. I didn't need to check if I was doing it right, but it was comforting to know that we had the same portal shaping up. He turned to face me when they had fully materialised and took my hand in his, gripping it slightly. "Are you ready for this," he said, checking that we were still okay to do this. "I can do this" I told him, "for my parents and their safety I will do anything." He gave me that same smile of pride, "lead the way little varg".

I stepped into the black mist this time, I didn't feel the need to run anymore, to or from anything. I wasn't nervous, I knew what I had to do. As the shapes started to clear up in my vision, I could see the twinkling stars and the different coloured doors laid out before me. I felt so prepared this time, I gave a tug on the rope, just to make sure it was still secure and then turned to see Dom holding a flower made entirely from a bright light. "I know it's not appropriate" he said, "but I've been thinking of something to make you, ever since I met you in the dream realm." I looked at the flower, it was so bright and glittery, like thousands of glistening stars. "I wanted it to be special, because you are so special Emily." I took the flower from him gratefully and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I can't wait until this is over, I'm going to show you how much I appreciate the time and the effort you've given up for me, my pack and my parents."

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