Emily - Part Seven

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I ran, well sprinted seems more like the better word. I didn't know where my feet were taking me but I was off. Soon the track that guided me back to my house was in view. My mind was still racing from that kiss... I had decided to run into the forest to escape civilisation, I was sure that I could survive the heat if there was no one near. I'd only made it so far before having stop. The heat had taken over. I'd had it under control, but then I'd seen him. Logan Fenton. I shook my head, making those thoughts go away. Once was bad enough but now we'd had another interaction like that. Maybe I should just stay in all together? It seemed like being out attracted the wrong kind of attention and I should've been more careful. Emily you know better, I scolded myself.

I was walking up the pathway to my house, I quickly checked around to make sure I hadn't been followed. Good. As soon as I'd closed the door behind me, the lights upstairs switched on. "Emily is that you?" Came my mum's voice. "Yeah it's me, sorry did I wake you?" Her head poked out at the top of the stairs, "No sweetie, we were just making sure you were okay." Her voice took a slight edge, "You were missing from your room when we checked.." Oh my goddess! I was in such a rush, I'd forgotten to tell my parents I was going out.

"I'm sorry mum, I know I didn't say anything, I just really needed some air." I stumbled up on the word 'air', knowing full well it was more than air that I'd needed. She nodded, "As long as you are okay, goodnight sweetie." I beamed up at my mum and said goodnight, once she was out of sight, I ran to the bathroom. I turned on the shower as cold as it would go and stood under the water. The heat was over now, but I could still feel his hands around my waist and his hips rubbing against mine. I touched my fingers to my lips, remembering how he commanded my mouth and my tongue.

His hair was so soft between my fingers and he had been extra gentle with me when we'd both finished. This wasn't the Logan I was used to, this wasn't the Logan I knew. I had to leave, I kept telling myself. I felt bad about it, he hadn't done anything wrong. In fact, he'd done everything right! But he wasn't my mate and there was no way he could be. He was the future alpha, he wouldn't be mates with a common she-wolf like me. He hadn't even known my name... that's why I'd forced him to say it. I could hardly control myself and my wolf hadn't made it any easier. In fact, she was egging me on. I had to start being more careful.

Just as I got comfortable under my covers, a frightening thought stopped me from falling asleep. I knew I would see him, it was inevitable at this point, he'd come whether I wanted him to or not. Dom. The dream wolf. I didn't know what he wanted and he wouldn't tell me. Would he go away after the Yen did? I hoped so. All I knew for sure was that I didn't want to fall asleep and I definitely didn't want any encounters with Logan again. What was I going to do? Stay in my house for the rest of the Yen? Yes! That was exactly what I was going to do.

I turned on my bedside lamp and went to pick up the book I'd been reading yesterday. I turned to the page with the bookmark.


I threw the book back on the table annoyed. I'd completely forgotten that I'd finished it. Why didn't I just take my time? Oh right, I didn't want to leave the house yesterday.. I mentally scolded myself for not being more prepared for this. Three of my favourite authors had just released new books and I hadn't been able to order them. Pack delivery was slow, especially when it was out of the surrounding area.

I tried to think of things to do, things that would keep me away. My eyes kept closing. I really thought that the cold shower would help, my activities tonight seemed to be catching up to me. My eyes were starting to close again, I slapped myself awake. My eyes started to close again and I took a walk around my room. My eyes... it was the jacket lay on the bottom of my bed that I noticed first. I swear I didn't own a black leather jacket? Maybe it was Whitt's? Then my eyes moved an inch to the side and I saw the feet. Leaning up against my headboard, with the biggest stupid grin, was the dream wolf. Dom. "Took your time tonight, little varg."

I grabbed his jacket and threw it at him. "Get out of my house." This just made him laugh. "Don't you mean 'get out of my dreams'?" His smile was like a thousand watt lightbulb. "And even if you do-" he started. "The answer will be no." I huffed and went to open my door but the handle was stuck. "You've locked me in? How did you do that?" " To answer your first question, No. The second? I can't tell you. And just as a side note, enjoy my company while it lasts." He tapped the bed next to him like a command for me to sit. My legs seemed to be working by themselves because the next thing I knew, I was stood on the side of the bed he was lay on. I went to pull him off and in the same instant he grabbed onto my wrists and pulled me down. He'd managed to position himself so that when I fell, he could roll over me.

His hands had my arms pinned above my head and his lips were at my ear. "Do you really want me to leave, little varg?" He whispered against my skin, "or are you just scared that if I stay... you won't be able to help yourself?" I shoved hard against his chest and he didn't move. Of course he didn't! He was muscled like a damn Hercules stone statue. "Can you please get off of me?" I said annoyed at his pretentiousness. "Of course little varg, why didn't you say so?" He laughed. "I did say so!" I roared back. "No, you didn't say anything, you shoved me." He moved off of me and the cold instantly replaced where his warm body had been. He was looking at his nails and blowing off pretend dust from them, "Shoving isn't asking, maybe if you begged..." "That's it!" I shouted, I was so tired of his games.

I got under my duvet and forced my eyes shut. I was squeezing them so hard I started to see white blobs behind my eyelids. I felt the bed shift underneath me and it instantly got lighter. I opened my eyes surprised. Had he actually left? Instead I was met by two purple eyes crouched next to me. I screamed. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked me. "If I fall asleep in my dream I'll wake up." I seethed back at him. "Not true..." he corrected me. "If you fall asleep in a dream you'll be asleep, just in a dream. That seems like a pretty boring dream to me." I sat up, pulling the covers down with me. "What?"

He opened his mouth to repeat the exact same thing he'd just told me, I stopped him. "What I mean is, how can you come into my dreams but I can't leave them?" He thought for a while before answering, "It's like having two doors," Okay this was going to get a lot more confusing than I'd originally thought... "One door is from my unconscious state and the other is from yours." I was already lost. "So you walk through these doors?" I questioned him. He shook his head, "It's not as simple as that. Your door can only open if you allow someone in." Wait. What?

So I'd been sleeping with this imaginary door open this whole time? "How do I close it?" I asked. "I'm not just telling you this because I enjoy our little visits," he started, I rolled my eyes, "but I don't know. I opened a door to find someone and I found you instead." "Oh right, make a girl feel special why don't ya." I muttered under my breath. "It's not you, I don't know how it works either." He looked stressed now. "I'm consulting with people every day. While I was looking, I found your door..."

He put his head in his hands and I couldn't even begin to understand the amount of stress he'd been under doing all of this, it sounded extremely hard. "I guess it was destiny that brought me to you, there's no other reason to have found you." I'd just opened my mouth to ask him another question when my bedroom door swung open. My mum was standing there, holding a tray of cookies, probably from Barney. "Rise and shine" came my mum's cheery voice, "it's the afternoon and you have a visitor. I was still in a daze from my dream, this time I had actually wanted to stay and talk to Dom. I guess I liked learning more about him.

I looked out of my window and it was pouring down with rain. What a gloomy day. I knew Whitt would never come out in this weather, she wouldn't want to mess her hair up. Maybe it was Barney? She did bring me cookies. Speaking of cookies, my mum put the tray down on my desk and left quickly. Okay, nothing EVER made my mum move that fast. Who the hell had put a spring in her step?

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