Dom - 02: Part Two

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I took her hand and dragged her out of the bed, it was like pulling a dead weight. "Are you excited?" I bounced up and down. She headed towards the wall and stood, looking at it, confused. "What now?" I rolled my eyes, this was going to be a challenge, maybe I should've started without the heart attack? "Okay, close your eyes and reach inside your mind, find the same strange connection you feel when you manifest something." She closed her eyes and I could see the exact moment she stopped thinking about concentrating and started to open her mind. Her face became relaxed and her lips slightly parted. "Okay, I think I've got it" she told me. "Holding onto that strand of power is incredibly important, don't let it go. If you let it go while you are inside... Well I don't exactly know what happens." I explained.

Her eyes were still closed, she looked determined. "How did you do it?" She asked me, "your first time?" I thought back, "I pretended that I could manifest a rope tying the strand to my mind. It seemed to work, just until I was confident enough." She let out a calming breath, "and how do I do that?" I moved closer to her and placed my fingers on her head, she didn't flinch, which I found reassuring. I started to trace lines from the back of her head round the front, "tie them here and here, then you can imagine the rope and stop concentrating so much." She grabbed hold of my hands when I tried to remove them and used my fingers to retrace the path again. It made my heart melt that she was using a method I had used when I'd started out. "I... I think I've done it." She said nervously. "Test it," I told her, "keep hold of that string and try to manifest something in this room at the same time."

Standing perfectly still, trying not to distract her, I noticed as a huge object started to ripple into view, her eyes were still closed so she couldn't tell if it was here yet. I looked at her and said, "really a jacuzzi?" I laughed. She smiled, "I felt like Whitt's room was missing something." I laughed even more, goddess I'd never laughed as much as I do around her. "Remind me to tell Amilie to get one sent up as soon as we get back." I told her. She opened her eyes and looked at the jacuzzi, gasping, she said, "wow, I really did it." Yes she did, I stood there just smiling at her, I was so impressed. She noticed me looking and bobbed out her tongue, "I'll be better than you soon enough." I shook my head, "let's try to actually get to the dream realm first shall we?" She closed her eyes again. I placed my hands on her face, and spoke softly in her ear, "open them, I want you to see when you create something beautiful."

Just like I'd told her, her eyes opened. I moved out of the way so that she was looking directly at the wall, "still got a hold on that rope?" I asked her. She nodded. I want you to imagine a place full of stars, corridors lined with doors... and infinite possibilities." I watched as her face remained calm but her eyes were moving extremely fast, thinking of all of the details I'd explained. "Make sure it's perfect," I told her "there can't be any holes, fill everything in with darkness if you have space." All of a sudden, behind me a ball of swirling black mist was starting to form. "Yes," I whispered excited, "that's it, you've got it. Now expand your mind and let the image explode out in front of you." Her face moved slightly and her eyes found mine, the ball grew wider until it was stretched out in the shape of a long oval. Tendrils of the mist were starting to break off and evaporate around us. "You're brilliant," I told her, holding my hand to her cheek. She closed her eyes and moved her face closer to my hand. She smiled at the feeling, "I have a great teacher."

I was snapped back into the present, we had a mission to complete tonight, we'd have plenty of time for personal things when we had found her parents. "We need to go, while the portal is still holding." I told her, she nodded, agreeing with me. "How do I... how does it work?" I opened my mind and created my own portal of swirling black mist. "You step though," I reassured her "you're already in the dream world, it's just like stepping through an open door to the other side." She took a few small steps forward, I followed her lead with my own portal. Her shoulders deflated and I thought she was having second thoughts, then, out of nowhere, she sprinted at the mist and disappeared. "Well that's certainly one way to do it" I said speaking to the empty room, before stepping into my own black mist. As my vision cleared, the stars started to twinkle into focus. I breathed out a sigh of relief, "you know, I've been here so often this always feels so much more like home."

I turned to see if Emily had heard me, but she was standing looking at the door that had manifested right where she'd just come from. I realised, like a slap in the face, she hadn't seen this door since her house had burnt down a month ago. "Why? Why is it this door?" She asked me quietly. "Why isn't it the door of the room I'm currently in?" She turned to face me, tears falling over her cheeks. "When we dream, this realm takes the first room we've ever dreamt behind and uses that as a kind of tracker." I pointed to my own door, built solidly, but it wasn't the door of my current bedroom. "You don't start having dreams with an actual plot line until you are around six, this is the door I was behind when I did." She looked confused, "so why is it white when all of the doors in your house are darker?" I looked back at the door, the countless memories of playing with Malik stuffed inside. "This was the door to my dorm room at camp. My dad sent me as soon as he could. This is where I had my first dream. I was five."

She didn't question it any further, instead she wiped the tears from her face, gripped my hand and asked, "where to now captain?" I gave her a small smile. "First we need to get out of this corridor, it'll get very confusing otherwise." She gestured for me to lead the way and we were off. It was amusing to hear her "ohhh's" and "ahh's" as we walked further into the dream realm, she was full of questions. "So are these real stars or just my imagination?" She asked looking at the world around us. "I have no idea," I told her truthfully, "I've never met another person who dream walks that would know the answer to that." I'd never actually considered it myself before, but it was such a logical question. Then again, whenever I had been here in the past, before Emily, it had never been for pleasure. "Why are there corridors?"

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "okay, let's assume that I don't know any of the answers to these big questions?" She made a motion of zipping her lips and it made me laugh out loud, my voice was swallowed up quickly by the darkness, it was daunting. So much space and yet no echo. We'd just reached what seemed like the middle of a gigantic maze, I stopped and turned to her, "this is where it is going to get difficult," I let go of her hand and stepped away slightly. She looked at her empty hand and back up at me, "what do I need to do?" "First, I need you to close your eyes and think of your parents, keep hold of that rope, but let every happy, sad and scared memory fill your head." She did as she was told and closed her eyes, she started to smile and I could imagine the scene playing in her head, a happy one, she deserved only those.

"Now I need you to remember how they looked, every single detail. Did they have wrinkles? Did they have age spots? Every detail you think is insignificant, you need to remember." She scrunched her eyes but relaxed again a moment later, she was absolutely brilliant at this, she was amazing. I walked closer to her, "I need you to remember any significant place about them, where they used to shop, what their favourite restaurant was... anything. We can trace them from there." She grabbed my arm suddenly, the room went black. There were no doors. "Emily..." I said cautiously, "what are you doing?" Her face looked like she was in pain. "Emily, stop" I said louder. She opened her mouth but no words would come out, then, out of the dark came a blue light. It got closer and closer the more she gritted her teeth. "I can't help you, I have no idea what's going on Emily! Please stop." I begged her.

Everything froze, the blue light was so bright I had to cover my eyes just to see Emily, whose face was now completely blank. She went to walk towards the light and I stopped her, grabbing onto her arm. "It's okay," she told me quietly, "I found them."

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