Emily - 02: Part Six

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Yesterday was pretty tough for everyone, Basker and Mia's bodies were taken to be cremated together, Rae was doing better after her check up with the doctor and Dom... well I wouldn't know about Dom. I couldn't think about it, I had a really important job to do today. Logan had asked me to help out with the decorations for the Halloween party tonight, thankfully we already had the list that Basker had started to make, not that there was much on it. Considering Whitt would be going away tomorrow, we wanted to make tonight one to remember. We'd gone to the bakery, it was still closed, over the past 24 hours I'd tried to get in contact with Barney but it would go straight to voicemail. He usually shuts the bakery over the winter season, but he'd never closed this early before. "I'm sure he's fine, wherever he is" Whitt told me, dragging me away from the shop. With everything going on at the minute, I wasn't too sure.

I shook the thought off, it was Barney, he was known for going off without a word, maybe Whitt was right? When we got back to the pack house the delivery order had arrived, there were fake webs and hanging bats and all of the usual tacky decorations you'd find at a Halloween party. Whitt opened another box, it contained lights and a black tinsel type of material. "What're we meant to do with that?" I asked Whitt, she shrugged "I'm getting the stairs?" We threw all of the decorations into the biggest box and went to separate sides of the house, an hour later we met back up in the middle. I looked around myself and smiled at the job we'd done, "not bad for a witch hybrid wolf and an average wolf..." Whitt laughed, "you average? Never!"

Logan walked through as we were laughing and came up behind me, Whitt excused herself, giving us privacy. "How's my princess doing?" I beamed up at him, "the decorations are done! What do you think?" He didn't take his eyes off of me, "beautiful." I blushed and moved a little further away from him, "Whitt helped and we already had the list..." He shook his head, "you've done perfectly, I think tonight is just what everyone needs here at that pack. How are your parents doing?" I sighed, "seeing their home burned down wasn't great," I'd been away from the house for so long now that I'd gotten used to the empty shell. "They're taking it pretty hard, but being here is helping them greatly, thank you." He put his hand up, "no need to thank me, they are pack members and this is my pack." I was going to ask him if he'd heard anything from Dom but I decided now wasn't the time instead I said "so what're you going to dress up as later?" He smiled, "you'll see soon enough."

I pushed him and he pretended to stumble back, I appreciated the thought. "Wow look how strong you're getting princess, I'm going to have to hire a bodyguard soon!" I pushed him again and made my way to the stairs, it was already 4pm and we had a lot of prepping to do before the party. I looked at the costume choices before me, Whitt was standing and clapping her hands in excitement. She'd really outdone herself, I could be some kind of bride or a vampire or, the most outrageous of all the costumes, a devil. "You know which one I'm going to tell you to wear right?" Of course I did, she'd picked the devil one just because red was Logan's favour colour. "I've got the angel one too so we'll match!" I really wasn't up for dressing up, but I also really wasn't up for arguing with Whitt either. We only had tonight together and then we didn't even know how long it would be until we saw each other again.

"Okay" I told her, keeping that thought in my head. "I'll wear whatever you think would suit me best." She cheered and started jumping up and down, "tonight is going to be the best." My mind wondered about the alpha in my dreams, I hadn't seen him last night' but Whitt would be seeing him all the time. "So Alpha Dom..." she sighed "I don't want to have this whole brother conversation with you Em, I can't even remember him." That definitely wasn't the conversation I was going for. "I just wanted to ask you to try to keep an eye on him, and maybe let me know how he's doing. I know you'll be busy, but whenever you can you know." I was rambling... smooth Emily, real smooth. She looked at me halfway through putting on her tights. "Alpha Dom ay?" I facepalmed myself, why do I even bother, she knows me too well. "Yeah but just as a friendly thing you know, because he's too busy to talk to me and I just want to check in and make sure that he's okay."

Emily stop digging your hole, I mentally scolded myself. "Anyway I'm going to shower okay?" She watched me leave, a weird confused look on her face. What would she think of me if I was talking to Logan and asking her about her brother. Her brother! Great one Em. The shower was quick, I didn't need to waste a lot of time and I knew that the makeup would probably take us forever. I just wanted everything to be perfect for once. "Em, it's already 7pm, if we are any later we'll miss the whole thing!" Whitt shouted at me from the door. "Okay, okay, I'm coming!" Can't a woman draw on her eyebrows in peace? I walked to the door and she gave me the once over. "Hot as hell." I rolled my eyes, "that really wasn't funny." She burst out laughing, leading us down the hallway to the staircase. "It was pretty funny, I think that's the funniest thing I've ever said."

"I was going to reply with something witty, but I thought better of it." Now it was her turn to roll her eyes, "using my name isn't technically allowed, so I give you minus points." Minus points? "There's no such thing as minus points!" I was going to continue this debate but I noticed a tall figure walking our way. Alpha Logan. His eyes roamed over my body, I could see him eyeing up the skintight outfit. He licked his lips, "Hey ladies, grab a drink, and follow me" I looked around the room we were in. The apple bobbing game was in full swing and the pin the eye on the cyclops was getting quite a few people playing too. We walked out to the back decking of the pack house, where Whitt had sent up a jacuzzi with floating eyes and fingers. "That's disgusting" I told her, she only smiled even wider, "it gets better." She turned on a machine floating in the water and it turned the water red. "Who the hell would want to go in there?"

All of a sudden Rae's slim figure sauntered through the crowd. People stopped and stared at her, but it wasn't because of her remarkable beauty, it was the long red line running from her rib cage to her stomach. I heard people commenting, "how does she make it look so real?" "I need some of that FX makeup". Little did they know it was actually a war wound. She seemed not to mind the comments and stepped onto the hot tub anyway, four other people followed suit." Whitt turned to me, her eyebrow raised, "I rest my case." I pulled a face, "it's Rae, it hardly counts, she took a knife to the stomach and she's still here." Logan put a hand around my waist, "mind if I borrow Emily for a second?" Whitt gestured for him to carry on before sending a wink my way. We walked around the garden for a while before we got to a little wooden decking section, Logan paused and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"I know things have been rough, but with everything happening the way it has, I don't think there's a time to wait. I like you Em, a lot. I want us to be something more." More than what? "You want us to be mates?" I asked him, "that's hardly your decision." He laughed and put a hand on my cheek, "no princess, I want us to make a go of something. I'm not going to the winter solstice, I know my feelings for you are real, that's all I need." What was he saying? I couldn't just not go, my mate could be there. "What if you're my mate?" I asked him, "what if you are my mate and we don't go and we'll never know?" He pushed my hair back from around my face, "I think not knowing is better than knowing and regretting" he told me softly. I pushed all of my strength to my voice, "I want to go." He chuckled, "I'm not telling you not to go Em, I'm telling you that I want to spend this time with you before then." Oh.. oh!

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