Logan - Part Sixteen

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I watched her leave. Wishing above all else that I knew what was going on in her head. I still didn't understand how Alpha Dominick and Emily knew each other, but I wasn't threatened by him. If he thought I was, he was wrong. What I felt for Emily was immeasurable. I joined back in on the conversation, my father was currently having a debate with some of the other Alphas. Peter was keeping him company and so was Edmund, they were talking about the alpha ceremony. Well, when I say talking, I mean they were sharing their experiences and I was getting more and more anxious by the minute.

Alpha Peter was reminiscing, "I remember being at Phillip's, when he was first made alpha, he shreadded his skin so hard he still had scars along the side of his body. Bloodiest alpha ceremony I've ever witnessed." I felt sick. "No, when you took over from your dad, the pack was so pissed that you were made alpha, that's the bloodiest ceremony I've been to," Edmund chipped in. "Did you say Phillip has scars from shedding his skin?" I asked Peter. "Well yeah, of course, an alpha ceremony requires the biggest shift you'll ever have to take. If you aren't fit enough to be alpha, the shredding alone can kill you." I looked to my father.

"Can I have a word please? Privately?" I ushered him to the side of the dinner room. "Shredding skin? Packs turning on the alpha!" I felt like I was slightly overreacting, but why hadn't he told me any of this? "It's not as gruesome as they make it out to be. You'll survive, you've got the best genes." he patted my back, trying to calm me down. I ran a hand through my hair, "Best genes? You're playing with my life here!" He crossed his arms and gave me a sten look, "If you weren't so infatuated with Russell's daughter, maybe you would be consistent in your training. What do you think all of this is for Logan?" I took a steadying breath, and then another.

"I'll have to start training you physically from tomorrow. Your body is going to go through a lot of changes over the next few days, you might even be experiencing them now." He explained. "Changes like what? What am I supposed to be looking out for?" I didn't feel any different than usual, maybe more annoyed, but why wouldn't I be when information like this was being kept from me? He thought for a minute or two, clearly trying to decide how much he should let me in on. "You'll start to get heat like symptoms, but instead of lust, like we do during the Yen, you'll get bursts of anger." I thought back to the house, when I'd lost it so suddenly with Dominick. He hadn't really done anything, but I was instantly defensive of my position. I knew i'd overreacted but I hadn't thought it was a side effect of being named the future alpha.

"You'll need plenty of rest, so you'll probably experience a lot more tiredness too." Well that's one I know I hadn't had yet, I'd manage to spend all of last night up with Emily and I'd felt okay today. "Your wolf will experience more, you need to let him out." My wolf liked the sound of this. "He's going to need to get strong too, it affects both of you." He was inching away from me now towards his office and I could tell the conversation was almost over. "The moon goddess grants alphas the ability to communicate with the whole pack all at once. You need to build up your mental strength as well as physical." And how was I meant to do that? I had no idea how to prepare for this. My father noticed my apprehension and added, "Meet me in the training ring tomorrow morning, I'll show you." Then, he turned and left. Peter came up behind me, "It's not all doom and gloom, you're going to be alpha, that itself comes with perks." I shot him a look from the side, "Was it worth your whole pack hating you?" He smiled, a slow controlled smile. "My pack learnt their place. No one thought I could take over from my dad, they favoured our general instead. I was weak, I would forgive too easily. I was stupid, I didn't care enough to learn about my pack."

I looked towards the stairs, towards Emily, Peter's eyes followed mine, "I felt like that once too you know?" So did I... I thought. "It's unlikely she'd fit into your world." I took my eyes from the stairs, he was still looking, as if lost in a distant memory. "She is vulnerable." It wasn't a question, it was an observation. "Too vulnerable for an alpha." I breathed out slowly and looked back towards the stairs. "She's stronger than you think." He laughed and shook his head slightly, "You know, your dad is right, there's a lot of work to do with you." I didn't want to listen to any more of this, I just wanted to sleep. I hadn't even realised how tired I was. I'd been up with Emily the whole night before, so much had happened today, I needed some time to myself.

I walked into my room and stripped off my shirt, by the time I was at my bed, the trousers were halfway down my ass. I heard a light tapping against my door. I was contemplating leaving whoever it was to just go away, instead, I pulled my trousers back up. I didn't bother with the zipper or the button. All I wanted in this world right now, was to go to sleep. I pulled open the door, I was just in time, my visitor was starting to walk away. She stopped, looked back and smiled. I leaned against the door, grinning down at her, "Having trouble finding your bed?" Emily blushed, "I came to bring your clothes back. It wasn't until now that I'd noticed she wasn't wearing my shirt anymore. Instead, she was dressed in a black cropped t-shirt with little grey booty shorts. I could feel myself growing hard instantly, as I looked at her perked up nipples, peeking out under the material. Fuck. I cleaned my throat, "Where'd you get the new wardrobe?" "I met one of your friends earlier, Misty?" Ah, I knew she wouldn't be able to keep away from Emily for too long, Misty was many things, the biggest one, was being a snoop into my personal life. She handed over the bundle of clothes she was holding, "She brought some stuff to my room, it was really nice of her." She was looking down at the floor, playing nervously with the strings on her shorts, she whispered, "Do you like them?" I smiled at her, "Anything you're in, I'm going to like." I caught her eye and brought her chin up to face me, curling her stray strands of hair around my fingers. "You're beautiful."

A cough sounded behind me, "If I'm not interrupting?" Emily's eyes grew wide and she stepped away from me, my hand lost the warmth of her face. "I really need to get to my room..." My eyes made their way up to his face, he was smirking. He looked over at Emily, stood there sheepishly, "I thought you would be asleep by now, little varg?" Emily looked back to me, "I'll speak to you in the morning, thanks for the clothes." Before she could leave, I grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her back towards my chest. I cupped her face with my hand and pressed my lips to hers, she froze, I wondered if i'd been to forward with her, but then, she melted against me. It felt so good. I felt powerful. Pulling back slightly, I brushed my nose against hers, "Goodnight Princess." I pulled open my door, not bothering to see the situation I was leaving, and threw myself onto the bed. Fuck what Peter had said, I'd made a move, the ball was in her court.

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