Emily - Part Eight

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I grabbed one of the cookies from the tray and shoved it in my mouth. Raspberry and white chocolate, I groaned as the sweetness met my tongue with the slight bite from the raspberry. These were my favourite. This confirmed it, It definitely had to be Barney. He was the only guy I had ever met that could bake the perfect cookie dozen. No wonder my mum seemed so cheery, he must've bought enough for everyone. I quickly grabbed a shower before my mum yelled up to me, "Emily we're laying the table for lunch! Don't leave your guest waiting" "Coming mum!" I replied. Barney was a favourite of my mums, there was no denying that, but the way she said 'your guest' sounded unusual in relation to him. Maybe she was just in a funny mood?

I returned to my room to get ready. There was a white summer dress was hung up on my wardrobe doors, I was meant to wear it today. I looked out of my window at the sad excuse of weather, then back at the dress. I guess I won't be going out today anyway, I thought to myself. If I'm staying in, I could still wear it? Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something on the opposite side of my bed. I leaned over on my stomach to grab at the black material that was peaking out from underneath. I flinched back when I dragged it out and realised what it was.

It was Dom's jacket. I'd remembered that in my dream I'd thrown it at him and now here it was, curled up on my bedroom floor. A cold shiver ran through my body. I thought he said it was all a dream? He was talking about dream doors for goddess sake! I'd have to speak to him tonight about it. He'd be back, he always was. I tied my hair up and headed for the stairs. That jacket gave me an extremely bad feeling and I couldn't seem to shake it.

As I was walking down the stairs I could smell the risotto, it was my mum's specialty and it was definitely the kind of comfort food I needed. I rounded the stairs leading to the dining room and stopped in my tracks when I heard laughter. I could make out my mum's squealing laugh and mile off, and my dad with his deep belly rumble. The one I was struggling to make out was the laugh laced with honey and warm hugs. It was the most incredible sound and it was almost as comforting and my mums food. I hurried the rest of they way and leaned against the door. My mum and dad were sat at opposite ends of the table, as they usually were. The man however, sat in the middle of the table with dark brown hair, was Logan Fenton.

His eyes found mine as soon as I walked into the room. The brown of his eyes was almost black. I was instantly reminded of the night before. I tripped over my feet and held onto the counter for support. All that was running through my mind at the sight of him, was our recent encounter. How could he be here? Why was he here? He was smiling and laughing with my parents but his eyes never left mine. "Emily, sweetie? Come sit down and say hello to our special guest" my mum beamed. Logan cleared his throat, "It's nice to see you again Emily." He smirked my way knowing full well that I was about to get bombarded by questions.

"Again?" My dad nearly spat out his drink, my mum looked between the both of us and thought better of asking. Thank the goddess. Instead she said "Emily sit down with us please, Mr Fenton is your future alpha. It's an honour to have him here." From the smile on his face as he looked at both of my parents I could tell he was having fun with this. He loved the attention. "Yes," I said, my mind running at one hundred miles an hour trying to figure out how I would explain this. "The ascending dinner was only this week, I had no idea we'd be seeing you again until your alpha ceremony." Nice save Em, I mentally patted myself on the back and sat down with my family.

My family seemed to take that as a good enough excuse and continued eating, I tucked into my food too. A few minutes had passed and I thought I could actually get through this alive, Logan had other ideas. "No. I was actually talking about last night Emily..." I choked on a pea and had to down a glass of water to stop the tears from streaming down my face. "Last night?" Both of my parents asked at the same time. They had known that I'd gone out, but the fact that I had forgotten to tell them where made this look increasingly suspicious. "When we crossed paths on a run?" He finished, delighting in the suffering he was putting me through.

"Oh yeah," I offered, "honestly I'd completely forgotten about that, it must've slipped my mind." I looked up at him under my lashes as I muttered the last words. I knew it would hurt his pride, I was waiting for the triumph to come but instead he laughed. He laughed?!? This was getting awkward. "Logan?" My dad asked, "can you tell us exactly why you are here visiting?" There was a pause before he corrected himself and added "it's lovely to have you here in our home, of course. Why did you decided to visit?" Great save dad. You really redeemed that one.

Logan was instantly there with a reply, slapping on the biggest grin imaginable, "I just wanted to check in on Emily and make sure that she was feeling okay," he started. My mum instantly looked worried. "She tried to keep up with me last night and I was worried that all of the strenuous activity might've made her sore." His eyes roamed over my body, I rolled my eyes. That was it. "I'm really sorry to cut this short mum, the dinner was beautiful but I really need to talk to Logan about some of the techniques he was teaching me, some of them weren't as effective as I think he'd hoped." I glared at him.

This didn't deter him, instead he leaned back in his chair, showing me the 'V' of his pelvis. I also glimpsed the line of hair, pointing like an arrow, leading down from there. Heat instantly flooded through my core. "I'd be happy to take you through them again if you need me to?" He was acting like he couldn't care less but we both knew he'd felt the exact same things I had. I walked around the table and grabbed hold of his arm. "Sure thing, Alpha. First though I'd like to talk?" I looked at my parents before pushing him out towards the hallway, "in private." I added, thanking my parents for the food. Logan tried to thank them on the way out too, but I kept pushing. The sooner he was far from my parents, the better. He leaned back as we walked and whispered so that only I could hear, "you sure that's all you want to do?" What an ass.

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