Logan - Part Six

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By now I had been awake for four hours. The clock chimed in the hall letting me know it was nearly time for my sparring session. I had never touched coffee in my life, I hated the stuff. But now I found myself in the kitchen pouring a mug, it was freshly ground, so it would probably taste even worse. I added five scoops of sugar for good measure. That should make it bearable. I was downing the whole thing, hoping it would keep me awake long enough to fend off Basker and Misty.

My father came through the kitchen and started to pour himself some coffee too. "I'll need to you end your sparring session early today Logan-" Oh no, this could only mean one thing. "-We invited Rae for dinner and it's the only night we all have free." "Or," I started, "We could un-invite Rae and I could finish my sparring session properly?" My father scowled at me, "Logan..." I drank the rest of the mug and started to make my way outside, "I know, I know... it's good for the pack." I shouted over my shoulder and shook my head running out towards the training ground.

"You're early?" Misty sounded surprised. "Uh oh, what happened with papa wolf?" Basker questioned sarcastically. I went towards the weapons rack and picked up three spears,  "One. You should not be calling your alpha 'papa wolf'" I scolded Basker, throwing a spear in his direction. He caught it effortlessly. "Two. Not that it's any of your business... but Rae is coming for dinner." I threw the second spear at Misty and she too, caught it without fault. Misty looked down at her weapon and back at me with a shit eating grin on her face, "So it's that bad it's a spearing kind of day today, huh?" "Less talking, more fighting." I told them. I wasn't in the mood for pleasantries right now.

After an hour of sparring with spears we decided to ditch them and go fist for fist, it was something I excelled in. Another couple of hours had passed and by that point the coffee had seemed to work it's magic and I stopped being an ass. Misty took a swing for my left, at the same time Basker tried to drop kick me. I positioned my legs to take the impact of the kick and leaned out of Misty's reach. "Wow look who's playing unfair" I laughed, Basker's returning grin told me he was having as much fun as me. "Time!" I called, taking off my sweat soaked shirt and flinging it towards the house.

I grabbed my water bottle from the side and drenched my head with half of the bottle before sucking up the last of it. "You ready to talk?" That was Misty again. I signed, "Remember what happened the last time my father pushed something like this? Remember how that ended?" "Logan, she might be a bitch, but she is not Lyla.." Misty tried comforting me, it didn't work. "I know that!" I roared, how dare she even say her name. "... I'm just saying," she carried on tentatively, "what happened before is an absolute fluke, that can never happen again." I looked up at her as she continued, "Stop being so scared to try something real."

I looked around nervous about my next words, "I'm going to need to have a Luna eventually..." Basker swooped in and punched my arm, "Buddy you don't have to think about that yet, but you need to try to make some kind of effort in front of your dad." I knew they were right, I knew my father would be on my case until I picked someone. Misty pushed me back into the ring, "Come on, last hour of training before you have to leave, make it count." I smiled, they really were the best people to support me. They got me like no one else.

In the last half hour of our training session Rae turned up. She was stood at the door watching as the sweat dripped off of my abs. They were putting me through my paces today, but I needed it. Rae disappeared inside and I headed for my room. I'd be expected to look presentable, but I hardly had to make too much of an effort. It didn't take me long, I was freshly showered and stood in front of my mirror in no time, I decided to go casual. I'd decided to wear a white shirt, my black jeans and my plain black shoes to finish off the look. It would do, I wasn't going to be making any special effort. I gave myself a dab of aftershave, shrugged at myself and left.

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