Logan - Part Five

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It was already midday when I woke up. Surprisingly enough, I could not remember any dreams about the she-wolf from last night. The sooner I forget about her the better, I thought. As soon as I left my room and went downstairs, I was met by Misty and her big, flawless smile. "Are the rumors true?" she said. What rumors? "What are you talking about?" I replied with a big yawn. "Have you seriously not read Pelt Weekly since yesterday? Did you really think that no one was going to catch your lies when you came back with that she-wolf after the heat last night?".  "Rumours don't really bother me anymore, people can believe what they want to believe." I told her, making my way into the kitchen to make myself something light to eat.

"So? You're telling me that you and the mysterious she-wolf happened to leave at the exact same time? In the exact same direction? during heat... Nice try Logan." She was reprimanding me now, "You might be able to fool your parents, but I know you better than that" she taunted me as I was spreading some butter on my toast. The thin layer of butter looked back up at me. I was saddened, now that I was named alpha  I really had to start looking after myself and that included my diet. Misty was probably right, I'll soon be Alpha and it was already hard for women to not fall at my knees. If a she-wolf had the slightest hint that I was hungry for them, they would not miss the opportunity to jump at the alpha.

I poured some juice for myself as I sat down at the table. Misty was scrolling aimlessly on her phone, after a while she was forcing the Pelt Weekly news page into my face and urging me to read. After a while I took the phone from her, giving in. I scanned, and article after article mentioned how the upcoming Alpha went off with a she-wolf during heat. I quietly laughed to myself. "Really? This is what got you so excited?" I gave Misty back the phone, "I'll leave them wondering, and that includes you, Misty."

I took a bite out of my toast, looking at the sad excuse of butter. "I don't have time for this right now," I need to go out on my morning jog and get some cardio done. "You know about my past and you also know that I have more important things to think about right now, I'm not going to waste my time on drama." Misty's excited smile quickly turned into a frown. I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe she thought that I would open up to her like I usually do, but right now I did not have the time, nor the energy to waste on this.

I finally managed to leave the house and escape the thousands of questions, The Alpha was ready for his jog. Not long after, I entered the park that I usually do my jogs in. I was rounding a corner when I heard two voices yell for me. I instantly recognized them. Basker was wearing a flannel as always and Mia was wearing a white buttoned up shirt with some jean shorts. I hadn't had much time to hang out with them the past week and I was actually really happy to hear their voices. "Hey lovebirds!" I shouted at them as I got closer. I gave Basker a bro hug and sent a smile towards Mia. I was about to carry on my way when I heard Mia ask "What brings you here, oh mighty Alpha?"

I stopped and looked back at them, rolling my eyes. "I assume you've both read Pelt weekly?" They nodded but thankfully changed the subject, they know better than to gossip with me. "You look like you could use something to eat" Mia called after me as I started running again, "maybe we could all go and grab a bite together?" I was meant to burn calories, not gain them, but food sure did sound perfect right now.

Before I knew it I was on the way to the bakery with Basker and Mia. They were trailing behind as I sprinted off in front, they really did make a great couple. Basker was a bit cautious when he was first mated with Mia, he already had a girlfriend before the ceremony, but truth be told, I like Mia way more than his ex anyway. As I went inside the bakery I was instantly hit with the delicious smell of cake. I was looking around, trying to find the cupcakes that I ended up buying more often than not.

I felt two pairs of eyes looking at me from behind. "Ehm excuse me Mr. Alpha" said male voice with sass. I instantly knew who it was. It was Bernard, the baker. I quickly turned around and saw that he was accompanied by a she-wolf. I honestly can't say that I recognize her from anywhere. What's up with all these new she-wolves? "Yes, Bernard?" I said as I turned my back on him again to put my cupcakes in my basket. "It's been a while since I saw you last, Cupcakes."

What? What the fuck did he just call me? Bernard just stood there with a big grin on his face and the she-wolf next to him looked like she was about to piss herself from laughter. I heard a sharp high-pitched noise come from back of the shop. It almost sounded like a laugh. "Oh, don't mind that. It's just the dough machine" he said as I looked over towards where the sound had come from. "Bernard... what have I told you about giving me nicknames?" I quickly changed my focus to the she-wolf that was stood next to him.

"The fact that the only thing you've bought here for the past goddess knows how long is cupcakes... well I'd say it's quite fitting, don't you think?" I rolled my eyes at him and tried to change the subject. "And who may you be, she-wolf?" She instantly stopped laughing, she looked a bit hurt by my question. Would she really be hurt over me not knowing who she is? There are too many wolves in this pack to keep track of, my dad never was fully satisfied with the size. She seemed to recognise she was frowning and instantly changed into a smile.

"Oh I'm Whitt, I'm friends with Barney." She blushed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, future Alpha. You're in good shape as always" she winked at me. I smiled back and turned my back on them again. Once I had found the final cupcakes that I had wanted, I went to pay. The she-wolf left shortly after our interaction. She was a cute one.

I payed for my cupcakes and headed outside to where Basker and Mia were waiting for me. "Did you get lost in there?"  That was Basker's attempt at a joke, he was clearly referencing the day before. Ugh. I can't wait until everyone has forgotten about it already. We headed back to the park where we came from originally and had a decent time together.

Not long after I had to head back home to take care of some business that my father had delegated my way. More preparation for the Alpha role I had ahead of me, I assumed. It was well in to the night by the time we had finished. I felt exhausted, how was I even meant to take this alpha role when it took so much effort to just do paperwork?

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