Emily - Part Five

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I woke up in a cold sweat. My bed was drenched and I couldn't see more than a foot in front of my face. "Whitt?" I went to shake her awake in the bed next to me, but the mattress was cold and she wasn't there. Maybe she'd gone to get a glass of water? Then I heard it, a deep growl coming from the corner of my room. The dark hindered any chance of me being able to see exactly what or where it was. Suddenly, I heard a faint noise of footsteps across my floor, followed by a short laugh. "Who's there?" I gasped out, "show yourself!". Whoever it was, was closing in on my side of the bed.

"My friend is here, she'll be back any minute now!" I didn't actually know that factually, but I was getting desperate. A chuckle came from the right of me, "Who's scared of the big bad wolf?" I heard a loud growl and saw the brightest purple eyes flash in front of me. I screeched out in terror hoping anyone would hear my last pleas.

"Em? EMILY?..." I was jolted up, I could feel hands grabbing my wrists. I opened my eyes. The scene before me was exactly as it had been the day before, the sun was very much high in the sky and there were no monsters around my bed. I took a shaking breath to calm my breathing, I hadn't even realised I was shaking until Whitt offered me the glass of water from her nightstand. "Are you okay?" Here were the questions I couldn't answer, "What was that? A night terror?" Whitt looked pale, the most pale I had ever seen her and her eyes were as wide as a deer in headlights.

I couldn't explain it, I wouldn't even know where to start. Those glowing purple eyes were imprinted in my memory. I took a shuddering breath, "I'm fin-" Whitt didn't even let me finish before cutting me off, "Before you even tell me you are fine, can you please turn around and look at your bed...?" I did as she said obediently and searched for whatever it was she was referring to. It didn't take me long, my pillows, my mattress, even my duvet were ripped into shreds.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Whitt! I could've hurt you." I looked away from her, ashamed of myself. "Stop worrying about that for a sec please?" I nodded, feeling completely helpless. What was going on with me? "Good, what the hell was your wolf doing out?" That was a great question, one I would probably need to ask her as soon as we could shift after the Yen again. I wasn't going to risk her needy ass going after just about any wolf.

Instead I told Whitt all about the dream and the weird purple eyes. She sat and listened, nodding every once in a while when I looked up at her. After I'd finished we sat in silence. I was playing with my hands in my lap when she said, "It sounds like the Yen is really messing with you this year Em, honestly it just sounds like a bad dream." I nodded and shrugged my shoulders, "you're right, there's no way anyone could get in anyway, you were here the whole night." "Exactly!" She smiled, "now why don't you get yourself ready and we'll head over to Barney's place?" She was right, I'm sure the sugar would help me feel better. I got out of bed, changed my sheets, threw out the tattered ones and got ready to go. What the hell was happening?

I was looking out of the shop window, wondering why the sun had to be so strong during Yen. It's as if the moon goddess had made some kind of pact with the sun, just to make us suffer even more. We had got to the shop in no time, it wasn't too far from my house. Whitt was helping herself to some of the cookies on the counter. Barney came stumbling from the back, he'd just put on another batch of the super secret cupcakes with the purple frosting and green sprinkles we loved so much. It made me nervous being out during Yen. If you didn't keep track of the intervals it could catch you off guard.

The only reason I'd agreed to doing it today was because I really needed to get out of the house after that weird dream. I'd managed to keep it at the back of my mind for now. Barney always made me feel better. He was staring at me and I knew exactly what he was about to ask before it left his mouth' "So... Pelt Weekly posted something interesting last night..." I groaned, it was meant to be internal but I just couldn't hold back. I was so tired of the rumour mill already.

I was just about to open my mouth and answer him when I caught a figure walking straight towards the shop. Shit! It was Logan. "Hide me!" I shouted at Barney. "What? Why?" He asked me confused. I pointed to the window where Logan was getting closer. "Ohhhhh," there was a smirk on his face I didn't quite like. Whitt was laughing too. How could they laugh! This was not a laughing matter! "Come with me." Barney grabbed me by my shoulder and pushed me behind the door to the back of the shop, all I could smell was dough and baked goods as I entered the kitchen. Yep. I did not mind being in here one bit.

From behind the door I could hear them shuffling into causal positions and I almost burst out laughing imagining them lounging over the counters. I heard the door to the shop open and then it was silent. I held my breath. That was until Barney said "Ehm, excuse me Mr Alpha" in the sassiest way I had ever heard him. "Yes Bernard?" Was Logan's reply. His voice sent shivers down my spine remembering the way he had whispered in my ear. No! Focus Emily. You can't start going through heat here.

"It's been a while since I saw you last, cupcakes." Came Barney's reply. I had to cover my mouth with my hand to stop the laugh from erupting from my body but I was too late to catch the start of it. I let out a loud noise, instantly realised my mistake and make my way to the far corner of the kitchen laughing to myself. That was one of the many reasons I loved Barney so much, Logan was our Alpha, and Barney still treated everyone the same, him included.

I was lost in thought looking through all of the sweet treats that Barney had been cooking up. Suddenly, the door to the front of the shop opened. I jumped out of my skin as Barney tumbled through laughing and holding a mysterious bag of cookies. I quickly got over my shock, glad that it wasn't Logan. "Cupcakes!?" I shouted in a fit of laughter. We doubled over together, I couldn't remember the last time I'd laughed like that. I quickly realised that Whitt wasn't with him and stopped laughing, "Hey? Where did Whitt go?" He looked at his watch and back at me, "Probably to her booty call, it's nearly heat time."


"Thanks for hiding me and thanks for the free cookies!" I snatched the pouch from his hand before he could stop me and ran for the door. I hoped I could make it home in time, my wolf growled hoping that we wouldn't.

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