Dom - Orphan Alpha

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My eyes were blinking rapidly, refusing to believe what was in front of me. Who was in front of me. I knew she wouldn't remember me, I was told that measurements were put in place for that, to make sure she couldn't be traced. It hurt that she didn't remember me, it was always going to hurt. I had been aware from the start that she wouldn't recognise who I was, she wouldn't feel the connection. I thought of all the countless times I would take her puddle jumping in the woods, or how we would play chase inside the pack house and be reprimanded by dad. I took the blame, I would've done anything for Jessie, our bond was inseparable, until it wasn't. "Can someone please explain?" Emily's voice was sharp, she was confused, I think all of us were in some way.

I turned to Jessie, "What can you remember about your life before this pack?" She shook her head and glared at me, "Nothing, which is why I don't believe your story one bit. I'm nothing to do with you." After searching for her for so long it was like a stab to the heart to hear those words. "And why do you think you don't remember anything?" I asked, pushing her to consider that what I was saying was the truth. Logan and Emily were looking back and forth like a tennis match, Elena was still in shock next to me. "The coven that I live with took your memories to keep you from danger. Though it's pointless now because they are targeting every pack." She rolled her eyes, she clearly didn't want to hear this. "I have an idea," Elena spoke up. "Why don't I show her?" She backed up a few steps "show me what?" Emily gasped, she knew exactly what she was talking about. Elena continued, "the night of the attack, Dom wasn't there, the alpha had sent him to a training camp for young boys. But I was."

Elena turned to Jessie, her eyes sympathetic, "I saw the whole thing, I was there." She glanced back at me and gave me a shrug, "I know you can't trust Dominick right now, but we used to be close, incredibly close... put your trust in me again for a moment? After that you can make your own mind up." Jessie sighed, and walked towards the leather sofa in the middle of the room, Emily followed after her, rubbing her arms. What a wonderful person she was. She sat down on the edge, too scared to get comfortable. "I never knew my life before this, I don't have a life before this... I can see whatever you want to show me, but this is my life now." She looks at me, her eyes sad, "I don't know you, I'm sorry... I don't. I don't have any kind of feelings towards you because you are a stranger. Though I acknowledge the fact that you clearly miss this 'Jessie' person, and if you feel like it would be beneficial for me to know, I will learn."

How brave she was, how incredibly giving. She had no idea who we were and yet, because of how upset I had been she was willing to give it a shot. She'd always been that way, she was the most selfless person I knew. Logan cleared his throat, "so you are saying that you're Whitt's brother?" I nodded, "her name was Jessie when I knew her, but I suppose they had to change that too. She's my half sister, her mother was a witch and our father was the alpha of the Rising Dawn pack." I informed him. "And she's been missing this whole time?" He questioned. "I've been looking for her ever since I could," I turned to look around the room, I glanced at the open door. "I can't say too much, please let us show you?" I begged, if only she could see what had happened, to our parents, to our pack... "okay," she spoke softly, "I'll go with you, I'll see." Relief flooded my body as I went to walk towards her, Elena grabbed onto my arm and shook her head.

We walked over to Jessie and put her hand out, "Hi, I'm Elena, I'm a witch and my coven lives with the Rising Dawn pack." Jessie took her hand and shook it, "I'm going to send you to sleep, just so we can show you what we need to and then you'll wake right back up. Is that okay?" Jessie looked to Emily and Dom, "It's fine," Logan's voice reassured, "they've done it to a whole bunch of people before, you're in safe hands." Emily smiled at Logan in thanks, the smile that would melt a thousand hearts and still have power to melt a thousand more. I walked over to the sofa and sat on the other side of Jessie, she looked towards Emily a little, I wasn't offended, she didn't know me yet. "Ready?" Elena asked. We didn't have time to reply before I felt the pull, it was almost like being on a theme park ride and feeling the G-Force hit. Everything went black.

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