Logan - Part Eighteen

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I took the stairs, three at a time. My legs were pushing forwards, and I didn't even know where I was going until I stood in front of the door. Dominick was trailing behind me, he'd tried a few times to reason with me but right now, reasoning wasn't an option. For the past eight years, it was like a crack had formed inside my head, whenever my wolf would relay information through our personal connection, some of it would get lost and I'd have to fill in the blanks. Little did I know, I was never fully getting the information that I was entitled to in the first place.

With my wolf being open with me again, the crack had sealed up and I could feel everything again. I thought I was over the whole situation, but all of those years of pain, the years my wolf was disconnected and suffering alone, came crashing down on me. I knew I'd be okay eventually, there was a big part of me that was already over it, and that was all thanks to Emily. It was so raw in my memory now that I had the missing pieces, the only way I could deal with it, was to go and speak with Neil myself. "This is a dreadful idea Logan, I really wish you'd reconsider." Dominick was behind me, giving me random pieces of advice I hadn't asked for. I didn't need him to be my councillor. I needed him to be my backup in case this went south.

"I'm telling you, you aren't thinking straight right now!" He tries to reason with me. I was angry, I certainly didn't need all of his 'goody two shoes' preachings that I hadn't asked for, I turned on him. "Can you please just shut up? I want you to be here to mediate. I'm not going to hurt the guy." The fact that he was slightly taller than me didn't intimidate me anymore, the fact that he clearly had a thing for Emily, didn't bother me like it had hours before. I was Alpha Logan, whether people liked it or not, this was my pack. Having the connection to my wolf being back at a hundred percent made me feel powerful. "Are you sure this is the door?" He let out a breath, "If you go in there and cause a scene it's your funeral, the Rising Dawn pack doesn't stand with anyone but themselves. I won't get involved in your petty arguments over a woman."

"It's not about her," I snapped at him, "it's about the fact that he's been staying in my home, eating my food and drinking my whisky, and I didn't even know his significance in this whole situation." Okay... I admitted to myself, maybe it was about her right now, but after our conversation I could let that go. "I have never been to another mating ceremony, I was always too scared about the same thing happening, It was easier to never let myself fall again." I was explaining to the wooden door, I didn't even know if Dominick was listening, but I needed to get it out.. "I don't believe in mates. I don't believe in not having a choice and I get that there was no control over what happened. I just don't understand why." I grabbed hold of the handle and twisted the knob. "I'm angry and I can't exactly commune with the moon goddess, so that alpha that took away my happiness, he will have to do."

I didn't look back to see if he'd followed me into the room, he was on the fence about this whole situation anyway. I approached the bed and saw his sleeping figure, I recognised him instantly. He was also the alpha that I'd thrown against the wall in the study for bad mouthing my pack. Figures, I didn't even know the guy and I knew I didn't like him, that was my subconscious working like a well oiled machine. My wolf was ready, he was watching the man with the blonde man bun, just as I was. Seriously? A man bun? I laughed to myself, the moon goddess paired my ex with a man bun? My wolf roared out in laughter, goddess it felt good to be at one again. "Hey asshole, it's time to wake up" I shouted, kicking at the blankets that his surfer-dude ass was sleeping under.

He groaned, throwing one hand over his eyes and staring up at the ceiling, his body was spread out like a starfish. "I didn't ask for a wake up call." "Yeah? Well I didn't ask for you to be taking residence in my house either." He blinked once, then again, his mind was catching up with his body. "Care to explain what the hell you're doing in here?" He looked behind me, focusing on the figure by the door. Oh, so Dominick had decided to stay after all? Then he looked back. "We need to have a conversation." I stated to him, blankly. He checked his watch, "at 6:55? You're kidding? You sure this can't wait?" I didn't even need to say anything, the look on my face was enough to show him that I wasn't in a joking kind of mood. "Can I at least put on some pants first? Jeez." My jaw twitched, I held back. The rational side of me, the reasonable side of me was still here.

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