Emily - 02: Part Three

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The light was so bright but I couldn't look away, I could hear my parents voices, but I couldn't see them. I shook off Dom's hand my from arm, and stretched out to reach it. "Emily" he shouted, the noise was so unexpected it made me jump, it made me let go of the grip I was keeping on the rope inside my mind. My body started to toppled backwards, Dom tried to reach for me, at this point there was nothing he could've done. I squeezed my eyes as I fell,




Until there was nowhere to fall anymore. I landed with a thud on my back, it knocked the wind out of my lungs. My first experience travelling through the dream realm and it definitely hadn't been the best one. I cracked open my eyes, there was a faint yellow glow all around me. Flipping myself over onto my stomach, I looked around the place I had landed. My ribs hurt, it was painful to stretch. As my lungs managed to gather more air, my vision cleared. Where the hell was I? And where was Dom?

It appeared that I'd fallen into someone's small home. It was almost like a hobbit house, the four walls around me were entirely too close and the single bed that lay in the corner was messy and unmade. It appeared that whoever lived here wasn't home. There were small windows by a big rounded door, the fireplace in the middle of the room was open and ash lined that brick at the bottom. It was surprisingly warm, there seemed to be no other form of heat in this small house and yet it felt like it was the middle of summer, even though outside it was October. I walked over to the small glass windows, I couldn't see anything outside, it was all black. I tried the door handle, it unlocked. I opened it an inch, I couldn't see a thing, everything was black. My body felt as if it was being sucked in by a vacuum as the pressure from an unseen force, outside the door, sucked me out of the house, I screamed but nothing came out as my voice was sucked into the void.

I opened my eyes, blinking at the bright white light. "Hey! She's awake!" Someone said next to me. I couldn't move my head to see, but the room was starting to focus now. It looked like I was back in Dom's pack house. My mind felt woozy. I tried to form croaky words but someone stopped me, "shhh it's fine, we're just happy to have you back." Back? Back from where? Where had I been? I blinked rapidly, helping my vision to focus properly, Whitt was leaning on the bed next to me, Elena was standing next to her, and Dom was over by the door pacing. "What's with the party?" I asked them. Elena spoke up, "you've been out for a few days. We couldn't wake you." What? A few days? I was in the hobbit house for a matter of minutes. "Days?" I asked her, she shrugged her shoulders, "not even the witches could bring you back from wherever you'd gone." I looked over at Dom who was still pacing, " are you okay?" I asked him. He stopped, his eyebrow raising, "you've been out for two days and you're asking me if I'm okay?" I narrowed my eyes, "I was just being polite, you look stressed."

He walked towards the bed, " I had to call your pack, Alpha Logan wasn't happy." He did what?! "Why!" I shouted at him. "We didn't know if you would ever wake up Emily... I've never lost a connection like that before. What happened?" I thought back to the moments before my body had fallen. How could I explain it? "I could hear my parents, they sounded distressed. I was so focused on that, that when you called my name, it shocked me and the hold on the mental rope I had snapped." They all gasped. "I had my eyes closed for most of it, I wish I could tell you how I got to the house but I can't" I said apologetically. They all looked at each other, Dom spoke, "you mean the pack house? My house?" I shook my head, the action made me feel nauseous, "No the little house, the one with the round door and the little windows?" They all looked at me like I'd gone mad. "Emily there is no house in the dream realm" Dom told me softly. "I know what I saw," I said back sharply.

Elena moved towards a bowl on the bedside table, "that may be so, but no one had ever broken the seal between the realms before. We have no idea what it is you would've experienced, or where you ended up." She placed a wet cloth on my head and I batted it away, "I heard my parents," I looked towards Dom, "we need to go back." She sighed and his shoulders slumped, "you need to take a break, you used a lot of energy getting back. Whitt and Elena had to force more energy into your body, There was a possibility you would've never woken up Emily." I went to argue and Whitt placed a hand on my arm, "he's right, we all need rest. We can try again later." Now that she mentioned it, the bags under her eyes were a dark shade of blue, and her eyelids had grown puffy and propel. Dom scoffed at this, I threw daggers in his direction. "Call Logan, tell him I'm fine. I don't want a big song and dance being made, but I'm finding my parents." He went to argue with me, I stopped him, "you do not control what I do, neither does Logan. I choose my own path and I want to stay and help."

Elena looked from me and to Dom, "she's got a point, she's the only one that can find them." She tried to reason, " It worked, she just needs to build her energy up and keep a grip on her link to the realm." She looked back at me, "she knows what she did wrong, so it won't happen again." I shook my head, I knew it wasn't a question but I felt like Dom needed the confirmation. His lips made a duck face and he let out an extremely long breath, "fine, but she'll have to explain to Alpha Logan, I'm not getting into a pack war over this." I held my hand out, gesturing for him to hand me the phone. "I'll tell him exactly what I've told you. I'm a big girl, I don't need a guardian." He punched in the number and handed me the phone, one by one they all left. There was a cracking on the other side and then the click of someone accepting the call.

"Hello?" I said, cautious about who I was speaking to. It would've been the pack house number, there's no way Dom would have Logan's personal number. "Hello?" Came a voice from the other side. It didn't sound like Logan, it was female. "Who is this?" I asked. "Who is this?" The person on the other end repeated. I was not in the mood for games right now. "I'm Emily, I'm part of the Midnight Moon pack, I need to speak with Alpha Logan," I stated. "Ahhh Emily! It's Rae, you know? The beautiful redhead that you had a disagreement with before?" My face grew sour, what the hell was she doing in the pack house. "Can I speak to Logan?" I asked her, gritting my teeth. "Uhm, he's kind of busy right now, he's packing for a trip, can I take a message?" I was fuming. "Tell him not to come, I can handle things on my own. I don't need his help, with anything." I knew I was being petty, but hearing that she was in the pack house made my blood boil. "Can do" she chimed, "anything else you want me to pass on?"

I could hear Logan's Beta in the background, Basker? I think his name was. He was questioning what was going on and asking to have the phone. It sounded like Rae was batting him away. "Go do something useful, be an actual Beta for once," she seethed. "I'm sorry," she spoke on the phone again, "I'll let Alpha Logan know, can you do me a favor and try not to die? It makes my job a lot easier when there's less hiccups." I had no idea what she meant by that. Was she talking about Logan? Was she talking about actual work? I'd never find out being straight after she said that, she hung up. Alone in Whitt's room, my eyes started to close again. I had clearly used up way more energy than I thought. Maybe it was best for me to rest a little while. I'd need all of my strength for round two.

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