Logan - Part Eight

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I laughed at the fact that she tried to mislead her parents about last night. She had tried so hard to make me think that she'd forgotten about it, I knew she couldn't. If I was hung up on her, there was no doubt she was hung up on me too. I knew that last night was as real as it could get, there was no denying what we had both felt in that moment. She didn't seem happy about my comments, but her reactions had only spurred me on. She was so much feistier than I imagined, it was growing on me.

I could see her face going red, but I wasn't sure if it was because she was angry, or embarrassed. As I opened my mouth to embarrass her even further after her last comment, she quickly stood up and muttered something about needing to talk. She rounded the table and grabbed my arm in no time, she was definitely stronger than she looked. "Thank you Mr and Mrs Russel" I had tried to say over her, she continued to drag me upstairs with ease. Damn, this she-wolf could definitely pack a punch if she tried.

I'm not sure if she expected me to complain or not, but I gladly took my punishment with ease. I wasn't going to fight her off, besides, I was excited to see her bedroom. I wondered what kind of stuffed animals she owned or what kind of pink her walls were painted. Maybe she'd had the same things in there since she was a child? You could tell a lot about a person from the things in their private sanctuary. She opened the door, I was assuming this was her room, though she could've been leading me anywhere. I probably should've been more careful.

This first thing I noticed were the white washed walls. Plain and simple, but effective and blending perfectly with her pine coloured furniture. Everything matched. The bed, the tables either side and even the wardrobe. She was either very particular or she'd probably bought them as a set. I was pleasantly surprised that her room held so much light. Mine was so dark and moody that I'd never even considered what illusion of space a lighter room could create. The whole space was so completely Emily, I was in awe. That was until I took a closer look at her bed. "Uhm..." I started to say, pulling at the thick worn ties attached to her headboard. "So this is interesting.."

Her face instantly flushed as she pulled my hands from the ties. "They're a precaution" she snapped. I held up my hands in defence, "Hey, I wasn't even going to ask..." She glared at me. Well, this was going swimmingly. She was pacing a hole in her carpet before turning on me, clearly annoyed "What're you doing here Logan?" "Oh, so it's Logan now is it," I snorted at her. "I though I was 'Alpha' back at the dinner table? What do you want me to be, princess?" I asked, an edge of lust lacing my voice. Princess? Yeah, it definitely suited the woman in front of me.

I was knocked off of my feet when she replied, "I want you to be gone." "Wow, why all of the hostility?" I questioned her. "You're messing with me." Came her reply, " I don't know why. I don't know what I've ever done to you, but it needs to stop, Logan." She was clearly frustrated, I was so caught up in my own need that I hadn't even thought for a second about how she would take this. Of course she thought I had the worst intentions... "Hey-" I spoke softly, gently putting my hand on her shoulder, she shook it off. "-I don't know what you think of me.." "You're right!" She shouted, "You don't know what I think, and you don't want to know. You use women all the time and I'm not going to be just another person for you to play around with until you get bored."

I was in shock. Like actual shock. Is that really what she thought? I grabbed her arms to stop her from pacing and pushed her up against her wardrobe, "Maybe you should get to know someone before you start preaching about things you don't know, princess." She struggled against me, but I wouldn't let her think she could overpower me this time. I was her alpha and she was going to listen. "You don't know the first thing about me. All you know is what's written in those stupid Pelt Weekly articles" I criticised her and I couldn't stop there. "I came here to check up on you after you just left me last night! Do you know how that feels? To be left."

She stopped struggling and looked up at me, really looked, in a way she hadn't seemed to before. I waited until I was sure she wouldn't make a move again before adding, "I don't know why... but I feel so connected to you. Don't you feel it too?" Her head dropped and her shoulders relaxed, she nodded. I lifted her chin to look back up at me, "I want you, princess." It seemed like there was one last string holding her together and after uttering those words, it had snapped. She grabbed on to my neck and pulled my down towards her, her lips met with mine in a fury of heated passion.

Our heads were twisting in every direction and yet we still couldn't seem to get close enough. I brought my hands up to her hair and pulled out the hair tie. "That's better." I growled against her lips. My tongue licked her bottom lip, looking for confirmation. She opened her mouth in agreement and my tongue met with hers. My hands were knotted in her hair, and her hands were undoing the buttons on my shirt. I paused, taking my lips from hers. She looked dazed and was about to ask a question, when I spun us around and pushed her ass first onto her bed.

"What am I to you princess? Am I Logan? Or am I your alpha?" She squirmed underneath my gaze. Pulling her head back against the duvet, she opened her mouth to reply and stopped herself. Instead, she grabbed hold of my hips and pulled me down with her. "Alpha? Why don't you show me what a real alpha can do?" She teased. I was so fucking turned on. I was so ready to take her right there, I didn't care who heard. I smashed my lips against hers again and pulled her further up the bed. While one of my hands held down her arm, the other grabbed hold of the tie from the edge of the bed. "So you want me to show you how an alpha treats his woman huh?"

She nodded eagerly, I'd managed to tie both of her wrists up and suddenly the air was thick with the smell of her need. I crawled back towards the bottom of the bed as I looked at my handiwork. She moved her hips, beckoning me forward. Who was I to say no? I pulled her legs apart as she took in a deep breath. Slowly, I ran my tongue from her calf, up towards the back of her knee and over her thigh. I nipped at her skin with my teeth and kissed where I had finished. She was moaning and pulling against the restraints. I knew she wanted her hands over me, but this was the alpha's turn to have some fun.

I looked her in the eyes as I pulled up the bottom of her dress, she held my gaze and I could tell we were both in too deep. I moved my lips to kiss around the edge of her panties. Fuck. She was wearing the red ones. So she had been thinking of me? Her breathing hitched as she felt my breath running over her wet core. I was so close to getting to taste her... the door knocked. "Em!" Came a loud defending shout from the other side of the door. "Whitt." Emily whispered, shooting up in bed. Swiftly she managed to get out of the ties without needing my help. What?! Was she a magician? Did we have a Houdini-wolf on our hands? What was even the point in the ties if she could get out of them?

She pulled down her dress, took a look in the mirror and sprinted for the door. I was sat in utter astonishment. I'm sure my mouth was gaping open but I couldn't feel it. What was going on? "I'll explain later" was the last thing she's said to me before opening the door. Her friend started to walk inside, I instantly recognised her from the bakery, she took one look around the room before even noticing me sat there. "So, Whitt? Logan came over too.." Emily had started to explain. Whitt covered her mouth with her hands and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Logan?! Alpha Logan!" I waved and gave her a small smile. How was Emily going to get herself out of this one? It took me a second to register everything that had happened.

It wasn't even the heat.

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