Alpha Logan - Part Twenty

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I'd turned around as soon as I felt his presence, I'd been made aware in his condolence letter that he'd be attending the funeral. Dominick was friendly with my father, even though I'd wanted him to find Emily's parents, I knew this was important to him too. I also received congratulations for my new position, not that it felt like a particularly good thing at the moment. Now here he was, looking towards Emily, who was looking back at him. He nodded to me, acknowledging my presence and my position, I nodded back and he went to leave, he'd done what he came to do and now he had other pressing matters to attend to.

Emily took a step towards him, and then another, and then another. If she got to him and asked why he'd been keeping his distance, I knew he'd crack and tell her about her parents. He wouldn't want to lie to her, I didn't want to lie to her, but it's the position I was already put in. I shouted her name, "Emily! Hey" she was stunned for the moment so I took the opportunity and jogged over to her, "how have you been?" She looked for where Dominick had been a minute before, but he'd already disappeared. She turned around to face me once again, "How have I been? How have I been?" I nodded, people were starting to dissipate now and move inside the house. "Yeah, that's what I asked." She didn't bother to answer me, she spun on her heel and headed towards the house. Did I say something wrong?

I could hear her mumbling under her breath and she made her way through the house, I followed behind at a fast pace. I tried shouting for her, "Em?" And then again, "Emily!" She still wasn't listening. At this point I didn't really see that I had any other option, she was heading towards an open doorway, I ran towards her, grabbed hold of her waist and threw us both into the open room. I slammed the door behind as she stumbled on her feet. "Move!" She ordered me. I gritted my teeth, "No." She crossed her arms, her rage apparent, "MOVE." I stood my ground, no way was the alpha about to be bossed around by a damn she-wolf. She stormed up to me, "I said-" I grabbed hold of her waist and threw her down onto the lounge chair in the middle of the room, trapping her body with mine, caging her in.

"I heard what you said. I just don't take well to being ordered around Princess." She looked at me, wide eyed, "you have changed..." I laughed, "of course I've changed, I'm the alpha. I died and came back to life, my father died and I held his funeral today. Of course I've changed." She gulped and sunk back lower into the chair, "I don't like you like this." I huffed out a breath, "sorry am I the wrong kind of alpha for you?" She turned her head away from me, tears running down her cheeks. I instantly regretted what I'd said. "I'm sorry, you know I don't mean it, there's just a lot... I can't seem to.." I couldn't even finish my sentences.

I moved off of her, sitting down on the chair next to her, she sat up next to me, our knees touching. "I'm sorry too, I know what today is, I'm so sorry you even have to go through this Logan. I shouldn't be making it worse." My head snapped to her, I cupped her chin in my hand, "hey, don't talk like that. Seeing you, speaking to you had made me the happiest I've felt all day." She looked me in the eyes, "then why have you been ignoring me?" I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, "I've been feeling guilty, about a lot of things..." she turned to face me fully, pulling her legs up on the chair in a more comfortable position. "Barney told me, that you um, you feel bad about what happened at the ceremony?" I looked down at my feet and clasped my hands together. "It's not just that, it's a few things, but yeah... I wish he'd have told me what he was doing. He's always sacrificed so much for me and all I ever was, was a pain in the ass."

"That's not true yo-" I raised my hand, stopping her before she could carry on, "the biggest burden I've been carrying is towards you and your parents." She grabbed hold of my head in both hands and forced me to look at her, "that's nothing to do with you, wherever they are, I hope they're happy. They clearly don't care enough about me... I... I have you though." I looked down into her gorgeous eyes looking back up at me and I melted. This woman was everything, how could I have ever kept important information from her? I was just about to tell her as much when she bent closer to my face and placed her lips on mine. Oh goddess, her kiss made me feel so good, I'd been dying to be around her for so long. My wolf growled inside, we hadn't felt this happy ever since the world was a simpler place. I don't know what came over me, I wanted to tell her, I was about to tell her, instead I grabbed her legs, which were sprawled out beside me and pulled her towards my hips.

She was deepening the kiss, licking her tongue against my lips, goddess I was desperate for this woman. My eyes closed slowly, revelling in the pleasure this beautiful creature gave me. My hands came around and grabbed her ass, she let out a little squeal and I pulled her up to sit on top of me. Her breath was getting heavier, her fingers were dragging over my suit, pushing under my jacket and roaming my chest. She started to move her hips and my eyes shot open, I couldn't do this. I pulled my lips from hers and gently pulled her body from mine. She looked confused and hurt. "I'm sorry, I know what today is, I am so so sorry Logan." She started to plead. I couldn't take this anymore, it was killing me. "I've been lying to you." She looked stunned, like I'd just hit her with a 1000 watt defibrillator. "You... you what?"

"It's about you parents, but I don't know how to tell you. We have to be careful. Anyone could be listening." I walked over to my father- ... my desk and grabbed out some paper and a pen. I wrote it out so fast I couldn't even control the way it was scrawled.

Your parents were taken by someone in this pack, we think. They were operational intel for my father and we think they found out who the mole was. Before they could tell my father they were taken.

She started to laugh, "yeah great one Logan, next you'll tell me Dom is really my long lost brother." I looked her dead in the eyes, holding her gaze and looked back at the paper before I wrote underneath,

It's true. I've been lying to you. They are in danger and so are you. Dom is in charge of finding them.

The look on her face changed as she read it. Now she looked just as scared as I felt for her. She got up and stormed to the door, I grabbed onto her hand, trying to stop her. Instead of pulling her into my arms like I planned, she raised her hand and slapped me across the face. I held the heated skin that she'd marked. "Okay I deserved that." She didn't say another word, she just turned and left. It was pointless going after her, it would only be another argument. I quickly remembered the paper sitting on the desk and took it over to the fireplace. It was the end of October, the fireplace was always lit now. Without a second thought I threw it into the flames and watched as the paper shriveled up and disappeared. At least she knew. Now I had to make sure she kept the information to herself.

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