Alpha Logan - Secret Plans

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It had been two weeks since the incident with Basker, the incident that caused him to lose his life and take Mia with him. It had been two weeks of no communication from the Rising Dawn pack, they'd left and taken Whitt with them, the best part? We didn't know when or if she'd be returning and that made everyone anxious, most of all Emily. All she would do is walk around the pack house numbly, her parents had been busy trying to help in whatever way they could, but even having them at the pack house was failing to make her smile. I'd come up with a plan a few days ago, I had Rae help out to make sure it would be perfect. We were standing in one of the rooms that was hardly ever used, after Rae's transformation it looked amazing. "You think she'll like it?" I asked a very tired Rae. "Oh I think she'll love it, but you..." she said looking me up and down, "you are going to have to do something about that outfit."

I looked down at my jeans and t-shirt, "I can't wear this?" She shook her head. "I'll sort Emily, you sort yourself okay?" That I could agree to, I didn't have the first clue when it came to women. The room that Rae had designed was perfect, there was a huge dining table in the middle decorated with reds and white. The room I'd chosen had a balcony and Rae had converted it into a cosy sitting area with TV and films. I was confident that a chilled out evening was exactly what she would need to feel more like herself again. To be honest, more than anything I knew that I could do with it too. Rae looked around approvingly, "I'm great at interior design, you should probably hire me for the pack house in general." I laughed, "you know what? I probably should." She started to shoo me from the room, "go in, go get ready. Before you do, you should probably invite Emily to her own date." Good idea, I thought.

I knew where she'd be, she spent most of her time in the library now, she was always reading up on pack history or studying the maps that my father had framed on the wall. I was never sure what she was looking for, but it was awfully lonely. I'd offered to help her out on a few occasions but she would look up from her book and straight back down again. I felt like the connection we'd gained was fading, I didn't want that, even if she didn't want me in the same way I wanted her, I wanted to be someone she could turn to. I knocked on the door to the library, "I have a message here for a Miss Emily Russel?" She peaked above a particularly dusty book, "it depends who it's from as to whether I want to hear it or not." I walked further in, "it's a message from a guy who wants to ask a girl to have dinner with him tonight." She paused her reading and folded the book closed, "who would be the guy who wanted to take a girl to dinner?" I gulped, "me, I want to take you to dinner." She looked as if she was considering before she put the book back up in her face again.

"I don't want to go anywhere." I knew this would be difficult, the loss of having her best friend around was hard on her, and to finish it all off, no one had heard from her baker friend either. "I knew you wouldn't," I told her, "that's why I've arranged for other preparations to be made" she lowered the look, looked at me with an unreadable expression. "Carry on..." she said quietly. "It's here in the pack house, in a room upstairs next to the lounge." She put the book down all together now, a hint of a smile on her lips. "And what will I find in this room?" The fact that she was even enquiring about it made me feel so happy, maybe she would want to do something after all? "In that room, which you aren't allowed in until you have been properly dressed, you will find a surprise." She pursed her lips together into a pout, "how is it fair if you know and I don't, especially if it involves you?"

"Don't question it," I told her, "go with it and I promise you'll have a good time." She put her book back up in front of her face. "Okay." She said, almost under her breath. "Okay?" She looked over the edge, "okay." OKAY! We were in business. "Rae will probably be in soon, she's going to help you get ready. I'll come and pick you up from your room at 7pm okay?" She waved me off, "I'll take that as a yes" I told her before I left, closing the door back behind me. I couldn't help the smile that made its way to my face, this would be good, this would be good for both of us. I raced to my room and past Misty on the way, "woah! Why the hurry?" She said, moving out of the way, "I have a date with Emily." I told her, practically bouncing off of the walls.

Her eyes widened, "you do? She said yes?" I scratched the back of my neck, stretching my arm. "Well not exactly, she said 'okay'." Misty rolled her eyes and continued to walk away, "okay is yes, you melon." I had to go, I had to get ready and pick out an outfit. I called to her over my shoulder, "don't forget to get me those plans for the mating ceremony on my desk by Monday!" "On it!" She shouted back. Anything that she gave me would've been okayed, I hadn't been since Lyla and I had no plan to go this year either. There was a nagging thought in the back of my mind about it, almost like a reminder of someone I couldn't remember. I usually shook it off and carried on, but the closer we were to December, the more the nagging thought would pester me. I opened the door to my room and Storm bounded over, "hey buddy, guess what?" He inclined his head, "she said yes to going out! Well... staying in technically. She said yes!" He howled and jumped around in a circle, I laughed and patted his head.

An hour later he was laying down on my bed, it had basically become his now anyway, he was judging me. Any type of outfit I tried on, he looked at me disapprovingly. I sighed and took off the grey suit trousers I'd just shown him, "I don't know what to do. You don't like anything?" He hopped off of the bed and walked over to my closet, his head nudged a bag I hadn't seen. "You want me to see what's in there?" He sat looking at me, his tail whipping against the floor, "okay then buddy." The suit was a black and looked fairly plain, "you sure about this?" The tail whipping started again. Well the dog had spoken, if Emily didn't approve I could always blame Storm's fashion sense. I got ready as fast as possible, Storm watched approvingly the whole time, who needs a wingman when you have a wingdog? I checked myself over once more and headed for the door. Let's do this.

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