Alpha Logan - Pack Protector

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I busied myself all night, not wanting to go to sleep, worrying constantly about the safety of the members of my pack. Basker was sitting in the office with me, Misty was on her way. "Don't you feel like the precautions are all for nothing Alpha?" My Beta spoke openly. I was drawing up new plans for the border patrols. "We can't be too careful nowadays..." Basker looked confused and stopped me from drawing, "too careful... what do you mean?" I watched his face for a minute, he looked genuinely confused. I sighed and sat down on my chair. "All of the packs are under attack, we don't even know why yet, but I just want us to be as prepared as possible." His eyes bulged out of his head, "attacked? Like the Russell's house?" I nodded.

"I was there that night, I'd just come back from my patrol and I saw her little friend standing outside, we had no idea how it had happened but it seemed suspicious." I looked up at him, "I wondered why you were there, wasn't your patrol on the east?" He looked down, almost ashamed, "Myself and Misty swapped last minute, I took the North instead." I put my fists on the table, "you swapped? Without notifying the Alpha?" Basker shuffled his feet, "Alpha, every Thursday the guys on patrol shuffle their shifts around." I slammed my fists down, "What! Why haven't I been notified?" Basker put his hands up, "hey, I don't control what they do." I was angry, incredibly angry. "You are the Beta. You control everything about the pack's defences." I grabbed my keys and headed from my office, I needed some air. "Do your damn job Basker, or I'll find someone to do it for you."

With that I slammed the door and left. Why did I have to do everything around here? I turned the corner and ran straight into a redhead with a bad attitude. "Sorry Alpha, I'm... I'm so sorry" I paused hearing her voice and turned back, "Rae, have you been crying?" She sniffed, "no" she lied. I walked back towards her, "Rae... what is it?" She shook her head and went to turn away from me. I gently grabbed her shoulder and turned her back to face me. "Hey, I'm your alpha, if something is up, I want to help." She looked up at me, her eyes were red and tear stained, what could've happened to make her like this? When she looked into my eyes she started crying again, "Karen from the house near the lake called me a stripper. She said I look like a red headed troll doll." What? What the hell?! I didn't even know Karen? "Okay hold on, who is Karen?" Rae sniffed again, "she's a woman who lives by the lake, I was just walking along and she started shouting abuse at me, I don't even know why?"

I instantly knew who she was talking about. "You mean religious Karen who believes that Jesus walks among us again and doesn't agree with drinking unless it's with dinner?" She nodded. I looked down at her outfit, she was wearing her leather black, skin tight mini skirt and an extremely low cut t-shirt, showing off her assets as usual. "You know you can't take what she says to heart... she had a breakdown last year, she probably doesn't even know who you are." She started crying again, "that's the problem Logan, everyone should know who I am! And not just this version of me," she said pointing down to her clothes, "I want them to know I'm a genuine person." I awkwardly tapped her back, "there there... maybe just stay away from her house and I'll get Misty to have a word?" She nodded, grabbing me and pulling me into a hug, "thank you Alpha."

Basker walked out of my office with the plans in the moment and looked at us, I instantly stepped away from Rae, she watched him go. "I need to be going now, it's early and I need to get to bed, thank you though" she told me, fluttering her lashes and walking away down the corridor Basker had. Weird encounter, I thought. It was pouring down with rain, outside all of the street lamps were fuzzy with the strength of the rain. I decided to go out anyway. I got about half way down the street when I heard a panting and howling coming from the woods. My rain drenched clothes slowed me down slightly and I slipped through the mud towards the lake, it was in between the pack house and the woods. The whining grew louder, I hurried along. All of a sudden I saw a flash of fur and there was a wolf on top of me, I couldn't even shift in time.

I paused and looked up, wait... this wasn't a wolf, it was a dog. The dog licked my face and started whining again. I pushed it off of me and wiped the drool off with my already wet sleeve. "What're you doing out here?" I asked the dog, "who do you belong to?" The dog whined again. I looked down and noticed that its leg was hunched up, it was limping. The breed looked to be a Shetland sheepdog. What was it doing out here? I couldn't tell the colour because it was so muddy with the rain and the dirt. I made a split decision. "You're coming with me." I told it, picking it up and carrying it back home. I was sneaking through the house, shushing the dog every time it started to cry. "We'll be there soon I promise." I had found out that it was in fact a male dog, when it started to pee all over me on our walk home. "You can't do this in my bedroom okay?" I told him, "the cleaners will start looking at me weird." He stayed quiet until we got to my room.

I opened the door to the bathroom and put him in the tub, I washed down his muddy fur and lathered him up with bubbles, "I promise I'll find you some proper stuff soon, just until we find your owner." Safe to say the dog loved the bath. It was careful of its hurt leg as it jumped around and slipped on the sides in excitement. I laughed the first genuine laugh I had let out since before my father had passed away. The dog licked my face again. I got it out of the bath and took it over to my bed, fluffing out its furry body with my hairdryer. Now that he was all clean, I could see that he was a tan colour with patches of white. His fur almost matched my wolf fur. Once he was nice and dry I looked at his wounded right leg, I'd call a vet in the morning, but for now I could bandage it up and put a support on it. When that was done, I pulled back the covers on my bed, the dog jumped straight in and cuddled up under the duvet. "Oh so that's how it's going to be huh?" I told him, getting in beside him. "I guess just for tonight I can share with you."

It was almost morning by the time my eyes finally closed, at least I'd had a productive night with the plans and finding a new companion. I wondered what Emily would be doing, was she in her own room? Particularly what she'd be doing in the dream world with Dominick... I knew she was right, she needed to go. We needed her parents back and if she was the only one who could find them, she had to do it for the pack. I fell asleep dreaming up names for my new friend, "just until we could find his owners", I told myself over and over as the light dimmed and sleep set in.

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