Logan - Part Nine

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I left in a hurry. I knew I should've given her a better goodbye than that, i didn't want her to feel like I would just leave so easily, I needed her to trust me. After our conversation I knew that I would have to work hard to make her see me as anything but a player. If only her friend hadn't turned up...

I raced back home as fast as I could, the heat would be hitting soon and I didn't want to be out and sexually frustrated when it did. The trees all seemed to blur together as I picked up the pace, why did she have to live so far from the pack house? Would it be better if I just moved her in? Move her in? What the hell was I thinking. I'd met this girl day's ago and already I couldn't get enough of her. I was already planning our next meeting, but moving her in? Calm down Logan. Hopefully next time I'd get to have her the way that I wanted to. That 'we' wanted to, my wolf growled.

I began to hurry up the stairs, taking two at a time, just as I was nearing the top, my father called me from his office. "Logan, can I speak to you for a minute?" I groaned internally. I just wanted to shower after the run. I dragged myself over to my fathers office and stood by the door. "What do you need me to do?" He looked up from his paperwork and pointed at a briefcase in the edge of the desk. "You'll be taking over as alpha next week, it's about time you were bought up to date on a situation that's been occurring." So I definitely hadn't expected this.

I walked over to the desk and laid my hands against on the top of the wood. "What is it?" I asked. "It's a briefcase." Came my dads short answer. Great. So my dad was being a smartass. "What's in it?" I tried again. He looked me dead in the eyes and said "I can't tell you that." Then what the hell was I doing here! "Take it, look in it and don't show or tell anyone what you've seen." That didn't sound promising. "Is it something I should be worried about?" He went back to his paperwork and signalled for me to go, "It's something we should all be worried about Logan."

I picked up the case carefully, I wasn't sure what was in here but I definitely wished I didn't have to look. Would it change my life knowing? I wondered how serious this situation was and how much time away from my friends, away from Emily... I'd have to give up for this. I made my way to the stairs once again, this time felt different somehow. I wasn't as excited to shower anymore. It's like a bubble had just popped, maybe it was the bubble keeping me from my obligations. I didn't know, but it didn't feel good. In fact, I was scared.

Entering my room, I put the case on my desk and headed to the shower. All at once I remembered what my dad had said about the case. If I wasn't allowed to tell anyone what was in there, should I really be leaving it in plain view? No. I looked under my bed and found the safe where I kept everything I didn't want found. I put in the four digit combination and turned the lock. The safe itself filled up half of the space under my bed, it wasn't small by any means, but it was little enough that people wouldn't find it.

I shoved the case in and went to shut the door. I stopped, the door frozen in my hand. My eyes were glued the the circular silver object on the small shelf. The diamonds were sparkling as the evening light from the sun was dimming. It made the whole space under my bed light up with flecks of rainbow coloured light. My heart pulled. I remembered her long blonde hair, the way she would laugh in a morning when I rolled over and nuzzled her neck. I remembered the smell of her favourite perfume and the way the light would catch on her blue eyes. The way it was doing on the ring. Her ring.

I shook my head and closed the safe, the light dying out as the door was pushed firmly closed. I took a deep breath to calm my racing heart. It was about time I went for that shower. I took off my shirt as I was headed for the bathroom. I threw it in the basket that was already full of dirty laundry. I should probably empty it out tomorrow... I quickly locked the door behind me. Getting myself undressed, I was really looking forward to cooling myself down. After everything that had gone on today I needed it. As soon as I cranked the shower, my head got filled with images of Emily.

The rain from my shower was pounding against my skin, vibrating every inch of my back and chest. I lifted my head to wet my face and that's when I could feel it. The heat creeping up on me. Oh no, not again. White hot fire shot straight through my veins and down my legs. My body gave over. I really can't wait for Yen to be a thing of the past. Images of having Emily tied up on her bed, kissing her thighs and finishing the job I never got to, became louder and louder in my head. I was already so hard and there was no chance that I was able to escape this without giving myself some relief.

I started to stroke myself, she already had my dick under her command and she didn't even know it. My grip around my cock was getting tighter as I was getting closer to finishing myself off. I was panting, calling out her name softly, so only I could hear it. What spell have you cast on me, Emily? The look on her face as she reached her climax earlier on in the week flashed by and I could feel my body jerk as I kept going. I was getting quite exhausted at this point but I had no intentions on stopping.

The way that Emily made me feel... just by having her in my thoughts was something else. I could only imagine what it would feel like in person. Fuck. Her hands and her lips wrapped around me. My cock buried deep inside of her wet pussy as she's moaning my name. There was no chance of holding it in any longer, I moaned out her name as I finished and quickly washed it away with the shower. I lathered myself up with soap and continued to wash. Emily had still not left my mind. How would I survive the rest of Yen. This was hardly even satisfying me anymore.

I had to have her.

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