Logan - Part Twelve

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I slammed the car door as Basker stormed off back into the pack house. He hadn't agreed to Emily staying. He thought it would be a distraction. Not like he needed to agree, I was the future alpha and he didn't get a say. What I say goes. His mate got to move in with him, the least I could get was a friend staying over. Emily was hugging herself, I'd given her my jacket, all of her clothes had burned in the fire. The only thing she had to her name right now was the little black dress she was currently wearing. I placed my arm over her shoulders and huddled her against my chest. "Let's get you a room and a hot shower." She mumbled her thanks and we headed inside the house.

Basker was nowhere to be found. Naturally he'd made himself scarce after trying to argue with me. I wasn't as bad as my father, I wouldn't come up with some great scheme to show him up in front of the whole pack. I know he was worried about having Emily here, and I could understand why, they were genuine reasons. I took her through the hall, we had to go past my father's study. I quickly sprinted us past the gap in the door. I thought we'd gotten away with it, that was until I heard him address me directly. "Logan James? Sort out whatever it is you are doing with Ms Russel. Then, come directly to me and tell me exactly what it is she's doing here at this hour?"

I quickly poked my head around the door and told him I would, before rushing her up the stairs, as far away from him as possible. I didn't need his constant sour mood making her feel even worse. We got to the room, it was the opposite end to the hall to mine. I could've moved her into a room that was closer, but I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable or like I was prying. She'd remained quiet. At least she wasn't crying, I thought. I wish I could know what was going on inside her head. I hadn't been with a woman since Lyla and now I was completely hopeless and useless.

She opened the door and her shoulders instantly relaxed. Thank the goddess for that, I was starting to think she wouldn't be able to feel relaxed here. The bedroom I gave her was similar to the one she used to have, the one that burned away. It was the complete opposite to mine, it was big and light and perfectly cosy. Her wall length window opened up to let her see the woods, just as mine did. I thought she would appreciate the quiet after everything that had happened today. Anything regarding fire I had gently been collecting as she looked around the room.

I removed the candles and incense burners. I didn't want her to keep having flashbacks of her home like that. As far as I could tell she hadn't noticed, with my hands hid behind my back and full of delicate objects, I started to retreat. She hadn't said a word and that was perfectly fine. If she needed time, I would give her all of the clocks in the world. I wanted her to feel safe here. I wanted her to feel as homely as she could. I wanted to give her a home, no matter how short her visit. I really hoped her parents would come, she needed their support right now.

I shut the door behind myself and lead against it for a second, I gave myself a breather before heading down to my father. Any expenses that she needed I would pay for, I already know that. I knocked on my fathers office, he waved me in. I closed the door behind me. "Ms Russel is staying it appears?" I nodded and then realised this was the alpha I was talking to, he demanded a spoken response. "Yes father, her house burned down tonight. She has nowhere else to go." Not exactly true, there were options, but none of them involved me and that, I didn't like.

At the news of her house my father's head perked up. "Burned down you say?" Again I nodded before correcting myself. "Yes." He motioned me to stand next to him behind the table as he finished off his paperwork. I obeyed. "Listen, I'm really sorry I didn't ask first-" I started, he cut me up. He pressed his finger to his lips and pointed upwards. I couldn't see anything but I got the message load and clear. Looking out for the ears. He wore in a scrap piece of paper:

Carry on talking.

"So I went through the files you gave me for flower arrangements at the alpha ceremony" I started.

Good. Just like that.

"I think we should be going with lupine flowers in the chrysanthemums..." I started to drone on about things I didn't even understand. I hoped that of anyone was listening, they'd be enjoying listening to my bullshit. He started to write again as I carried on my speech about flower arrangements.

Were her parents there? Nod for yes. Don't react at all for no.

I stood perfectly still, I'd moved from lupine flowers to suggesting the yellow eranthis plant. How I even know so much about botanical matters was beyond me. Now I seemed somewhat of an expert. He took a sharp inhale and continued his writing.

They were under strict instruction from the pack investigator to stay in. I don't have time to explain, her parents work for the pack Logan.

They are informatives for the big operation. The one in the briefcase.

I almost slipped up and stopped speaking. What did he mean informatives? They were like spies for our pack? They seemed like the loveliest people I'd ever met! Then it hit me, of course he would choose them. They were the most normal functioning family I'd ever seen. I wanted to ask if Emily knows but he'd already answered that for me.

Ms Russel doesn't know. They were sworn to pack secrecy. If they are missing... it means they have been taken.

My mind was still reeling from this new information, I had no idea how I hadn't seen it before. My mind flashed back to the time I'd had lunch with them, her father had quizzed me about why I was at their house. At the time I thought it was because I was a guy coming over to see their daughter. Thinking back, he hadn't actually mentioned anything about Emily at all when questioning me. I was too caught up with lust as the time to notice it. Now I saw it for what it really was, they were interrogating me, they must've realised I knew nothing and dropped it.

Even the night of my ascending dinner they had been looking around at the pack house and the people. I had bullied Emily saying it was because they'd never been in such a big house. Of course... they were actually checking out the people in the room and looking around the room for possible threats or hidden devices. They had probably took note of everyone's reactions and positions that night. If they had gone missing... it means they'd found out who the insider leaking information was. Her mother had been so worried when she knew that Emily had gone out running one of the nights. It wasn't because of me at all, I saw that now. They were worried that someone would think she knew too.

We can help them. But we need to move fast. You will be named next week. I doubt whoever has them will wait that long. I have invited an alpha who has certain... abilities. He can find them.

"And that is why the Gladiolus flower is perfect for the top table. Did you know it's something to do with strength too? That's good right?" I had moved through seven varieties of flower and at this point I may as well open up a flower shop because I definitely had more flower knowledge than anyone in the pack.

Do Not Tell Ms Russel. You know the rules. She will have to stay here until we can be sure her parents are safe. Finish up the conversation and go see her. I'll come up with a cover story.

I felt incredibly guilty. I couldn't lie to her. I couldn't lie to Emily. But if she knew, she would be in so much danger... my mind was about to explode. "But whatever we do I don't want to see an orchid in sight!" I said dramatically. My father got up from his seat and threw the paper in his fireplace. That was becoming a thing I see. "I will go through your choices. You may leave now." He directed me towards the door. Before I turned to leave, I noticed another piece of paper on the desk under the one he had just burned. Every single flower I had suggested was written neatly at the side. Did he really care about my opinion?

- Lupinus
- Chrysanthemums
- Eranthis plant
- Anemone
- Gladiolus

Orchid was crossed out.

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