Alpha Logan - Secret Plans (2)

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Her room was down the hall slightly, ever since she arrived at the pack house the last door in the hall had always been hers. I slowed my steps, listening quietly to see if she was ready, I could hear fumbling around and curses as furniture was thumped into. I chuckled, trust Emily to be fretting over a date in the pack house. I knocked gently, and her curses increased, I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my throat, "shut up!" She yelled from inside, this only made me laugh even more. Suddenly the door in front of me opened and there, in a stunning red gown was my princess. She brushed her hair back from her face with her fingers and pulled away some stray strands from her lips. She looked stunning.

Rae had picked out a long red dress with a slight sparkle to it. It hugged her figure and matched the room we were about to go into perfectly. I held my arm out for her to take, she gave me a small smile and dipped her arm through the gap I'd made. "You don't have to go through all of this effort you know?" She told me, "I would have been fine with anything." I walked forwards and turned the corner at the end of the corridor, right by the stairs. "Of course I did, I promised you a date and whether you want to leave the house or not, an amazing date you shall have." I held onto her tighter as she gently squeezed my arm, "thank you." I put my arm around her waist, "I assure you, it's my pleasure" I smirked. I stopped outside the room and she looked to the door and back to me, "you weren't kidding when you said it was in the pack house." "Nope, how else was I supposed to get you to go out or, stay in with me?"

I gestured towards the door and she opened it slowly, I watched her face and she started to get a glimpse of the room and take it in. Her eyes were wide and her hand went to her chest in awe. She spun herself around slowly looking at all of the decorations, "this is beautiful." I caught her waist, "not nearly as beautiful as you are." She turned her head away from me, but I saw her blush before she could hide it. She made me feel so giddy, like a child again, like I didn't have a care in the world, and I never wanted to be without that. I walked her over to the table and pulled out her chair, "princess?" She sat graciously and beamed at the food in front of her. "Really? You bought us takeout?" Sure enough, the little Chinese noodle box was positioned right where the fancy dinner plates were placed. I bowed down low, "Bon appetit." She burst out laughing and I joined her, taking my place at the other side of the table.

"How did you know I like Chinese food?" She asked me, digging into her box. "I asked your parents," I shrugged, "they told me that you used to have it every Saturday evening." She looked up at me, her expression unreadable, "I can't believe you went to my parents, that's so thoughtful." I shrugged eating my noodles, "where else was I meant to get a list of your favourite things?" She smiled looking into her box, "I think you could've asked me..." I leaned my elbows on the table, "if I'd have asked you, you would've known what I was planning..." she smiled and we continued to eat in a peaceful silence. She put down her box and looked my way, "what's for dessert?" You. I wanted to tell her, instead I got up from my chair and walked over to hers, I held my hand out and she took it. "If you'd allow me, dessert is on the balcony." She paused, "but it's cold..." "I'll keep you a warm princess." I winked at her, she looked away again and I knew it was because she was blushing. She was adorable.

When we got outside I heard her take in a sharp breath, "Logan, did you do all of this just for me?" I flopped down on the makeshift cozy corner, there were lamps with candles sat inside, the fluttered slightly in the slight breeze. Rae had made one side of the balcony into a daybed with throws and cushions of all shapes and sizes, it truly was spectacular. "I'd be lying if I said I did all of this alone, in fact, Rae did most of it." She came and sat on the end of the daybed, "she did?" I hummed out my confirmation and placed a chocolate covered strawberry in my mouth. "The whole thing, you can thank her another time, right now we are going to watch a movie and eat junk food and relax." She crawled further up the daybed and lay next to me, "I like the sound of that." Before I knew it, while the film was playing, she'd cuddled into my chest getting closer and closer to me. I was at peace.

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