Alpha Dominick - Misdirection

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Whitt was training, her elemental powers had been getting incredibly strong recently. She'd been making breakfast last week when Malik took the last of the chocolate rings, the whole house had rattled with a rage filled earthquake. She wasn't even that mad. The coven had decided to keep her under watch, and by releasing a little bit of energy every few hours, she managed to keep it under control. A gust of wind blew one of my defence wolves back against the wall of the sports hall, he fell onto the ground and groaned, Whitt smirked. "Jake, can we try that again please? But actually run for her this time?" He was panting, "I was running!"

Whitt rolled her eyes and looked at me, "tell me why we aren't doing this in the cave again?" "Because," I started to explain, "the wolves here are terrified of the witches." Jake went to walk over to us, "yeah and with good reason! Did you just see what she did to-" before he could finish his sentence Whitt had raised her hand and he was back against the wall. I snickered, "I mean he has a point." She held her hand in front of my face, twisting and bending her fingers, "if you'd rather train with me, I'd be open to that." I backed away slowly, "Jake, you're up." She flicked her hair behind her back and smiled, "that's what I thought darling brother alpha."

Malik walked into the hall as I was walking out, "how's Whitty witch getting on with her magic?" I tapped his back as I passed, "great, but I wouldn't stay to find out, especially after the 'incident'." He sighed, "come on it was cereal! She caused an earthquake because of cereal!" More the reason not to have him hanging around and annoying my sister. "I need your help with something, I found some information in the book that Emily left here. I've been looking at it for so long and I need another set of eyes." Take the hint for goddess take Malik. He watched as Whitt sprouted a tree from the earth, the branches catching Jake on the way up. She stopped before it could reach the roof, not that damage hadn't been done anyway.

"See why you should've let me train in the cave" she shouted over her shoulder. "Okay I'm coming, where do we need to go." Malik finally replied, sprinting towards the door. I didn't blame him, she was powerful and I don't think even she realised her extent. "Clean it up, or you're grounded." I told her, leaving the hall. I have no idea what she replied, I left before I could hear. I'd have to give Jake a raise after all of that. We walked silently to my office, Malik was dragging his feet. "Okay spit it out, what's up?" He looked around at the pack house, "what if you find your mate and then you don't want to hang out and do man things anymore?" What? Was he serious? "You're by brother Malik, not by blood, but my brother all the same. A woman would never get in the way of that."

I opened the door and let him walk through first, "besides you'd only have to worry about that if I went and I'm not planning on it." He shook his head, "don't you ever want to feel loved? To feel wanted?" My mind slipped back to a place it hadn't been in weeks... Emily. Of course I wanted something like that, but for as long as I could remember my duty had been to the pack, and that's where it would have to stay. "Nope." I lied. My desk was completely clear except for the bulky book in its centre. I flipped through the pages I had found, not far from the 'Moon Goddess' one that had been bookmarked by Emily's parents. Malik read the title out loud, "Mating Ceremony". "Is this really what you bought me in here to show me?" I tapped the book, "read on."

"Every fifty years the moon goddess will walk the earth around the mating ceremony. At midnight when the moon is full, the alpha will find his/her mate."

"This sounds pretty self explanatory to me Dom..." "read on" I growled.

"This mate will be the key to his/her pack's success for the next fifty years until there is a new alpha appointed. The Dawn Alpha, descendent of the sun god, will make a choice and that choice will either destroy his pack or make his pack the most powerful, like his namesake."

"Fuck." He breathed out, I nodded. "Fuck indeed." My father made the choice to stay with Hazel, his mate right?" Malik was nodding along, "what if he wasn't meant to? What if my sister was never meant to be created? What if they are talking about Whitt destroying the pack? What if... he should've rejected her? What if that was the choice?" He sat down in a big huff, "there's a lot of 'what if's' in that sentence Dom." I knew there was, that's exactly why I was frustrated. I never wanted to think of my sister in any other way, but she was incredibly powerful, she probably did have the potential for great things... but she was also dangerous. "What do we do?" Malik asked, "I don't know, but could that be why the dark witches are after Whitt?" I paced in front of my desk, "there's only one person that knows the answer to all of this and if that book has even the smallest hint of truth, she's going to be incredibly hard to find."

The door knocked suddenly, Whitt came rushing in, "he's awake! Barney is awake!" I flipped the book closed and rushed out to the coven, I was hoping above anything that he had some answers, because right now I didn't have a clue. We entered the crone's room and sure enough, he was sat up and drinking from a pitcher of water. Elena came to my right side as I walked up to the table, "We've filled him in on what happened, he hasn't spoken yet, don't push him." Noted, don't push the guy that probably has all of the answers I was looking for. I placed my hand on his arm, "how are you feeling now that you've had a rest?" He shook his head, "still not great." I could understand that, he had been out for weeks and he was frozen half to death when we found him.

"Do you know who did this to you?" I asked him softly, he nodded in response, "she came to my bakery, she told me to kill Alpha Logan, she said it would stop the prophecy." The prophecy? I looked at Malik but he shook his head, he didn't know either. "Do you know what she was talking about?" He shook his head again, "I'm sorry, I don't know. One minute I was baking some cakes and the next I was walking towards the pack house with one of my culinary knives." We all gasped, "so how did you end up walking away?" He signed, his voice slightly shaking. "I saw a dog when I got close to the house and I don't know, it just started at me and my body started to change direction."

Maybe he was hallucinating? There was no logical explanation for any of this in my head. Whitt walked up to him slowly, "you were saying some strange things when you came in, do you remember? Something about the moon goddess?" His eyes went wide and he jumped from the table, "the pack!" Whitt tried to shush him but he was manic, I looked over at Elena and she was ready to put him back to sleep, before she lifted her hands Barney shouted "she's going to kill them all! She's going to kill the Midnight Moon pack!" My heart started racing, what could he be talking about? "Dom the ceremony is meant to start in an hour, what are we meant to do?" My head turned back to Barney, "who?" He was crying now, "she... she said she's going to kill the alpha if I don't, she said she's going to do it when he's most vulnerable, she's going to do it at the mating ceremony."

An hour. I had an hour to get to the Midnight Moon pack and try to suss out what was going on. Whitt grabbed my hand, "I'm coming, you aren't doing this alone. Not anymore." I squeezed her hand and motioned to Malik, "stay here, look after the pack, make sure the ceremony goes to plan." He went to argue with me, "I don't have time Malik, we still have a duty to the people in our pack." He shut up, I tried to call Alpha Logan but he wasn't answering. "Emily isn't picking up either," Whitt told me, worry evident in her voice. "Barney do you think you'd be able to come with us? To help us spot the witch that did this?" I asked him, he nodded, "I'll try, but she was cloaked. I'm so sorry, I'll do anything I can." He didn't need to be sorry, he hadn't caused this, but whoever was doing this would wish they hadn't. The plan was in place, All I could do now, was that we got there in time.

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