Emily - 02: Part 6 (2)

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With my feelings already as conflicted as they were, this didn't make things any better for me. "I'd need to think about it Logan. I... I have a lot to consider here." He held up his hands, "you don't have to make a decision now, but just think it over okay?" I gave him a small smile, he was incredibly attractive and he was here, that's what mattered. I nodded again, "I'll think about it." He walked me back to the house and we played a few games, but my body still wasn't over the lack of sleep from the day before. "Hey, I think I'm going to head to bed," I told Logan. "On your own?" He asked with a wink, looking at my outfit again. "Yes," I said grinning at him, "alone and with my costume intact, thank you very much." Whitt came up beside him, "I'll look after him and make sure he doesn't run away" I whispered a thanks to my best friend and headed to the stairs. I was too tired, when I opened my door I didn't even bother getting undressed. I fell into bed and fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of music, it was humming like it was from an old radio somewhere, I panicked and sat up in bed. I was in the room in the pack house but something seemed different, there wasn't any noise coming from down stairs and I was pretty sure it wasn't that late. "Dom" I whispered into the night like the night before, except this time, out of my bathroom came a long dark and handsome man dressed in a tuxedo. "No, this simply won't do." He motioned to my costume, I forgot I'd even had it on. My cheeks reddened. He was shaking out his cuffs when I jumped out of bed and sprinted towards him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed. A deep and dark chuckle left his lips, "hello little varg" he pulled me away slightly, "I seem to remember that owe you some quality time." I nodded enthusiastically, I couldn't even use my words, I was too stunned that he was here. I know I'd missed him, I just hadn't realised how much.

He looked at his wrist, we need to hurry, we don't have all night" he winked at me. He wasn't even wearing a watch. I looked down at myself, "what're we going to do? I don't think I'm dressed for dream walking." He shook his head, "this is your dream little varg, you can do whatever you want." With that, he closed his eyes and a bright light started to materialise in front of me. "What're-" I didn't even finish my sentence before he'd finished. There, hanging from my bathroom door was a beautiful long iridescent gown. It glowed as if there was a subtle spark of light inside. The colours were magnificent, it almost matched the flower he had made for me, like the universe was sewn into the dress itself. "Wow" I told him, I didn't know what else to say, I was speechless. "Quickly now, go put it on so I can see how beautiful you look." I squealed and ran into the bathroom.

It was fairly easy to put on, I slipped it over my head and tried to reach for the sip at the back. I couldn't grasp onto it with my sweating hands. "Uh, Dom?" I asked nervously, "yes Emily?" I walked to the door and opened it, he was leaning up against it, "I think I might need some help." That same dark smirk made its way onto his lips, "oh what a shame that is... turn around" he ordered me. I did as I was told and moaned when I felt his fingers brush up my spine. His skin was so soft against mine. "All done." He told me, his voice sounded huskier. "Where are we off to?" I asked him, wondering what he could possibly have planned if I was in a dress like this. "Close your eyes" he told me, I shut them slowly, not trusting him to not bring out another tiger. "Open" he said, when I opened my eyes we were standing on a beach, but it was night outside. "Turn around" he whispered into my ear, I spun so fast I got dizzy.

The water matched my dress, it was like a galaxy. All of the stars from the sky were mirrored in the crystal clear water, I gasped out at the beauty. "Is this real?" I asked him, "technically speaking no," he laughed, "but yes this is a place on Earth and it really does look like this at night." I couldn't believe that a place like this actually existed. How could it? It was so perfect. He walked us over to a pier that sat right in the middle of the water and turned on a little speaker. It was sat to the side, out of the way, but loud enough to hear. He took my hand and spun me into his chest, "I don't know how to dance" I told him honestly, "you don't need to," he soothed me, "I just want to spend this time with you." I sighed and leaned my head against him, our bodies swaying to the music. "Why can't I see you?" I asked him, "In real life?" He put his chin on my head and said, "I'm having to do a lot of things at the moment, I'm searching and I'm finding and I'm killing."

Before that statement would've scared me, but after everything I'd seen the past month , it was nothing anymore. "How long are you going to be gone for?" He paused before answering this time, "I'm not sure... it could take a while to make sure everyone is dealt with." I paused the dancing, "a while?" He shrugged his shoulders, "it could be sooner, who knows. I'm the only one really willing to do anything." I stepped away from him, "that's not true, I offered you help and you wouldn't take it." He ran a hand through his hair, "that's different Emily, I need you safe, you're special." I scoffed, "why are you even here?" He looked as if I'd just punched him in the gut. "I'm here because I wanted to see you, I've missed you..." I turned my back to him, facing the water, "you wouldn't have to miss me if you took me along. At this point you're playing with my emotions." He went to argue but I stopped him, "you don't know how long you will be gone for right?" He nodded, "you don't know if you will even be able to visit me here?" I gestured around us at the dream world. He shook his head. "How am I meant to build anything with that? Never knowing when I'm going to see you? 'If' I'm going to see you."

"If this is what I get, I don't know if that's enough Dom... you're busy doing all of this stuff for other people, I get that. I appreciate that... but where do I fit in?" He looked down at his feet, "I don't know" he mumbled quietly. "For now at least, I don't think this should carry on, I don't want to be hurt waiting for you and I don't want you to have to manage your time because of me." He nodded, "you're right, you're absolutely right and I hate it." I walked over to him. "I think you'll always hold a special place to me, but for now... there are too many question marks." He nodded, I could see the tears glistening in his eyes from the reflection in the water. "This isn't goodbye, but it's a very long see you soon." I told him. He smiled, "you have no idea how hard it will be for me to stay away." I took his hand in mine, "think of it this way, the quicker this problem is dealt with, the sooner you can come back.

"I don't want to see you in a dream realm Dom, I want you here, in person." He sighed, "I'll try my best, I'll do what I can." We stood for a moment in a comfortable silence, still holding hands. He brought his lips down close to mine, there was a ghost of a kiss and a breeze drifted past our bodies. My eyes opened. The pillow I'd been sleeping on was soaked with tears and my heart felt raw, but in my hand, where it was held onto Dom's so tightly, was a single moon flower. I smiled looking down at it, I guess he'd found a way to give me my dream flower after all.

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