Alpha Logan - Friend of an enemy

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My alarm was beeping loudly, its insistent chiming was starting to give me a headache. I picked up my phone to shut off the alarm and noticed 103 missed calls from the alpha of the Rising Dawn pack. I threw it onto the bed as I sat up, If he wanted me, he could wait. Just like I had to wait for my pack members to be returned. I had a lot of things to do today, Halloween was a few days away and we were throwing a pack party, thankfully, for the first time in my life, I wasn't on decoration duty. I'd left that up to Basker, who as far as I could tell, was actually doing a decent job. It was about time he started acting like my Beta. I was aching, I don't know if I'd ever be able to walk properly again after my training session with Basker yesterday, he'd definitely not been holding back.

I'd just about managed to hold my own against him, he was like a raging bull. I'd asked him what was wrong but I just got the same answer, "You're Alpha, you need to train harder than everyone else." I shrugged it off, I was sure that if anything was up he would tell me. Rae was hanging around, watching us train from her spot on the grass. Storm was lying next to her peacefully, she was the only person he would go to other than me, maybe he had a thing for redheads? She'd taken it upon herself to start looking after him and playing with him, especially when I was too busy sorting out pack things. Today it would be the Halloween party, tomorrow it would be the upcoming mating ceremony. I hadn't been to one since Lyla. I found it hard to believe I would ever go to one again... but now there was Emily... which is exactly why I couldn't go. What if she wasn't my mate? What if I wasn't hers? I couldn't go through that again.

I pushed myself up and out of bed, there was a slight knock on my door. I flopped back down again, dealing with people this early in a morning definitely wasn't okay. "Come in." I called to whoever was on the other end. The door opened slightly and Basker leaned in, "hey, do you want me to take Storm for a walk this morning? I know you have the pack party to sort out..." I shook my head, "Rae has been looking after Storm, what I really need you to do, is go out and fetch all of the decorations that you've listed. Maybe get someone to help you arrange everything?" Suddenly, there was a huge flash of fur outside the door and Storm came barrelling through to my bed. "I can help" Rae's cheerful voice sang the other side of the door. Basker rolled his eyes, I laughed, "she's not that bad, she's actually amazing at interior design." Basker huffed, "it's not that..." I moved Storm to the side, he was too busy licking my face to notice the exchange going on in front of him. I wished I could just roll over and do nothing all day.

"What is everyone doing in my room?" I asked, "it's 7am! Go get a coffee or something." They all tumbled out of the door, all but Storm. Rae was standing waiting, keeping her eyes on the hallway. "You want to stay with me for the morning buddy?" Storm stretched, let out a big yawn and lay back down on my bed. Rae noticed and smiled, "looks like he's all alpha today." I smiled at her, "I don't mind, he'll keep me sane. Have fun with Basker" she rolled her eyes and started to walk away, "yeah if I don't kill him first." What would I ever do to make them get along? I don't think I ever could. I opened the top drawer on my desk and took out the seating plans I'd been making, I'd have to move one of them to another table if they couldn't manage to get along. Leaving the plan on my desk, I put on my trainers to go for a run. I was still aching from my training with Basker but I needed to work through the pain, it was the only way to better myself.

The park was empty at this time, the sun was just about up during this season, it always left an eerie glow on everything. The trees had lost almost all of their leaves and the twigs looked like sharp talons ready to swipe. With the weather being as cold as it was, it would probably feel like that if you were hit with one too. My breath was coming out quick and shallow, the air fogging up in front of me. I turned the corner near the bakery and paused my run suddenly. I blinked and rubbed my eyes, I could've sworn I'd seen a tall figure dressed in entirely black, almost like the grim reaper. When I looked again it wasn't there. A chill, colder than the current season ran up my spine. That was weird. I turned in the opposite direction and made my way back towards the pack house, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was still watching me, following me.

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