Emily - Part Seventeen

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I don't know how long I'd been asleep for, it could've been hours, probably days knowing the stress I had been under recently... all I knew was that the shouting and smashing sounds coming from downstairs didn't sound nearly as delightful as being woken up by birds. Which, I didn't get either because I wasn't a Disney princess...

I rolled over and snuggled back under the blanket, Alpha Choal said that I could do whatever I wanted with my time here, and sleeping in sure sounded like a great way to spend that time. I was almost asleep again when I heard a roar. I jumped up from my bed, petrified that it was the lion again. Knowing Dom, he'd use his weird dream voodoo stuff just to scare me more often. It freaked me out, I'd actually been physically sick on the floor last night. Oh great... now I'd have to clean that up too. I sniffed the air, preparing to heave again from the smell, but I was surprised, there was nothing seemingly unusual about it. I leaned over in my blanket, looking over the edge of the bed slowly, like it was going to jump up in my face. Nope, the floor was completely clean...

Dom has said that if we bought things into the dream world then they could be transported... did sickness not count? It was way too early to start asking philosophical questions. A high pitched female scream sounded down stairs, I leapt from my bed and headed to the door, I was worried about what I would find. Would there be a dead body?! What about the lion?!? Maybe we hadn't actually taken it away, maybe the lion had made it downstairs and was now eating the whole of the pack house!

I rushed to grab a dressing gown, I'd only worn a t-shirt and booty shorts to bed, lion or no lion, I wasn't going to be almost naked in public. I raced from my room, down the hall and to the top of the stairs. I saw a man, shouting and rolling around on the floor and a big ball of fur following him. THE LION! I knew it! I looked over to the people standing watching, Dom was on the side looking amused. Of course he did! He's the one that sent the lion on someone... Something clicked inside my head. 'The Alpha of Dawn'. He was purposely trying to ruin our pack by killing everyone with a lion! That way they couldn't pin it on him! I raced down the stairs towards him, he saw me coming and smiled brightly.

I didn't stop my hands reaching out in front of me to push him. His expression went from one of amusement to one of fear. "Emily what's wrong?" He tried to calm me down. Oh no, you can't fool me now. He dodged out of the way, grabbed onto my arms and he'd me against his chest. I couldn't escape. "What?! You're going to kill me too!" I shouted at him. He looked at me confused, the confusion turned to sadness, was I missing something? I pulled myself out of my head for long enough to notice bodies all around us. My cheeks started to redden as I looked back at Dom, "you're not here to kill the pack?" He shook his head. I struggled against him to get free and pointed towards when I'd seen the chase, "But what about the-" lay on the floor panting for their breaths was a man and a wolf.

"Lion..." I finished off feeling stupid. I looked back at Dom, he looked away. "I'm sorry I... I thought..." I couldn't even explain myself, did I really just judge this guy I'd spent quite some time with recently, just because he was the alpha of another pack? Maybe I did need to go back to bed. I looked back at the wolf and the man. "What's going on?" I asked no one in particular. A slender woman walked forward and picked up the man from the floor, she looked angry, great start to the day. Now that I'd woken up a little. I remembered him from dinner the night before, I was pretty certain he was an alpha too.

The wolf in front of us hadn't stopped staring at me since I'd come down, it shifted and Logan lay there, smiling, in all his glory. "Omg Logan!" I shouted covering my eyes. "What?" His cheeky grin made me not want to be mad at him, but he was lying there in one of those 'paint me like one of your french girl' poses, and he was butt naked. "It's nothing you haven't seen before" he said grinning at me. My face heated up as I remembered exactly who was standing behind me. I was saved as the blonde who had retrieved the blonde alpha, opened her mouth to speak. Well, I thought I was saved, until she said "Oh please, it's nothing we haven't all seen before." Anger flared up inside me, how dare she speak about him like that! Did she not know who he was!

I didn't think before I spoke and it showed shortly after. "I'm sorry, are you from here? I don't think you know who you've just spoken to..." she had the most perfect face, beautiful blue eyes and long blonde hair. Even her smile as she looked back at me, though evil, was still just as beautiful. She held out her hand towards me, "I'm Lyla, Luna of the Solar pack. Pleased make your acquaintance." I looked to Logan who had turned his face away from me and back to the Luna. "You... you're... you and Logan..." I struggled to find any kind of a sentence that made sense. She just smiled even more. Why was she so perfect! It wasn't fair! "Yes, I used to date Logan before I found my mate." She squeezed the hand of the man she was holding. I'd noticed someone throwing Logan a pair of jeans at the same time. Thank the goddess. As Logan's ex said the word mate, it looked almost as if he, who managed to get up off the floor in record time, was hurt. He covered it as fast as he could, but I saw it. It was there.

She looked at Logan again and her face looked sad. Like she had any right to be sad? I thought. She broke his heart! She hadn't taken her eyes from Logan, but she still spoke to me. "I think you and I should go grab some coffee and have a conversation?" She couldn't be serious? Why would I go anywhere with her! Dom shifted behind me and made a move to leave, before passing me, he inclined his head down and whispered in my ear, "You should go with her. Logan has a lot of training before tomorrow." Why did he suddenly care about Logan's training? I looked towards Logan for some kind of assistance but he's already walked away with Misty. I felt alone.

Her cheery voice sounded from behind me, "Great! Let's go have a girly talk!" 'Girly talk?' Goddess save me please.

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