Dom - Dream Alpha

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Leaning against the pack house, I watched as Logan mercifully fought against his friends. The little blonde she-wolf had him cornered against a rock and a tree, but his strength was building by the second. He grabbed hold of the boulder and started to climb, the blonde tried to grab his leg, but Logan managed to kick free. As he kicked out, his foot caught on the boulder and a crack formed around it, I watched wide eyed and the boulder started to split into two. He looked just as shocked as everyone else, jumping down to examine the damage. "Impressive isn't he?" A raspy voice observed. Alpha Choal was watching next to me with awe. "Yeah, did you mutate his genetics when you made him or something?" He laughed, it sounded old and tired.

"Are you doing okay?" I asked him, "I'll be better once the ceremony is over. I tried to force everything on him so quickly, but we needed to do it this month." I understood, it was clear from the way he was holding himself, from the way he was speaking, he wasn't very well. "Does Logan know what's going to happen once he initiates the connection to the pack during the ceremony?" He shook his head, "He needs to concentrate on training, he's grown so much thanks to you." I didn't do anything, he just had a few demons he needed to lay to bed." He laughed and put a hand on my shoulder, "There are no wolves that can wield the gifts that you do and witches aren't too keen on helping us."

I smirked, he knew that my pack was home to a huge coven, they all did, it was the reason we hardly ever got into disagreements. Wolves had nothing to do with witches until my dad had met his mate. They were the first and only interspecies couple I'd ever heard of. My mum died shortly after my dad was made alpha. There was a pack war, all of the exiled wolves had bunched together, they'd made themselves into a pack of rogues. Somehow they thought that they could hurt the alpha by killing his mate, but of course, she wasn't his mate and it only served to make him angrier. He was never able to find that kind of bond, he didn't have it with my mother, he didn't think it existed after years of trying. Then, he met Hazel. She helped fend off the rogues, but he couldn't let her go.

Hazel and her coven of witches joined the pack and no one ever dared to cross us again. Hazel took me in like her own son, she even tried to teach me spells. They were a power couple and the Rising Dawn pack was the most powerful pack in the area. They were... until the rogues managed to find a weakness that both the coven and the pack possessed. "Okay old man, quit beating around the bush, what is it you need from me?" He looked up at me, he was about the same height as Logan but his age had started catching up to him. "You need to find them," I knew who he was talking about, Emily's parents. "I can try before I leave today, Elena is with me, so that should give me an advantage." I began to explain, "I'll have to do it later on though, wherever they are, they are unlikely to be sleeping during the day and Elena can only put people out that are close by." He was tapping his finger in his lips, "but I do have to get back to my pack, they don't run themselves." I finished.

He patted my back once more, looking over at Logan, "your dad would be so proud of the alpha you've become, I appreciate any help you can give our pack. Hopefully the alliance can be continued when Logan takes over?" Elena was stalking towards me, I wondered if she'd felt the same kind of pull from home as I had, or maybe it was an alpha thing. Who knew these days. "We need to be setting off soon Dom." I watched as Logan jumped up to escape one of male friend's blows. They both dropped their guards at the surprise and he landed a blow on both of their heads. With Logan as alpha, this pack wouldn't have a problem at all. For the first time since arriving I was actually glad that Emily was somewhere like this, somewhere other than with me. My pack was full of misfits and rule breakers. She was so pure...

"We need to start the meeting, can you gather the other alphas?" I asked Alpha Choal, he agreed and we set off inside the pack house. When we were all gathered, I told them to memorise the office we were in, take in every little detail they could. This was where I could connect them to them all. I wouldn't be able to do it by myself, but with Elena channeling the witches back home. We had a slight chance that it would work. I closed my eyes and welcomed the darkness of dreams. This time, when I opened them, I was in the same room, with the same people. Knowing the destination was always a better way of travelling in the dream realm. The only difference is that here, we were without Alpha Choal and Elena. There were murmurs around the alphas, some exchanged looks as they noticed we'd left behind two people. Not all of the alphas had experienced dream walking and I definitely had never been able to do it to this scale without Elena before.

I thought about a long hardwood table with exactly eight chairs lining it. "Get back" I told everyone, concentrating as hard as I could in the centre of the room. A lot of my energy had been spent today already with helping Logan this morning. The alphas who had never had the pleasure of dream walking jumped back in surprise, as the table and chairs shimmered into solid objects. I gestured to the table that wasn't there a minute ago, "Take a seat, we don't have much time" I informed them. Alpha Peter swore and Alpha Neil tapped on the back of a chair, testing its durability. "You are Alpha of seven of the most powerful packs on this continent, are you really scared of a manifested chair." I shouted, I understood why they were scared, I'd felt that way too at first, but I was also frustrated. We had about seven minutes before my mind would fail me from exhaustion.

"You're here," I began as they all took a seat, "because there have been attacks on packs across the continent. They've even attacked packs in this very room, we have to make sure we are impenetrable. I looked over to Logan who was staring at the space his dad was in. I clicked my fingers in front of his face, "are you listening Fenton? Because like it or not, Emily's house wasn't a mistake." This peaked his interest. They are targeting specific people, specific members of packs." - "but why? What do we have that they want? Can't we just give it to them?" I was interrupted by Edmund, his pack was the last to be attracted, well... before Logan's. "They are after the same thing I am, and until we know where that is, they will continue to attack." One of the alphas who had been silent until now spoke up, "can't you work faster?" I balled my fists, that was Harley, he was the alpha of the Blue Blood pack. He was also well known for being a dick.

"Do you realise how much energy it takes me to go and search people's subconscious thoughts every single day and night?" He sat back in his chair. "Not to mention the fact that we actually have NO leads. I'm doing this from scratch here." He sank even lower. Good. "Your job, as alphas is to come up with a system of communication that doesn't involve using me. I'm going away for a while and you're going to need to keep in contact with each other." They all nodded, great they were following. "Logan's pack was attacked for a very specific reason. They knew where to look. There's someone in this pack that is involved, we're sure of it, we're just not sure who." Logan's eyes bulged out of his head, "so you think there's actually someone doing this from inside? I know my father had mentioned that we thought that there could be someone-" I stopped him from carrying on, we had limited time.

"Yes, someone in your pack is working with the rogues. Emily's parents were insiders for the Midnight Moon pack, we think that whoever has them, took them for a reason. They knew who the insider was and they were going to inform Alpha Choal. There were no signs of the border being breached, which means, the insider got to them first." I gave them a minute to take all of this information in. "We need two alphas who are willing to stay to help Alpha Choal with the ceremony tomorrow. He'll be weakened by the change and that's when we think they might attack next." Logan slammed his hands down onto the table, "Why would they still want to attack? We haven't done anything to anyone!" I looked at him dead in the eyes, we both shared at least one common interest, surely he could see.. a whisper passed his lips, "Emily." I nodded, agreeing. "They must think that if her parents know, they told her. Now she's living in the pack house, they'll think she's being protected."

We couldn't be sure, of course we couldn't, but we had to be ready just in case. Logan would be weak, Alpha Choal would be weak. They needed support. "I'll stay." Neil called out, he held his hand out to Logan, "My pack has a Luna, she can hold the fort for the night. Hopefully we can make a new start from this?" Logan took his hand and shook it. Wow, was this progress I was seeing? I was almost impressed. Peter was the second alpha to get up, "The Shadow pack stays with Midnight Moon. Your father has helped me in more ways than gaining my popularity, anything this pack needs, we stand with you." All of the alphas started to rise around the table, "okay, calm down drama queens, I said we only needed two, we have two." The others slowly sat back down. "What now?" That came from alpha Edmund. "Now, you go back to your packs and pull up your defenses. Harder your borders and make sure that no one goes from or enters your packs over the weekend."

They all agreed in unison as the table started to ripple out of focus. "You are the trusted seven. No one is to speak about this outside of the dream world." Again, they agreed. Then everything went blank. I blinked at the bright lights in the study and turned in my side, watching as all of the other alphas woke up. We'd actually done it. I couldn't quite believe it. I looked towards Elena who was sweating and panting, gripping onto the edge of the desk. I saluted her and she smiled, she wouldn't be smiling for long when I told her she was staying behind too. I couldn't be here, but I wasn't going to leave them without a damn good attack front.

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