Dom - 02: Part Three

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I can't remember the last time I'd been up all night and slept all day, the past couple of days had felt exactly like when I'd first begun my dream training. I wanted to watch over Emily, but I also needed to work out what had happened. I visited the coven, if anyone could explain what was going on there, it was them. Except, they couldn't, the blue mysterious light hadn't meant a thing to them, there was nothing written in any of the witches books. "We're witches, not dream people" the old crone had said to me, "You can't expect us to know everything about the matters of the dream realm."

It wasn't a good enough answer for me, "you taught me how to do it. Who taught you?" she glared at me, "don't you ever question my judgement boy. The witches stuck by your pack, even when Hazel was murdered by wolves. Don't question my knowledge now." I sighed, running a hand through my hair, I pressed my hands against the sides of the table and leaned down. "I know." She said. I looked up slowly, "you know how to wake her up? Because you've just sat there and told me you don't have a damn clue." She shook her head and patted the seat next to her, "I know what it is to feel the way you do Dominick."

I pushed off from the table and sat down next to her, "I don't understand, I haven't even known her that long. I don't know her..." the old crone pulled out her twisted walking stick and tapped the floor with it, "there's only one way to find out you know?" I watched as beneath the stick the floor began to move. I put my hand over hers, which was still holding the sick, the floor stilled. "I don't want to know. If it happens it happens, I'm not tempting fate." She smiled, "I'm an oracle witch Dominick, anything you could possibly want to know is right here" she tapped her stick for emphasis.

If you can see my future, why can't you see Emily's parents?" she looked at me with cold eyes, "the magic around that couple is far too dark and far too strong. I wouldn't even be able to tell you if they were alive, Dominick." She paused, "I can however, tell you your destiny." The offer was tempting, to know if she was who I thought she was, to have all of our answers just at a tap of a stick... A loud knock banged on the door, the old woman started to mutter under her breath about "inconsiderate busybodies". Before she could reach the door it burst open. It was Elena, she was possibly the only person who could get away with walking in on the old crone.

She was panting, gasping for air out of breath, "She... she's awake." I stood and was out of the door in a second, I heard the old woman calling after me "you might not want to see it Dominick, but it's inevitable." I hadn't cared anymore, all that mattered was making sure Emily hadn't been traumatised by the whole thing. I raced through the pack house, but when I got to Jessie/Whitt's old room she was lying down on the bed with her eyes closed. "I thought you said she was awake?" Whitt looked at me, "She was, she's waking up slowly."

Elena came in behind me, "We don't even know what she's been through yet, it would take her days to fully wake up." I started pacing by the door as Whitt and Elena went to sit next to Emily. After a few moments her eyes started to open, my heart jumped out of my body, I stayed by her side for two days wondering if I would ever look into her beautiful syrup coloured eyes ever again.

That was just this morning, since I'd been to sleep the old crone's words had run through my mind all day, I could know... I could save myself the pain. I got out of bed and headed towards my shower, the water was a welcome relief. Covering myself in the soapy suds of mint and tea tree, I felt a wave calmness wash over my body and instantly all of my muscles relaxed. Well... not all of them. I was just washing the conditioner from my hair when the door to my room thudded. "It's Malik!" Of course it was, just when I was trying to relax, this ass shows up. I grabbed a towel, tying it around my waist and stormed toward the door, throwing it open wide.

I blinked at the sight before me, Malik was standing by the side of the door and Emily was being pushed forwards to the front. "What's going on here?" I asked, confused. Malik looked down at my towel and threw his hand against his eyes. "My eyes!" He screamed. Instinctively, my eyes rolled. "You literally dragged me from the shower with your shouting, what did you expect?" He held onto his eyes as he tried to feel for the walls, "dude, do you need to tell me something?" I started laughing and punched his arm, "shut up, ass." Malik uncovered his eyes and looked at Emily, "he's always getting boners over me I swear, it's creepy."

Emily looked to the floor and I saw a hint of a smile on her lips. "Like honestly, we've been friends for years and now all of a sudden he's constant-" I covered his mouth with one of my hands to shut him up, the other grasped into my towel. "Seriously," I reiterated, "what's going on?" Malik started to speak but my hand was still in the way. I felt his tongue touch my hand and flinched away, wiping it in my towel. "What the hell!" He grinned, "Well I was walking by, about to go to the kitchen for my evening snack before bed and this one" he said, pointing a finger down above Emily, "was standing outside your door." I looked to Emily who turned the brightest shade of red. "I... I was going to knock.."

Malik snorted, "yeah when? Like next year? I'd have been grey before she put her hand to your door." I glared at him, he took the hint, "Well, I've got to be going to make my snacky snack..." he turned to Emily before leaving, "don't let him poke your eye out with that thing." I slapped my hand against my forehead, why did Malik have to make everything so awkward all the time. I stepped to the side and gestured to my room, "Do you want to come in?"

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