Dom - 02: Part One

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I blinked up at Francesca, why the hell was she in my house? Moments before I'd just told Emily my home was open to "anyone" that didn't apply to Francesca. She was like a stalker I couldn't get rid of. Opening my mouth, I went to tell her to get out, it appears I didn't need to. "What did you just say?" Emily put her foot in front of mine and adjusted her body so that we were side to side. Francesca clearly hadn't expected her to defend herself. "I said that you are strays, you aren't from our pack, I can smell it." Emily moved further forward, I let her go. I wasn't about to hold her back from speaking up for herself. I could stop this whole thing in a second, but what kind of man would I be if I didn't give her a chance to defend herself?

"Says the strange female stood in a house they don't own in the middle of the night, I think you're the one looking like a stray." She looked over at Jess-Whitt, who was seething. Man I need to get used to that name change, I told myself. "At least we were invited here." Francesca looked stunned. I burst out laughing, all eyes shot to me, I couldn't hold it in, I was so proud of her for holding her own and it didn't hurt that she was hilarious. I stepped back a few paces and leaned against the door frame, still struggling to hold in my amusement. "You heard the lady... out." Francesca stomped her feet like a child and brushed past me as she left, "you'll come back, you always do Dominick." I cringed, watching the back of her head as she stepped down the stone stairs. Good riddance. I closed the door and turned around to three sets of eyes on me.

Jessi-Whitt started off the round of questioning "What was that?" I rubbed my neck and blew out a breath, all three women glared at me. "Uhm that was-" I started to explain, "Francesca." Elena finished, "she was Dom's latest conquest" Emily's face turned red, "are you two still together?" She asked. I instantly looked up and held her eyes with my own, "no, we were never a thing Emily, you know the Yen..." I tried to get myself out of this hole Francesca had put me in. All of a sudden I heard a slamming door as Malik came out of my office. "Francesca is trouble. She's an avid stalker and compulsive liar." Thank the goddess for Malik. "Who's that?" Emily asked, pointing at my Beta. "I'm Malik, nice of you to ask." He rolled his eyes, "Malik what were you doing in my office?" I asked him, trying to break up the sudden tension. "Oh, that? Yeah I ran in there when Amilie let Francesca in, I've been hiding in there for like an hour. Even took a nap on your couch." He looked towards my guests, "Dom where'd you pick up all these women? I've never seen you go for three before." I growled, did this dick really have to embarrass me in front of Emily AND my sister!

"Malik," I nodded, "Elena you know." I gestured towards Whitt, "this is Jessie, my sister, though she prefers to be called Whitt..." I watched as his eyes widened and he looked over at her. "As in, Hazel's Jessie?" I nodded. The biggest grin plastered itself to his face, "I never thought I'd see the day you actually came home!" Whitt started to look uncomfortable, "hey, take it easy man, she still doesn't remember" I informed him. His face dropped. "Sorry, it's just, I haven't seen you since you were... six?" I was glaring at him now, I'd just told him to drop it. Malik looked at me, saw my expression and instantly moved on. "And who might this little miss be?" He asked Emily with his fuckboy smile. I growled even louder, he flinched and held his hands up, Whitt looked confused and Elena was staring at the back of Emily's head. "This is Emily, she's going to be incredibly useful, but for that, we need to train her here. That's why she's here." He looked between us and held a finger over his mouth, "you sure that's the only reason she's here?"

A thought seemed to pass over his face as a sudden realisation set in. He started pointing between us both, "this is... this is her?! This is dream boner girl?" I charged forward at him, my feet stomping against the floor and grabbed him by his collar. "You ever refer to her as that again and I'll kick your ass." He laughed and batted my hand away taking Emily's instead, "I've been waiting a while to meet you now." Emily looked confused and backed up towards Whitt. "Mind explaining what this guy is talking about?" She asked me. "Oh it's a funny story really, you see we were having our daily boxing session and I look down in the middle of the match an-" I instantly cover his mouth with my hand. "Elena why don't you show the girls up to their rooms, I'll only be a second, I have a little pest problem to take care of" she shook her head and made her way to the corridor that lead to the stairs, "follow me, if you're slow I'll leave you to get lost." Pleasant as always.

As soon as they were out of sight I shoved Malik forward, he doubled over laughing, his hands on his knees. "What the hell was that?!" I scolded him. "What's wrong? Did I embarrass you in front of your girlfriend?" My whole face heated up, I wasn't sure if I was just really warm or really angry, it definitely wasn't anything else. "She's not my girlfriend you ass, she's just a girl that I met looking for my sister." He gave me a smirk and turned to run towards the stairs, "if she's not your girl then I guess it's free reign, right?" I chased after him, "you ass! Get back here!" He was laughing, I was faster than him. I jumped from behind and we both tumbled and rolled over, I snorted and started to continue the laughing that had consumed me earlier. Malik joined me. "So she's the special one huh?" My eyes were glued to the ceiling, "she's the special one." I confirmed.

We went to my office and spent half an hour sorting out the rotations of pack wardens. It was important that the girls felt safe while they were here and after Amilie letting Francesca in, I wasn't taking any risks. I'd deal with her in the morning, though it wasn't her fault, we never spoke about private matters. I'd just closed my door and leaned my head back against it, I sighed into the night air, how had I found my sister and ended up with a way to get to Emily's parents in the same day? I suppose that was just fate. I thanked the Moon Goddess for whatever she had done to make it possible. I walked away from my door two feet when I heard a small knock, I went back and opened the door. "Malik I swear to god" I started, I looked at where his face was meant to be, but it wasn't there, I looked down and saw Emily's beautiful brown eyes looking back up at me, "can I help you?" I asked her, keeping my voice calm.

"I just wanted to know if I could share with Whitt? We were meant to have a sleepover tonight after all.." she asked nervously, behind her I could see the door to my sister's room open a little and a pair of green eyes peeping out. It made me smile, she was so lucky to have found a friend in Emily. "Of course, pick whatever room you want, do whatever you want, you're my guest." She smiled before going towards Whitt's door, she poked her head back in and it made me laugh. I went to close my door and a hand stopped it. I opened it again, "will you be visiting me tonight?" She asked, with suggestion in her eyes. "Physically, not if you're staying in my sister's room" I chuckled. She rolled her eyes at me, I grabbed her arms and held her up against my door. I lowered my voice to a volume only she could hear, "do not, ever, roll your eyes at me little varg."

I heard her breathing quicken, I used my hand that wasn't facing the door to trace up and down her arm. "If you want me to visit your dreams, all you have to do is ask..." I looked into her eyes, her breath was mixing with mine, it was intoxicating. "Say please" I told her. Her lips went to make the shape of the words, instead she moved them a hair's width away from mine, my eyes bulged out of my head. "Come if you want Alpha, I won't beg." And then she left. I swear my blue balls couldn't take much more of this, the woman would kill me from frustration alone. I slammed my door shut and headed into my bathroom. I twisted the knob on the shower and stood under it, the water beat against my skin in an easy rhythm, it was ice cold, but I felt as if steam would rise from my body with how hot she had made me.

What was I going to do with her...

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