Logan - Part Seventeen

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The alarm on my phone was blasting through my room. I cracked open one of my eyes, just an inch, then I grabbed my phone from the table. 6am. There was a message from my father on the screen, reminding me that I had to start my training in half an hour. Well... I had asked for this technically. I groaned and rolled onto my back. Alpha Peter's words were ringing in my ears, like the reverberations of a clock bell. He'd said that he was weak, that he didn't care enough about his pack. Maybe that's what made the ceremony harder? Not that I even had the slightest clue what the ceremony would consist of.

My father had been made alpha long before I was born, I'd never seen one happen myself. Hearing the stories from the other alphas, I was glad of it. I was determined to be the best alpha I could, I'd do whatever it took. Even if that meant not seeing Emily today. If I was training, that would mean that I needed to wear something easy to move in. I got out my grey sweatpants and sports shirt, I figured there was no need to take a shower, I'd only be getting messy anyway. I opened my door to leave and suddenly remembered the night before, Emily had come to drop off the very clothes I was wearing right now. I'd kissed her, it wasn't as steamy as the makeout sessions we'd had in the past, but god she felt good against me. Focus, I urged myself. I had no time for distractions this morning.

I walked through the pack house, heading for the garden. I thought that everyone would still be asleep, but there, sat on the kitchen counter was Dom. He was sat opposite the woman he'd come with and they were talking in hushed voices. As soon as I came through they stopped and stared at me. I didn't have time for this. I had training to do. "About time," my father tutted, looking down at his watch.

I dragged myself forward, wishing I was still in bed. "I'm here, it's 6.30, I'm not even late?" I questioned him. "Being on time is being late Logan, you need to be earlier than everyone else, you need to make sure that all of your day to day plans are running smoothly." I laughed, "with that logic, I could've never been on time, considering you are still the alpha." Was that a smile that he was hiding? I couldn't believe it, he'd actually smiled at something I'd said. I was so used to the frowning and judging, I'd forgotten what a genuine smile from this man looked like.

I went over to the weapons rack, prepping myself. My father stopped me, "you wont be needing anything from there." I looked at him confused, "You said we were training?" He brushed the stubble on his chin and scratch his ear. "Your mind Logan. You're working on training your mind this morning." I started to laugh and continued my walk towards the rack. "I'm serious Logan." His cold voice was behind me. "You need to learn to be able to deal with the immense pressure your mind is about to go through, especially regarding the connection to the rest of the pack." And how the hell was I supposed to do that? I was about to ask my father if he was feeling okay, nothing made sense to me, but he'd already turned his attention away. "Ah, right on time..."

I looked behind my father, walking out of the door and towards the training ground was none other than 'Mr Angry' himself. "Logan." Dominick nodded in my general direction. "You have got to be kidding me" I looked towards my father pleading, "Him? Out of all the alphas here?" Dom started to walk in circles, it was like he was mentally drawing a huge pattern in the floor. "Logan..." my father's voice was full of warning. "Alpha Dominick is here to help you. I've asked him to take you through some exercises, he's been good enough to agree." "But him!" I seethed through my teeth. "He's just going to piss me off." My father pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a sigh. "Dom?" He called. The Rising Dawn alpha's response made me cringe. "Yes Alpha, Choal? What can I help you with?"

I rolled my eyes, kiss ass. "Put him through the process please?" Dominick's mouth shifted into a thin line. "You sure? He hasn't even practic-.." I was shocked as my father cut off the kiss ass alpha before he could finish. "-Now." Dominick visibly held himself back from biting. I had to hand it to him, he had a lot more self control than most other alphas would've in that position.

Once my father was out of ear shot, he turned to me, "Is your dad always this much of a dick?" I snorted, he'd actually said something funny. Here I was thinking he was always just moody, little did I know, we had a joker on our hands. "Yeah, pretty much." I nodded, grinning. "I think we got off on the wrong foot," Dominick had started to say, I shrugged. "Yeah, when you come charging at someone you don't even know, that's kind of what tends to happen."

He stretched his arm up and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Yeah, sorry about that. I just... I don't know what I thought." He sounded awkward as he tried to explain. Now that we seemed to be somewhat civil, I thought it might be time to ask him the question I'd been dying to get an answer to. "So... how do you know Emily?" He clutched his hands in front of his body and looked down at them, something passed through his eyes, he shook out his hands again and smiled up at me. "I'll show you." I didn't understand what he meant by that, was he going to get his phone out and show me messages?

I knew for certain that Emily wasn't on any form of social media. Maybe he was a family friend? An alpha from another pack as a family friend? Highly unlikely. My mouth began to form words to question him more, but the women he was with got there first. She stalked up to me at lightning speed and put her hands on either side of my head. I couldn't even react, she was so fast. All of a sudden, my mind went blank and my vision was black. What the hell had they done to me?

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