Alpha Dominick Elio

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As soon as my feet touched the step into the pack house I had thirty people on my case. "What was the pack like?" "Do they really dance naked on a full moon?" "What are we doing for Halloween?" "Who do we call for the clogged toilet?" "Were there any cute she-wolves there?" My favourite part about being there was the last question. Malik followed me into my office and closed the door, "where's Elena?" Oh no, I hadn't taken him though the plan. I busied myself with the mountain of paperwork on my desk, "She's opting to stay to make sure the ceremony goes well." I lied. "Opted? That doesn't sound anything like Elena."

I sighed, getting to work on the list of new business plans, "yeah well, she had a change of heart." Malik crossed the office floor and stood leaning over my desk. "Why did you make her stay?" I places my pen down next to the plan I was going through and folded my hands on the desk. "She was needed there, we have plenty of witches here." He rolled his eyes and turned away from me, "We don't have her if she's over there do we asshole!" That was enough. I unfolded my hands and slammed them down, either side of my desk. "You have NO right coming in here and telling your alpha what he should and shouldn't do."

He took a step back, I continued, "I always do my job with the mindset of what's best for the pack. She doesn't even have to do anything. Her being there is going to make them see us as allies, with everything going on at the minute, we are going to need those allies." He looked down at his feet and back up at me, "I get that, I do... but it's Elena. You guys go way back." It was true, the witches and the wolves were at peace because of my dad's union with Hazel, it didn't make making friends easier. I was relentlessly bullied at the age of ten, simply for being the alphas son. People thought they could pick on me because it was supposed to toughen my exterior, instead it toughened my heart.

Elena had been the daughter of Hazel's closest friend, so naturally we spent a lot of time together growing up. She'd sometimes steal her mum's magic books and we'd practice spells in the woods. Every time we got caught, I don't know why, but I would always take the blame. I felt like it was my job to take the blame, to protect her... like I do with the whole pack. Malik was right, leaving her over in the Midnight Moon pack was risky, but I trusted Alpha Choal and because of that, I trusted Logan not to mess up. Part of me hoped that Elena and Emily would spend some time together, maybe speak about dream walking? I shook my head, it was foolish to imagine they'd ever become friends. Elena held too much hate against me.

When she turned sixteen she offered her virginity to me. I'd turned her down instantly. It was two months until the winter solstice and I'd turned eighteen that year, I would find my mate. Or, that's what I thought would happen, the night came and... nothing. Again, Elena had tried to offer herself to me, again I said no. She was heartbroken, I would sleep with anyone in the pack but her. In reality it was because I knew she wasn't my mate and I knew it would ruin our friendship. The friendship we'd spent years building. One night she turned up at the pack house in nothing but a coat and an underwear set made from white lace. That was the night I'd taken her. I hadn't been gentle, I'd been quick and relentless. I thought it would turn her off of me, instead it only intensified her feelings, the feelings I couldn't reciprocate.

I tried no end of times to get her to go out with Malik, Malik actually liked her. She was useful, but since that night, that's all she was. I couldn't even really see her as a friend anymore, not when she disregarded my feelings towards the situation. "Hello? Earth to alpha?" Malik was waving his hand in front of my face. I made a noise that sounded close to "what?" "I said, who is Emily?" My eyes snapped to his face, what the hell had he just said? He pointed down to the business plan I was marking, "Emily?" He reiterated. My hand had been busy as I'd been reminiscing, there, on the paper, was Emily's name written over and over again. The poor wanna-be hairdresser was going to have to make a new plan.

I shoved the papers to the side and put the pen down that I hadn't even realised I'd picked up. "Emily is a pack member from the pack I was at." A slow smile spread across his face, "does Alpha Dom have a crush on a little wolf from another pack?" He came to stand right next to me, throwing his arms around himself and making kissy noises. I shoved him away and he fell into my leather chair, still laughing. "It's none of your business!" I boomed. I could feel my face heating up. This caused him to topple over the chair and laugh into my carpet. "I swear to goddess if you don't stop I'll punch you, and if you get blood on my carpet I'll kill you." He wiped at his eyes, the tears still falling, "I'm sorry man, it's just... you never usually write some hookup's name repeatedly. My fists clenched, "she isn't a hookup, I haven't even had sex with her."

This stopped him cold. "You... you haven't?" I rolled my eyes and stood from my desk, pacing the carpet in front of my fireplace. "No, I haven't. I accidentally entered her dream one night, but she was awake." Malik through his hand over his mouth in shock, "her dream? No? You didn't enter her dream did you? Oh goddess above the dream walker entered a dream." I didn't appreciate his mocking. I glared at him, he threw his hands up in the air, "okay you know that I have no idea how the dream world stuff works, you're going to have to be specific." I put my head in my hands, "she's not meant to be awake, she's meant to be asleep when I enter... she's special." This caught his attention, "so she's like you? She can do the pervy dream walk thing?" "She's got the ability to, yes. For some reason, I don't even know Malik, okay? There's just something about her..." He started smiling again, "get out! I come to you in confidence and you laugh at me, get out."  I ordered him. He overemphasized his laugh all the way to the door. Asshole.

It was dark outside, I'd been so busy after Malik had left me alone, but all of the work was now done, that would mean that most of my alpha time could be spent finding Emily's parents. I was just about to switch off my lamp when I felt a sharp pain in my head. I gripped onto the sides of my head and headed to my leather chair, what the hell? I thought of all the possibilities before coming to the conclusion I hadn't wanted to... as alphas, we have a connection, it's faint, but it links us all together as a gift from the moon goddess. We can't mindlink, or do anything useful, but we should instantly know when we are in the presence of another alpha from the same continent.

If I was feeling this, so were the other seven. Alpha Choal's connection was fading, and a new one was being formed... a connection to Alpha Logan of the Midnight Moon pack.

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