Dom - Dream Trainer

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"What do you mean you have to do this?" Elena asked, she wasn't angry like I thought she would be, oh no, she was furious.How could I defuse the situation, but still get what I wanted? There was no telling with a witch, I tried anyway. "Listen, it's for one night." They could really do with her at the minute, "if there's one person I trust to get the job done, it's you." It was the day of the alpha ceremony. I'd put off telling her all night, I knew she wasn't going to be overjoyed by the news, but I also knew that if anything was to happen to this pack... Emily was here. She wouldn't leave even if I'd asked her too. She cared for Logan, I knew that.

"You know I could just say No and go home to the coven, right?" Elena told me, hands on her hips. I could tell her frustration was starting to subside by now. "You could, but then what good would it do you, being back at the coven where your every move is controlled?" She went to open her mouth and closed it again. I'd won. She stormed off, only stopping to remind me "If anything happens to me while I'm away from the coven... they'll kill you, alpha or no alpha." I nodded at her, I knew they would. The witches might be integrated into my pack, but if anything was to happen to one of them because of direct orders from me? They'd be looking for a new alpha the week after.

I let out a breath, my energy had been spent the past few days, I had no idea how I would even drive home at this rate. My thoughts turned to Emily, I'd visited her again last night, it was brief, she'd been upset. I could tell that she had an issue with Lyla, and after seeing what I'd seen in Logan's dreams, I understood why. Logan had been close to Lyla, but now he had something else to focus on and she needed to understand that. I'd told her that she probably wouldn't see him until after the ceremony, she was worried that he would be different, I couldn't lie to her, we all were. Instead, I told her the best thing that we could hope for, that he would be exactly what his pack needed him to be. All of the alphas had to change in some way to suit what their pack needed, Peter's pack had hated him. Alpha Choal had helped with his popularity, but in the end, his pack had to accept him of their own free will.

Being alpha was a birthright for many, but that didn't mean that someone couldn't overthrow you at any moment. If the pack didn't accept you, it made that possibility more likely. Luckily for Logan, he'd have Elena around if things didn't go according to plan. Just before I'd left Emily, we'd completed another round of training. She was already so good at manifestation of small objects, especially the kind she could use to get me back for the lion. One minute I had my eyes closed, helping her try to create small objects, the next there was a water balloon falling on my head. She'd laughed so hard at it, she ended up falling off of the bed and that ultimately stated me laughing.

I didn't tell her about going away, I didn't know how to tell her. The last time I'd left for a few days and so much had happened in her life... I shivered at the memory of her burnt down house. I also couldn't tell her where I was going and I didn't want to have to lie to her, she'd be happy enough when I could find her parents. So now, here I was stood, packing my bag, updating Elena on the plan and hoping to goddess that nothing would happen. "You really think she'll appreciate that you've got me here watching her? You don't think she'll believe that you don't think she can take care of herself" Elena was complaining. "You don't think I've already thought of all of this!" I shouted. "She's special, I know you don't like it, but even you can feel that. Not only is she special, she'll be useful in finding the rogues if she can harness it." She rolled her eyes at me and looked towards the doorway. "Do you have to leave?" I stopped packing away my toiletries and looked up at her, "I made Alpha Choal a promise..." She walked around the bed and put her hand on my shoulder, "You know how tonight will end, you are held to no promises." She said solemnly. I picked off her hand from my shoulder, like a piece of stray lint. "I am nothing if I am not a man of my word."

I walked toward the study where all of the alphas were preparing to leave, Logan was standing there with his father. "It's been less than a pleasure meeting you Logan," I looked towards Alpha Choal, "but hopefully in the future that will change." He nodded and stretched out his hand, I took it firmly and gave it a shake. "Find them. They know who is behind all of this." Logan instructed me. I'd certainly try my best, there was no telling what they'd already been through, if they were still alive. Luckily for everyone, I knew exactly where to begin. I drove slowly to the remains of Emily's house, it was late morning and I was anxious about going back. If it was the rogues, who would they be working with? How did they even know that the Russell's were tracking them? Forget the pack's precious information, I hoped for Emily's sake that her parents were still alive.

I parked up in the same place I was the last time I was here. This time I knew what I was doing, what I was looking for. Elena had worked her magic and found me something to trace, I was looking for something that resembled a list of names. The door was still hanging off of its hinges, it looked as if some kids had been in and ruined whatever was left of the place. Spray paint decorated the walls, written in red were curse words and any of the other colours were markings and lines. If I was being honest, it looked almost as if someone had given a toddler paint for the first time. Any furniture that was somewhat intact was completely demolished by now, it was hard to believe this had been a few days.

I pushed through the house and worked my way to her parents bedroom, I was turning over every pot of charred paper I could find. There had to be something here. I know this is what I needed to do for the Midnight Moon pack, but it felt weird being here, knowing that the girl I'd gotten used to seeing in my dreams was real and that her family were probably being tortured for information somewhere. I made it to the room and cracked open the door, this one was worse than most, it looked as if someone had ransacked the place. If I was a list where would I be? I checked in all the drawers, I checked in the wardrobe and under the bed, I even went through the melted leather jewellery box... nothing.

I was just about to leave when something stuck out to me, there was a little book case in the corner of the room. With a book I'd seen before, it was a replica of the one Emily had picked up in the pack house library, something about mystical beings or something. I took it from the shelf and wiped off the soot from the cover, I opened the book to the page that was divided with a bookmark. Wait... that wasn't a bookmark. That was a handwritten written list.

Halved melon

This can't be it? This was just a shopping list? Maybe one of her parents had been too busy to get a bookmark and used this instead? I closed the book and shoved it under my arm. I'd have to ask the coven about this.

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