Emily - Part Six

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Thank the moon goddess that I didn't live far from the bakery, It was a blessing and a curse. I made it home in record time. I ate the fried vegetables that my parents had made for dinner, grabbed my stolen cookies and lay down on my bed. I was still in my clothes, I hadn't thought to take them off, I just wanted to get to sleep before the next phase of the Yen hit. I hadn't heard from Whitt since she'd left the bakery. My guess was that she was caught up with whoever it was she was seeing. I was her best friend, I can't believe she hadn't told me yet!

My eyes started to close as sleep washed over my body, the sleep sensation felt like a warm duvet cocooning me. Next thing I knew, the sleep duvet had been pulled from my body and there, in my room, at the foot of the bed, stood a man. I shot up in bed, suddenly alert. "How... how did you get in here?" I stumbled over my words. His velvety voice drifted through my ears as he replied, "Is that really how you greet the best thing in your life?" His smug smile made me choke on my breath. What? "Calm down," he laughed, sitting in the end of my bed, "you're asleep anyway, I'm not really here." His face told me he wishes he could be. "Okay so I'm asleep?" I questioned. He looked up at me under his lashes, just so I couldn't quite see his eyes, "Yes." Okay next line of questioning, even though I still didn't quite believe him. "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"My my, we are full of questions tonight" he grinned. I huffed. "Get out, you aren't answering my questions," instead of leaving, he moved closer to me on the bed. "I don't know you," I tried again. His eyes took on a wicked sheen, "Mhm, but you want to, don't you?" His smile sent heat waves shooting through my body. He was crawling up the bed towards me now, his muscles contracting with every move of his arms. I could see the muscles in his back tensing up as he got closer, I wanted to shout at him to go away, I wanted to tell him I wasn't interested. My body however, betrayed me.

"I can smell your want, I know how wet you are getting for me right now" He growled. In that moment, as I looked into his eyes, I saw a flash of purple. "Who are you?" I asked nervously again, he was so close now that I could feel his breath on my chest. My own breathing hitched as his breath traveled over my breasts, almost like it had a mind of its own. Now that he was closer to me, I could see that his eyes were the deepest shade of blue imaginable, his hair was black and his face looked chiselled by the gods. The heat inside my core began the thump as his hand lifted up to trace the line of my jaw.

"My name, little varg, is Dominick. But you will call me Dom." I shivered as his hands went to cup the back of my head and draw me closer. His eyes flashed purple again, his lips were a breath away from mine. Was I really about to let this happen? He stopped, looking at me intensely, "Destiny can't be held back by doors, little varg." I took in a deep breath, I wasn't sure what to do. My body told me I wanted him, just a few more centimetres and I could-

I woke up, shivering. My duvet was on the floor at the bottom of my bed and my mattress was soaked in sweat again. Whitt's glass of water from the night before was still sat on my night stand... did she ever tell me when she'd fetched that? I was overthinking at this point. I was clearly overthinking. I got up and checked the time on my phone. It was eight in the morning. I'd slept through the whole evening. At least I'd managed to skip out on dealing with the heat last night. I thought back to my dream... had I?

I got into the shower and washed away all of thoughts and feelings from the night before. Dom. The name sounded weird on my lips but it was still haunting my thoughts. I got dry and sat down with a book for the rest of the day. I thought I'd tested my luck enough with going out during the Yen, if these dreams were the cause of being around other wolves, I definitely didn't want to create any more. A self-care day inside was a great idea. I quickly messaged Whitt to see how she got on last night, I wanted to tell her about Dom but after her reaction last time, I want too sure. I wasn't even sure if it was the same person.

Whitt replied within minutes and I called her up straight away. We spoke about her evening and how much sex she'd been having, it didn't make me uncomfortable, but I was always aware that I had no idea what she was talking about. I'd obviously relieved myself more often than not, - thoughts of Logan and his hungry eyes came back to me- I shoved them away. I didn't need a partner wolf, I was happy, I didn't need sex. You're lying to yourself and you know it. My wolf purred into my mind. Would I ever catch a break? "So what did you get up to? Any wolf you need to spill your guts about?" I looked at the phone disgusted before I realised she couldn't see me. "Absolutely not." I lied. I just didn't know which one I was lying about.

This was going to get pretty confusing and fast. I didn't even like Logan. He was just always there in my head for no reason what-so-ever, and this strange wolf from my dreams wasn't even real. I decided not to tell her at all, it was probably for the best. "You know Em, if you gave it a try, you never know... maybe it would make the heat easier on you?" She was concerned for me, I knew she was, I could hear it in her voice. "Honestly, I'm fine Whitt, the more time I've spent indoors today, the better I have felt." It wasn't all a lie, being inside was a lot better for me, the heat hadn't hit me too hard and when it did, I'd just use my shower head. For some reason I felt less satisfied than usual, but I wasn't about to give those kinds of details to Whitt.

We spoke for a little longer, told each other goodbye and hung up. It was night time again by the time I'd finished my book. I felt like I'd done nothing all day, a feeling of restlessness was starting to creep up my spine. Part of me hoped sleep would come quickly tonight, part of me hoped it wouldn't. Instead I bit the bullet, grabbed my running shoes and with one last look at my door, heading into the night. It was quiet at this time anyway and I wouldn't run far. What could possibly go wrong?

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