Emily - Part Ten

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I'd waited until after Whitt had left to call Barney. We had a quick conversation and then I asked him "Hey do you think you could do me a favour?" Barney sounded busy in the kitchen on the other end of the phone, it seemed like the perfect time to ask. He wouldn't have time to question me. "Depends what it is," he said with suspicion coating his voice. "And before you ask, no you can't have any more cookies for free, I have to actually sell to customers you know." I laughed, "it's nothing like that, I have a leather jacket here and Whitt found it, I told her it was yours."

The phone went silent. "Leather jacket Em? I didn't think that was your style..." he remarked. "It's not." I countered, playing with the the zip on the jacket. I'd moved it to my bed, I didn't think Dom deserved his jacket being thrown around my room regardless. "Whose is it?" He encouraged. I sighed, "you're going to think I'm crazy..." I took a big breath of air before rambling out about Dom. Barney listened to everything I was saying, only interjecting to ask more questions every now and then. "And now I have his jacket in my room and I know I'm going to see him tonight so I can ask him about it, but I have no idea what's going on and I don't even understand myself." I finished.

It was still quiet on the other side of the phone for a few minutes. "Yes" came his reply. Yes? Yes to what? "Yes... you sound absolutely crazy, but yes I will say the jacket is mine if she asks, just while you sort yourself out." I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Thank you! I owe you some on my mums risotto an-" "-but," he interacted "Why haven't you told Whitt?" I folded in on myself on the bed. "She's been keeping secrets... I don't know if I can trust her right now." I felt deflated, actually telling someone made me feel like a terrible friend.

"You mean the fact that she disappears to her rendezvous?" He prompted. "It's not just that," I was quick to defend myself, it wasn't just that... "she's been prying a lot into my business and it just feels weird." "Maybe she's just not coping the best this Yen?" He huffed, "heaven knows we are all struggling for some reason." I let out a short choked laugh. Yeah, tell me about it. "I need to go Em, I've got customers coming in placing big orders for the alpha ceremony next week." Next week! I completely forgot that was happening. I was so caught up with Logan that I didn't even think about the fact that he was becoming the alpha!

How could I ever forget, it was the whole reason I wanted to leave in the first place. Did I want to leave now? "Okay Barney, thanks for covering for me. And I guess you're right about Whitt, I'm sure everything will go back to normal after Yen." We hung up the phone and he went to take his orders. I didn't have anything else to do anymore, talking to Barney was a great distraction, but now I just felt empty. Let's face it, I just couldn't stop thinking about Logan. I skipped dinner that night, I wasn't really feeling having an awkward dinner with my parents after Logan's stunt at lunch.

I didn't even know what I'd talk to them about... they'd just be asking questions about why the future alpha was coming to see me. Questions I couldn't exactly answer. Did I even know why? He hadn't actually told me why he'd been here at all, he was just talking about wanting me. That could very well be the Yen taking its course. Maybe the fact that we got caught together in the first heat, made it hard to want anything else?

I looked at the time on my clock, it was currently just after eight. I needed to talk to Dom tonight. For once I was actually hoping that he would be here. I wondered how I'd give him his jacket back if it was just a dream? These were things I desperately needed answers too. I looked over at my usual pyjamas sat on my desk, now that I knew he was going to be here, should I be making more of an effort?

I rushed to look through my wardrobe and found a blue silk set, was this too much? Probably. I moved a few hangers until I came across my cotton night shirt. Perfect! Not enough effort to make him think I was interested, but just enough that I wouldn't feel self conscious compared to his hulking form. I got under my duvet and let my eyes close, for the first time in days I was actually excited to go to sleep. My mind was racing with all of the questions I would ask and the possibility of learning what was going on with this dream walking stuff. My vision got blurred around the edges, my eyes closed.

I was awake. I swear hours had passed and I was still lay there on my bed and still alone. Why couldn't I sleep? I think the excitement of finally getting answers was getting to me. I needed to completely shut off my mind and not think about anything. Images of Logan on my bed kept drifting in and out of my thoughts... my hand found its way down to my thigh and I started to draw circles along the top of my leg. It made me feel calm, it relaxed me. Thinking of Logan made me feel things, things I'd never even felt before and drawing shapes on my thigh certainly reminded me of the events earlier. I let out a moan, thinking of the way he had commanded my lips and kissed up my thighs.

I was just about to feel how wet I had made myself, when a low chuckle came from the chair in the corner of my room. "What're you doing under there, little varg?"

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