Emily & Logan - Part Three

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{Just a quick author note to explain that the next chapter contains scenes of a very sexual nature. Please continue at your own risk! This is a mature book and there will be scenes like this through out! Thank you.}


I felt awkward. Why did we have to come to this thing? The red dress that Whitt had picked out for me was beautiful, but it would ride up my thighs as soon as moved an inch. We were quickly ushered to one of the tables nearer to the front of the room, great, now I'd get to see more of Mr pretentious. I looked over to my mum and dad who were sat down next to each other, they were looking around the pack house hall like it was a palace. It made no sense to me, why should one family get all of this and yet there were rogues living on the edges of the boarder with little than a shirt to their name. It just didn't seem fair. Though, if I was living in the pack house and had been raised this way for the whole of my life, I'd probably think differently too.

Maybe it with the glass of wine I had downed while I was walking to the table, or maybe it was the thought that I was in the most secure house in the pack... something made me feel safe about being here. I shook off the thought and returned to looking at my parents when suddenly, everyone started to stand. I quickly tried to get out of my chair, whilst keeping my dress below my ass. This was no easy feat. Alpha Choal stood and addressed the pack.

Logan James Fenton, son of the alpha, successor of the pack.

Oh boy, here comes Mr pretentious. people started to move out of the way as a body in a black suit made its way through the congregation of people. I couldn't see his face but I knew it was him, the way the women all rushed to get a feel of his biceps as he passed... it was inappropriate and unnecessary and I bet he loved it. He finally broke out of the last line of tables and headed towards his seat. The suit was as black as onyx and as slim as you could get, whilst still leaving some things to the imagination. Thank the moon goddess for that. His shoes were polished to perfection and his short hair was flicked to the side.

The way he held himself as he walked towards the Alpha was that of pride. He didn't show any emotion on his face, but he was probably beaming inside. Once he was at the table, he turned to look at the pack, before he did his eyes locked with mine. Did he even remember who I was? I know it was only earlier today but he'd certainly had enough women around him... Insignificant Emily was easy to forget. His eyes travelled down my legs and I saw a flicker of something pass his eyes before we all sat back down. Maybe I was seeing things. I shook off the thought and turned back to my parents joining in on their trivial conversation about the house. What a strange start to the night.

Two meals had already come and gone, I was stuffed, I had no idea how people could continue to eat dessert. I stopped drinking wine in favour of water, its not like I was a drinker anyway. Every now and then I would see Logan looking towards my table and speaking to his father, I wondered what they could be discussing, probably how rude I was to him earlier, maybe I should apologise? A red head was standing over the alphas table, leaning as close to Logan as physically possible. It's baffled me how the table could take the weight of those plastic implants and still stay standing, add Logan's massive... ego to the mix and you have to wonder how the foundations had stayed so strong.

I looked around the room, I was feeling strange, I had only had one glass of wine, maybe someone had spiked my drink? My emotions were all over the place and my head was starting to throb. I poured some of the water out of my glass and dabbed it to my chest hoping to stop the warmth radiating from my skin. On the last dab a drop of water fell from the napkin and landed on my thigh. It was a short lived cool relief, I watched as the droplet ran slowly down my thigh and my whole body exploded with feeling.

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