Emily - Part Eighteen

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The bath had been exactly what I'd needed before going out, I decided to run a bath because it took more time away from the amount of time I'd have to spend around Logan's ex. I'd already put an escape plan in place though, Whitt had messaged me earlier that morning wanting to meet up, my plan had changed since then, but it didn't mean the company had to. I looked outside the massive windows that stretched the size of my room. The rain was pouring, outside it was dark, dreary and wet. Perfect autumn weather. My outfit was perfect, that was thanks to Misty and her beautiful wardrobe. I had a white wool jumper and blue jeans, I left my hair down after drying it, there was no point making too much of an effort. Besides, it would drench me anyway.

Lyla was waiting just outside the pack house, walking through had been strange, usually during the day it was busy with the hustle and bustle of important people and business associates of the pack. Today it was empty, everyone was busy making and preparing things for Logan's alpha ceremony tomorrow. I wanted to see him, I wanted to wish him good luck with whatever it was he was doing, but he'd just disappeared earlier and I hadn't seen him since. I wondered if I would see him at all before the ceremony... we took Lyla's car into town, it was too wet to walk, even though I really could've done with the fresh air. It had been the first time in days I'd even been outside.

The air filling up my lungs was sharp and cold, I kind of liked it actually. It meant that my favourite session was just around the corner, sweater weather and soup and cozy nights by the fire. My heart sank as I thought of the fire. I guess I wouldn't be having that anymore, it sank even further when I thought about the fact that I still hadn't heard anything from my parents... Logan was telling me they were fine and that the pack would know, but now, even I was questioning the truth in that. I didn't think he'd lie to me purposely, but I didn't think I'd be the type of girl to like being told what to do either. Thoughts of Dom crossed my mind, thoughts of the blank rope and the way his lips had felt brushing against mine... I shoved the thought to the back of my mind.

I couldn't be here with Logan's ex, thinking about another alpha... even the word 'Alpha', when thinking of Dom had a whole different feel to it. Lyla pulled outside the coffee shop, it was called 'Cozy Cup' and the interior definitely matched the name. Right of cue, Whitt walked into the shop right in front of us, she had her black hair down as usual, and her outfit was just as cozy as mine. I hadn't realised how much I had actually missed being around my best friend up until now. I unbuckled my seatbelt and we made our way in. The drive over had been quiet, we didn't really have much to say and I think Lyla really just wanted to get some coffee before making any kind of actual conversation.

We had ordered our drinks and I spotted Whitt at the end of the collection counter. I was about to call her over when Lyla turned to me, "So how long have you known Logan?" That certainly took me off guard. "Um, my whole life I suppose, but we've only really spoken recently." She hummed as she took the information in, "and would you say you were close?" I thought about it, were we? I thought back to what had happened in the bath, yeah it was hot and yeah we'd had a few make out sessions, but did I even know that much about him? I definitely couldn't tell her what he did in his spare time. Though I had no doubt she already knew that. "Kind of, I suppose, but like I said, we've only just started talking."

"HEY!" Whitt shouted at me from across the room, "I've been waiting in here for hours" I rolled my eyes at her as she made her way over. "No you haven't, I literally saw you walked in like 3 minutes ago..." "uh yeah duh? Hours." I laughed, she laughed, the only person not laughing was Lyla. "Oh how rude of me!" I exclaimed, "this is Whitt she's my best friend, she'd messaged me asking to meet today and after you invited me out, I thought we could all go." I sent her a cheery smile to lighten the blow. "I really do need to talk to you privately though... it's important." Lyla said, grinning at Whitt but catching me with her eyes.

We went and grabbed a seat near the window, luckily there were four chairs for us to choose from. The server bought over our coffee and I thanked him politely. I'd decided on a caramel macchiato, it was cold out and I felt like I needed the extra sugar to keep my body extra warm. "Whitt this is Lyla," I introduced them, "she's Logan's ex." Whitt almost spat out her drink. "She's what?!" Lyla smiled sheepishly, "my official title is actually Luna of The Solar pack. But I guess whatever makes you feel comfortable." My mouth gaped open. I'd never even heard of 'The Solar pack', then again, I hadn't really heard of most of the packs that were currently residing in Logan's house.

The coffee date actually turned out to be better than I thought, we had a genuinely nice conversation and I started to realise that this woman was more than just 'Logan's ex'. She had a life of her own, she had a family of her own too. I'd started to regret that way I'd been towards her and hoped for the first time today, that when we spoke about Logan, it would be as pleasant as this conversation was going. She drove us back to the pack house, first, we stopped to drop Whitt off on the way. She'd spoken about the guy she was seeing over Yen. Apparently it hadn't lasted any longer than that and as soon as we'd all stopped feeling the urge to rip off each other's clothes, the urge to have him around ended there too.

I'd been so engrossed in my life and in worrying about my parents that I hadn't even noticed that for the past day, I'd felt completely fine. I asked her why she hadn't been around much, she said she hadn't been feeling well and I suppose with what I was going through at the moment, we were all allowed 'off' days. I was glad that the Yen was over, It was a welcome relief not to have to think about being careful around Logan anymore. It was also a relief that whatever Dom teased me, either in real life, or in my dream, it no longer held any weight. I'd be completely fine now, right? Lyla stopped the car in the garage and turned to me suddenly, "Logan is going to be a different person when he's made alpha." What? That had come from nowhere.

"What do you mean... different..." I asked her, apprehensive of her answer. "Not only is he doing to be faster and stronger, he's going to be dominant. You need to be careful." What was she talking about careful? And why did I have to be careful! "Being with an alpha... it's a lot of work. It's a lot to take in. I want to be there for you, I know we haven't gotten off on the right foot. But I want to help you." I got out of the car and slammed the door behind me. She got out after me and followed me into the pack house. I stopped. "Has all of this, today, has it all been some plot just to get me away from Logan?" She looked as if I'd just slapped her. "Of course not! I'm trying to help." Her pleading fell on deaf ears. "Because from where I'm standing it looks like you couldn't have Alpha Logan because of the mating bond and now you don't want him to be happy with anyone else either." I walked off and she let me go.

I don't know why I'd over reacted, I knew I had. I missed Logan, I hadn't seen him all day and the alpha ceremony was tomorrow. Deep down inside, deep, deep down inside. I knew he would be different. I just wasn't ready to give up the Logan I knew. It was almost like we'd shared a secret together and now everyone would know him, they'd know 'Alpha Logan' and I would be no one again.

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