Dom - The Alpha of Dawn

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She blinked up at me, what? "How are you, with being tied up?" I remembered seeing the leather worn ties on her bed in her old room, I had certainly contemplated them a few times, I had honestly thought she had some kind of kink, but now I wasn't too sure. "I can get out of any tie." She sounded confident. Oh is that so? She was sitting in the middle of her bed, I rolled off and stood at the end where there was a lion moments before. "I need you to lay down," I instructed her. She was playing with her hands, she seemed nervous. "I need you to lay down please?" I tried again. She rolled her eyes at me and shot daggers at my face. Maybe she was still sore about the lion? Though it had been fun to watch her reaction as her words, quite literally, became reality.

I crawled onto the bed in front of her, "Remember what I told you? I won't ever do anything without your permission to do so. I'm not into that." She looked down at her hands and nodded. "Is it necessary?" It certainly would be if she could do what I thought she could. "I'll trust you, on one condition" she told me. Okay I suppose it was okay for the lady to be making demands when I'd literally be tying her down. I nodded. "I want you to answer all of my questions." I looked at her, she was deadly serious. "I will do it to the best of my ability." She tapped her finger against her chin, mocking her thought process, before she propped herself against the headboard.

"Why are you here?" Nice and easy. "I'm helping your pack with doing something." She waited, before encouraging me to continue, "to do what?" I thought of Logan, of the way he had been about her parents. I don't understand why he didn't tell her yet, we hadn't had the alpha meeting yet, I couldn't be sure of what I could even say. Was it my place to break the trust she so clearly had with him? This wasn't such an easy question. "Well, considering the fact that someone was late today we don't actually know... the meeting has been pushed back to tomorrow." I thought I'd handled that question pretty well, all things considered. Her voice was small as she asked me the next one, "How are you here? How are you real?" I closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on my manifestation. "I'm here the same way you are Emily, I was born, I was... somewhat 'raised' and now I'm needed for your pack because of my abilities." I couldn't see her, but I heard her shuffling around as a thick black rope appeared in my mind. "The fact that you can dream walk? I didn't think anyone knew about that?"

This stumped me slightly, I wasn't sure how much I could say without getting into even more trouble. "Alpha Choal does, all of the alpha's do. It's a skill I have to use often." I imagined feeling the rope in my hands, how all of the strands would feel individually, how the thick material would feel as they all loop and knot together... I felt something brush my cheek and my eyes snapped open. She was face to face with me, her hand running over my cheek. "You look so exquisite when you are concentrating like that." I took her hand from my cheek and carefully bought it next to her right one, in front of her body. "Do you trust me enough yet?" I baited her. "Do I have a choice?" she asked back, her voice was covered in need. I grabbed hold of her wrists and quickly made a knot, tying them together, I didn't even need to look at what I was doing. I knew this one well enough already. I brought them up to her face so that she could see.

She gasped. "Where did you get the rope?" "You clearly are not getting the point of this exercise" My face was an inch from hers as I held her bound hands above her head. I was mocking her, I needed her to have the same fire I'd seen over and over again for this to work. "You need to close this.." I teased her, brushing my top lip against her bottom one. She shivered and her legs almost gave out at the slight contact, I held her steady with the rope. My lips looped round to travel all the way up her face, "and you need to start using this." I kissed her forehead, she sighed against me. I would never get tired of hearing that. "Understand?" I asked her, I was pleased beyond measure when instead of opening her mouth, she nodded once.

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