Unknown - The Cave

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As I looked at the table of medical instruments before me, my mind was reeling at the possibilities. The two figures chained against the back wall were hanging low, "get up!" I shouted to them. They weren't listening, I took the whip from its holder on the wall, "I said, get up!" The whip slashed across the front of their bodies causing the woman to cry out. The man beside her tried to reach for her, leaning his head so that I could see the tears in his eyes. Yes. That's exactly what we needed. "So you don't like it when I hurt your mate?" His eyes locked onto mine. If looks could kill, I'd be dead by now. "You touch her once more and I'll..." he was shouting, I laughed a cold, bitter laugh. "You'll what? You're hanging like a puppet. There's nothing you can do. Do you not understand?" He caught against his chains, the wall slightly crumbling around the steel attachments. I scrambled back as he screamed out in pain. He was trying to break his wrists.

A force of wind from behind me blew him back against the wall. He struggled and he was stuck to the wall like a fly in tape. "You're a fool." I'd never seen the woman the voice belonged to. Whenever she came to the cave she was dressed in a thick black cape like material. "All you had to do was keep them quiet in here until they can tell us who they've told." I moved to the side, letting the cloaked woman walk past. She walked up to the man and brushed her claw like fingers against his forehead. "Clever witches in the Dawn coven, putting your mind on a mental block. It might take some time to get through, but we'll be sure to crack it eventually." He went to bite the finger she'd touched him with, "we should really put a muzzle on this dog." The woman next to him had grown still, unmoving.

"Hey!" I shouted. "No sleeping during the night. You know the rules." I threw one of the knives I'd taken from the combat arena and it landed in her shoulder. She cried out in pain, the man next to her started to rattle against his wall chains again. "Tut tut tut," the mysterious woman whispered, her hands moving in the air as stone started to surround the wall around his wrists. "We can't have you thinking you're strong enough to get out now can we." He gritted his teeth as the rocks closed around his hands and metal guards appeared on both of their mouths. "Now," she said, turning her body to me, "you know exactly what we are looking for, you know exactly where it is." I nodded, confirming her statements. I felt suffocated as grey smoke left her fingertips and made its way down my throat. "Why haven't you completed your mission yet?" She seethed, throwing me against the wall. "The only reason we have to keep these fools," she spat, "is because they can inform everyone that you are working with us and the whole mission would be compromised!"

I couldn't speak. She'd shut off my airways. I was gasping for air. She stopped. The smoke instantly disappeared from my body. "I'm trying," I choked out. "There's been some complications." She stalked towards me, "what kind of complications?" I huddled back against the wall, lowering my eyes, "they aren't in the pack anymore.There was a phone call earlier, I was told they weren't coming back yet." The witch hissed at me. "Halloween is two days away. We need to have the missing link. How will we ever destroy the moon goddess without it? It needs to be done before Halloween. Before the wolves are at their strongest." I didn't want to tell her about the other slight problem I was currently having... about my stalker. "It will be done," I was almost nervous to ask her the next question in my list, "how is she?" I could hardly see her, but I know she didn't like letting me know what was going on with their prisoner. "Fine. Alive." was all the response I got, at least she was alive, that would have to do, I could keep hoping.

She walked towards the light at the front of the cave, planning her exit. "If you need to use other means, do it. If we need to use the alpha as a bargaining tool, as bait... do it." I hoped to the goddess that they would be back soon, I didn't want anything to happen to Alpha Logan. Nothing needed to happen to him. I might not like the company he'd been keeping, but we'd always been close. Until recently it seemed. "I'll create an incident. They'll have to come back." She disappeared but her words were left echoing in the cave. "Make it happen, or we will find someone capable." Now the biggest question was, how did I do that without my stalker following me?

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